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Spielberg talks "Raiders" DVD (1 Viewer)

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
Would you or anyone else not buy the Star Wars movies if you could only get them together in a set? Inspite of there being one or two of the films that are kinda weak?
I'd certainly buy the Star Wars films if they only came in a boxed set, but I can't speak for anyone else. I'm sure there's many people that would skip the set if they had to buy Episode I and/or Episode II. Fortuneately, Lucas is going the seperate releases routes, so it isn't an issue.
I've got to say, Luis, I'm enjoying this friendly debate. Thanks for keeping things civil:emoji_thumbsup:


Supporting Actor
Jul 26, 2001
One comment in comparing SW:OT vs. Indy trilogy. Star Wars is more of a complete trilogy with loose ties to each episode. From my perspective, episode one could stand alone but if you get into Empire, you need to buy Jedi to find out what happens at the end. Of course, for the prequels, I can't imagine not having them all....moot point though.

IMHO, the each Indy movie is just one story in his life and really doesn't have that common storyline through the three movies. I consider the Indy movies are all stand alone movies and can appreciate those who want individual releases. I'm on the fence WRT a boxed set: loved Raiders and Crusade for different reasons, Temple was a bit unnerving with the heart gouging scenes. If it only came in a boxed set, I'd probably still buy it.

Bring it on, I'm patient. Just don't change them!


Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Hey no problem Adam,civil debate is what it should always be :D I mean after all opinions may vary but our love for movies is what its all about! :) But that's exactly what I thought,it certainly wouldn't stop you or I from buying the box to have all six movies.If that were in fact our only option.I still feel while Lucas may be releasing the movies individually,well have to upgrade and buy the box for some exclusive content when all is said and done.In fact Id almost bet money on it. I feel Indy,BTTF and Godfather, all get kinda weak by the third movie but who am I to break up cinema history? It just feels wrong to not have them all :)Releasing them separately just seems pointless.Transfers are ready,theres plenty of supplementary material out there,all you got to do is put it together in a nice package and boom! DVD nirvana! The sole purpose of delaying a complete release is to tie in to part 4. Id bet money on that too ;) Which in my opinion is pretty stupid,who doesn't know Indy?!?! He needs hype about as much as the next Star Wars.Hes probably one of the most iconic heros of film,hands down.As Bob said there love for each film for different reasons.We may have a favorite but we'd buy them all if we had to!I can see what your saying Bob with regards to the two trilogies. Although Star Wars is SUPPOSED to be one big story(so-so job so far...) Indy does reference his other adventures I believe.Its in Last Crusade.Tongue in cheek but hey its something :D
(Damn that was a longer post than I wanted :) )
Luis S


Second Unit
Jun 22, 2001
Real Name
From DVDFile:
Am I the only one who would rather buy one big set than have to buy each flick one at a time, then rebuy 'em all later?
So many people are taking this stance, yet when picking studio and DVD of the year, New Line and LOTR come out on top. Doesn't make sense to me. I'm talking about buying and re-buying the movie, not the trilogy.

John Simon

Second Unit
Feb 6, 2001
The difference with New Line and Lord of the Rings is that New Line made it very well-known that an expanded edition would be available soon. They also seperated the releases by only a couple months so that it wasn't that difficult for consumers to hold off purchasing a expanded edition if they wanted to. Not to mention the fact that with the busy post-production schedule of the filmmakers, more time was understandable in order to complete an extra-special edition.

With the Indy movies, on the other hand, I HIGHLY doubt they'll announce plans to re-release the films in a box set a year down the line. They'll simply market it as the first chance to own Raiders on DVD. And when you consider the 21 years since the film came out, I doubt it would take that long so put together extras for all three films. Releasing these films at intervals, followed by a boxset release, is nothing more than an attempt to milk consumers. Otherwise, they'd offer the films in a boxset and seperately on the same date.

Dave H

Senior HTF Member
Aug 13, 2000
According to Digital Bits:

"Well... director Steven Spielberg' is dropping more Indy DVD hints again. This time, he suggested to Variety that the release of Indy 4 to theaters would be "synchronized" to the release of the first three films on DVD. The article further mentions 2005 as the theatrical release year for Indy 4. So the idea seems to be that Raiders hits DVD in 2003, Temple of Doom arrives on disc in 2004 and Last Crusade shows up in early 2005, just before the new film hits theaters. This would be supported by previous Spielberg comments about the first film arriving on DVD next year. Keep your fingers crossed..."

So, from the sounds of it, we are more likely to see them released one at a time, which is fine with me.

Qui-Gon John

Senior HTF Member
Oct 2, 2000
Real Name
John Co
Well if they do that, there will probably be a box set out the same time Last Crusade hits. But I'm not crazy about the delay. Glad I went ahead and got the non-anamorphic DVD set I did right now, it will hold me over until the anamorphic releases come out.

Ray H

Senior HTF Member
Jun 13, 2002
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This is good news, though I wish the last two would come out a bit sooner. Hopefully the news of Raiders in 2003 is true. It'd be awesome to have at least one of these in less than a year.


Senior HTF Member
Dec 23, 2002
Sydney, Australia
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Justin Cleveland
I am in the Box Set camp... do them once, do them right, and if the plans for an Indy IV go through, then release that separately... because I'm fairly certain that, at this point, I would not want to add it to my collection.

Joel Vardy

Supporting Actor
Oct 20, 1998
Though admittedly a very entertaining set of movies (especially Raiders) Spielberg himself describes these movies as a "B-class" of titles. Meanwhile, his "A-class" masterpiece, Schindler's List, is still not announced nor even rumors about a target date discussed by the Spielberg camp -- though around 2001 a projected 2002 release was 'all but certain'.


Jeff Jacobson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 24, 2001
Well there must be, I got it off some website after doing numerous searches. Pretty decent for non-anamorphic.
There was a thread in the Regional DVD area about pirated Indy DVDs. IIRC, in that thread they said that there were no DVDs of any of the Indy movies except for pirated versions (which were copied from LD).

Dave H

Senior HTF Member
Aug 13, 2000
Well there must be, I got it off some website after doing numerous searches. Pretty decent for non-anamorphic.

My comment was meant to be humorous. There has NEVER been an official release of Indy on DVD in any region. What you have is a bootleg, whether you realize it or not.

Dave Moritz

Senior HTF Member
Jul 7, 2001
Real Name
Dave Moritz
I would have to agree with other on this that Lucas and Speilburg are being freakin greedy! I see no reason why older movies need to be held back from release. The only reason why they would do this is to milk the releases and make more money! I hope Paramount gets there way and we can get all 3 movies. Although I feel that we should be able to buy the movies sepratly as well. This would allow other who do not want the entire set to buy only the ones they want. What's the deal Lucas/Speilburg? Lets us have the movies we like and stop being so dam greedy! This is also the reason why Star Wars Episodes 4-6 are not out yet :angry: . And the same reason why ET is being discontinued at the end of December. GREED GREED GREED :thumbsdown:

Richard Kim

Senior HTF Member
Jan 29, 2001
The Lucas/Speilberg plan allows for seperate releases of each movie on a yearly basis, without making the consumer buy all 3 movies, if they just want one (which was Paramount's plan, which would make them more money). How is that greedy?
This is also the reason why Star Wars Episodes 4-6 are not out yet
Right, Lucas is being greedy by releasing only one deluxe DVD release of the OT, as opposed to releasing a barebones version now only to release a newer version for the consumer to buy later. :rolleyes

Shaun C

Dec 30, 2002
How is NOT releasing them milking them for more money? If the product's not on the market, then how does it bring in any money?
You're absolutely right, in and of itself, it is not greedy.

However, failing to get both of these MAJOR trilogies out onto DVD, what like 5-7 years now into the DVD revolution, this is a sure sign of insanity/stupidity on their part. It's not like there hasn't been enough time. Hell, Star Wars could have gone to DVD just after, (and most of the work could have been in conjunction with), the theater release of the Original Trilogy.

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