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Spielberg talks "Raiders" DVD (1 Viewer)

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Ok look its simple.By waiting to release them its greedy because they are playing off of anticipation for the fourth film number one,and number two they are using the first three movies to generate hype ($$$) for the fourth.After all its been quite sometime since people have seen Indy and todays audience probably wont buy some old guy craking a whip like us true fans might.So bottom line its greedy because its not for a better release,its simply to build/rebuild hype for the next movie.Which to me sucks the big one :angry: As Shaun said,almost a decade later and these arent out yet!?!? Common,release them ALL in box set and individualy at the same time! Indy 4,if its any good,can stand on its own.And if ANY of you think Star Wars will have one final release you got another thing coming.Thats one franchise that will be milked untill its creator bites the big one,I gaurantee it. :D

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
Common,release them ALL in box set and individualy at the same time!
Reminds me of the old addage "Having your cake and eating it too." The fact remains that our bitching won't change things and if it did rush the production up faster by some miracle, I bet the final product would be lesser for it. Me, I eagerly await the release of the trilogy on DVD, and am content to wait for the best quality product.


Jun 25, 2002
Personally, I don't want all three DVDs to be released at the same time. But I also don't want to wait a year between each one. I'd rather see the releases staggered to be at about two weeks apart. That way, each individual film can have its own seperate hype, excitement, and buildup as we wait for it to be released, instead of bringing them all out in one shot.

I see no reason why older movies need to be held back from release. The only reason why they would do this is to milk the releases and make more money!
Do you really believe that Lucas and Spielberg are personally making sure that these discs are kept out of our hands until a specified time? Sounds to me more like Paramount is holding them back. I'll bet Lucas and Spielberg really want us to have these discs, and for them to be great sets.

Dave Moritz

Senior HTF Member
Jul 7, 2001
Real Name
Dave Moritz
I just dont understand why Raiders needs to be delayed by releasing them one at a time? Also why everone must wait until SW3 comes out to enjoy SW 4-6? ET is being cut from production and I feel it is to boost sales. I am just having a hard time understanding why these release need to be spoon feed to us??? Its like oh here is IJ 1 and they will wait until everyone rushes out to buy it then later they put out the second movie. I hate to break it to them but these movies are not new releases. No need to space the release dates out. IMHO I hope Paramount gets there way and finally just release the freakin movies. But only releases them if they are done correctly unlike Universal and BTTF.


Stunt Coordinator
Dec 12, 2000
I think Lucas especially is full of B$ when it comes to DVD, and as for Spielberg where on earth is the Schindler's List DVD? Oh yea I'm strongly for a boxset, although I dont like Temple of Doom as much as Raiders or Crusade.

Jeff Kleist

Senior HTF Member
Dec 4, 1999
just dont understand why Raiders needs to be delayed by releasing them one at a time? Also why everone must wait until SW3 comes out to enjoy SW 4-6? ET is being cut from production and I feel it is to boost sales. I am just having a hard time understanding why these release need to be spoon feed to us
Lucasfilm controls these, not Paramount. Ask yourself these things

1-How many movies did Spielburg make in the last year, both of which require DVD work? (2)

2-How many did Lucas release? (1)

3-How much pre and post production goes into each SW movie? (over a year for each)

4-How much of that is Lucas involved in on a daily basis? (all of it)

5-Lucas is also tired of being called a profiteer because of all the different releases of SW. Therefore he wants to do his definitive version in terms of film and extras for DVD.

6- Making an SE of an old title is not like making an SE of a new title. It's a literal archeological dig for materials, which is currently underway for BOTH Inday and SW at the Ranch and ILM.

Threfore, Lucas has no time to oversee these DVDs the way he wants to, and Spielburg does not have the time to oversee Indy the way he and George BOTH want to. As soon as they reach an agreement with Paramount on how to proceed, they will announce something official for Indy.

As far as putting titles on moratorioum for years, that has been going on for decades, ET wasn't released to video till around 1988, and it was yanked and not released again until the early 90s and then late 90s I believe. Star Wars used to go on moratorium reguarly(it seems these VHS are sticking) and so do the Bond movies (which just came off 2 year moratorium) and Back to the Future which I believe was off shelves for 6-7 years!

Franchises are very important for studios, and having a nice set to promote during Christmas is important for their overall bottom line. Plus because they aren't rushing they can take more time and do a better job

So bottom line, these movies belong to Lucasfilm, and they're trying to give us what we asked for, so leave them be, and wait to lynch them over the lack of original cuts of the Trilogy until AFTER the discs are out

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Hey Adam, I was waiting for your reply! :D OK, so maybe it hasnt been a decade,but I guess my point is basicaly that there os no good reason to delay these movies! As someone said,these arent new movies like LOTR or the SW prequels.These are much like BTTF and The Godfather.They are classics that are loved and EXTREMELY missed on one of the greatest format yet,DVD.And they should be handled similarly.All at one now, not in three years :angry: I understand that this is buisness afterall,but honestly like I said the next Indy will (or wont) make money with or without dvds preceeding its release. Can you honestly say they are delaying the release for better material? I doubt the Dvd's would be any better in 3 years than if they did them 6 months from now.They are trying to build hype to make $$$ on the next movie.Thats greedy aint it? Which just aint gonna work.Much like E.T. Indy will probably not live up to their expectation$. ET did less than they expected because much like Indy his time had passed.I love Indy, but I dont see modern audiences flocking to see, as I said,an old man with a whip.I hope Im wrong I realy do,but given some of the stuff that hits blockbuster status nowadays,Im not so sure :frowning: Ill see the next Indy as a loyal fan,as will most of us,but untill then I just want the movies that made me love the character.Indy 4 may stink and kill any $$$ to be made on the old movies.Release the ones people remember fondly,the ones they will DEFINATELY buy and everything,and everyone,will be great!:emoji_thumbsup:


Senior HTF Member
Apr 15, 2002
You forgot to mention Disney since they all put certain major films like Snow White or The Lion KIng on moratorium, but this is not the point I am making.
With ET's rerelease there was also the added controversy of the guns being replaced by walkie talkies plus other CGI added images. I think this was the major reason why ET failed because it was different.
just my 2 cents

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
Can you honestly say they are delaying the release for better material? I doubt the Dvd's would be any better in 3 years than if they did them 6 months from now.
Not being a part of their production, I don't really have any basis to say. However, I will say that considering how busy Lucas and Spielberg are, and considering how hard it is (as Jeff mentioned) to find bonus material like deleted scenes etc. I would have to say that yes, I do think that the DVD's could possibly be better released over 3 years as opposed to all at once in 6 months. I'd even go as far as saying they probably would.


Jan 18, 2001
Lucas cannot possibly win. If he released the Star Wars trilogy on dvd tomorrow, everyone would complain that they are bare bones releases. He would also be accused of putting out inferior releases to release a "definitive" collection in the future to force us to buy the better set. So now he's greedy. If he waits until he has time to do them right, he is greedy by holding back and building up anticipation. He has been busy with the day to day making of three big movies and isn't just sitting around watching the clock tick waiting to milk the consumer. No matter what he does, he can't win. If you want the trilogy, it is readily available on ebay in widescreen VHS and LD. The VHS may not be that great, but the video quality on the special edition LD is fantastic. What is all boils down to is that we should all not worry about lucas does so much and enjoy and be thankful for what we have.

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
How bout this,the longer they wait the weaker the impact when they finally hit the shelves.For example thus far the SW prequels have gotten mixed reviews.Some have disliked them so much as to become disappointed with SW period.So when the old trilogy finally hits some once die hard fans may skip it completely.And what of those of us who have bought the prequels individualy as they come out?Maybe some of us just want the old movies with a few supplements and complete remastering.Were buying them seperately now (as apparently are many others...)Why make us wait? If the extra material is THAT GOOD,which I doubt,Offer it as some kind of mail away.Like Jurassic Park.Otherwise those of us that have been buying them seperately are gonna get screwed in the end anyway no? Same with Indy were all are gonna buy them seperately and be stuck when they do the super box with part 4 that they have "planned".Same problem,so then what? Sell them on ebay and rebuy them in the box? Thats nonsense :thumbsdown: Easy solution is to just release them asap individualy and when the 4th hits be creative and release it in a packaging that you can put the other three movies in like one of those fold out things (digipack?) And everybody gets what they want.That would be too easy though and not thought of by the creative forces at work though :angry:
Oscar,good point,I had completely forgotten about that.Though I must still say todays youth probaly didnt care much for it either and that played a huge part in its faliure.
Adam,nice to finaly hear from you!I though our debate was over!;) But you do make a point about gathering material,however (you knew that was coming :D ) As I said how much could possibly worth having? Deleted scenes,commentaries,trailers,and a retrospective documentary would about do it.What more is there? I await your reply :)
Greg,the proble is we cant be grateful for what we dont have.VHS is still only good for porno (barely) And laserdisc is cumbersome. Heck we have So many old faves coming out,why not these? LD was a nich format and correct me if Im wrong but these had a release not long into the game no? And star wars had 3! So whats the hold up? No good reson realy none at all.BTTF had legal problems,as soon as that was gone,boom released.We want our favorite movies in our favorite format no harm in that.And like I said there are ways to make everybody happy if thats what they realy care about.
Luis S

Jeff Kleist

Senior HTF Member
Dec 4, 1999
Luis, that's exactly what they're doing with Indy. I'm sure there will be a box in 2005 to go with Indy 4

If you think that waiting will lower Star Wars sales by any signifigant measurable amount, I hate to tell you, it won't

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
The point Im trying to make is that there is no real good resaon to delay the dvds.None period.Those of us that are buying the movies individulay (most of us) Are not going to buy the box set right? So why the delay? To build up hype for the next movie? Like I said its absurd.Indy can stand on his own,fans will see it no matter what and new audiences will be lured in if its just a good movie.Its that simple.By making us wait it will be almost a decade that these arent out! Could you imagine waiting ANOTHER 3 years for BTTF just cause they want to tie it in with a new sequel? I and many other Im sure would be quite miffed :angry: Would the dvds be any better because they made us wait? Nope,and Id bet money on it :D Likewise were going to wait all these years for Indy and when we finally have it guess what? Wont be near as great as we would expect. They will be lovely dvds for sure but not loaded to the gills with all the geeky things you and I would want to see.Waitng for nothing is what this is.And Star Wars? Weve been buying them one by one.What happens when the boxset hits? Is that the only way to get the OT? And if not what about the sure to be supplement disc(s)that will be in the set? Will those of us who have bought them individualy be able to send away for them? Will we be able to get ahold of the collectors case its sure to come in? You see when all is said and done I dont think the wait will have been worth it.Yes well have the movies,but the wait will have seemed unecessary :frowning: Trust me there will be no such thing as a "Definative Edition" of SW (remember the LD's) so long as there is money to be made.Dont forget he still does not want to release the unaltered OT.Maybe one day when he needs a few extra million he will but hes not gonna pull every last trick at once.Id believe Indy to have a definitive release first,since thus far it has been left unaltered.
Heres my pitch: Release Ind 1-3 nicely packed with features ect,now.Then when Indy 4 hits release it on dvd in a special case designed to hold all the movies and include a suplement disc loaded with interviews featurettes and ect.Stamp a Indiana Jones Legacy on the front and boom we have ALL the movies in a timely manner and a beautiful package in the end.What do you guys think?NOt unreasonable is it? I dont think thats asking too much.All I want is what everybody else wants before I have grandchildren!:D
Luis S

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
And their lack of time hurts us :angry: I could care less for anything other than what I mentioned. Did we get that Eric Stotlz footage on BTTF? Nope just alot of fluff.Story boards? who needs them.Not me I m watching the movie and thats all that matters.I guess what Im saying is how much of these supplement do we realy need? And as I said do you honestly think well get that much? And Adam what do you think of my release stragedy? And what I said regarding the OT? Im curious to what you and everyone else thinks. Am I asking too much? Do I have a legitimate concern regarding Sw? Your turn Adam :D
Oh and I said VHS is BARELY still good for porn ;)
Luis S


Senior HTF Member
Apr 15, 2002
I would like to see you juggle directing a few movies while at the same time making sure the movies that you would want on dvd come out at the same time. For once I think it is great to see that they are waiting for one definite release but then again you cannot please everybody I guess.

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
For one to think that they do EVERYTHING involving the movies is a bit silly ;) second as Dave said delegate.Hand someone you want to oversee the project a list or set of parameters for the dvd,let them do their job, and give or not give final approval when its done.This is how many buisnesses run.Whats the difference? Its an absurd practice to delay such classics such as these or Schindlers list.No one has yet to address certain points I was trying to make.
-Do you honestly think the dvd will be better because we wait?Did BTTF live up to everyones expectations?Godfather? We waited years for "great" releases,were they?Good but not great. :frowning:
-What good does waiting for the fourth to be in a box set if most of us are going to be buying them individualy? Regarding SW,are we going to be able to buy the extra suplement discs and delux case after weve bought each movie year after year? Somehow I doubt it.
-And as I said Oscar if you even think for a second that this will be the definetive release your mind is clouded by the darkside :D dont be surprised if somewhere down the line when another update to SW shows up on DVD.As long as he lives theyll alway be changes made.I can almost gaurantee it.
Basicaly the wait is pointless.The wait will not make the dvds any better than they would have been this past Christmas.Its just a load of bs.Ill be there when they get out but my favorite part of the series wont be out for two more years,and I just don t understand why :frowning:


Stunt Coordinator
Dec 29, 2001
This is also the reason why Star Wars Episodes 4-6 are not out yet . And the same reason why ET is being discontinued at the end of December. GREED GREED GREED
Not being patient for the movies to be released may fall into the "Greed, Greed, Greed" category as well. Let's not point fingers, we all have things we want. There's no reason to insult others because you can't have them.

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