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Spielberg talks "Raiders" DVD (1 Viewer)

Qui-Gon John

Senior HTF Member
Oct 2, 2000
Real Name
John Co
For one to think that they do EVERYTHING involving the movies is a bit silly second as Dave said delegate.Hand someone you want to oversee the project a list or set of parameters for the dvd,let them do their job, and give or not give final approval when its done.This is how many buisnesses run.Whats the difference?
I agree. Certainly there would be someone Lucas could trust to directly oversee this and make sure it is done right. As I said before, in the case of the Star Wars Trilogy, it could have gone to DVD right after the Special Editions came out in theaters. (True we would have only gotten the SE's not the original versions, but at least they'd be out there).

Then when this designated persons work is done, Lucas takes a few hours to check them, before they go into production.

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Absolutely John! Thats my point! Have we gone soft or something? There is no good reason for any of these movies to not have been released already,none,zip,zero.That "take my time so I can see it done to my standards" line is bs and so is "by releasing them individualy that gives us time to make a better DVD" This is nonsense as any of us that have worked in the real world know.When something important needs to be worked on an employer will give the duty to a right hand man and a small team.All they have to do is get the boss's approval.Im sure Lucas isnt going to personaly dig through all his archives, put documenteries together,remaster the movies, and make the dvd menus.Comon we have had plenty of chats with people in the industry.And we all know that if a director/studio/whatever wants their dvd released in six months it can be done.It just takes a little drive and some extra work.And most importantly it takes DESIRE. I hate being lied to,and I guess thats my real problem.I dont like anyone feeding me a line of crap.Which so far is what they have done :angry: Give me a solid good reason and Ill be happy,but please no excuses!These dvds, SW and Indy would be as good now as theyll be in three years.And Id be REAL surprised if they lived up to our expectations.However I am powerless so I must share my frustraions with others like myself and hope everything works out for the better.And I must echo my friend Adam's comment,this is quite the good debate going on here!:D Keep it up everybody :emoji_thumbsup:
Luis S

Brian McHale

Supporting Actor
Dec 5, 1999
Real Name
Brian McHale
After reading/scanning this thread (I'm catching up on the last two weeks), here are some things that occurred to me:

I honestly believe that Star Wars is a true labor of love for George Lucas. As much as I would love to have the original trilogy on DVD now, I cannot fault him for waiting until he can put in the time that he feels is necessary to do them justice. And I don't see how anyone can come to the conclusion that he's being greedy. If he was in it only for money, we would have had two or three releases by now.

My main complaint with Temple of Doom was that it had too much action/intensity. I thnk it's much more effective when you give your audience a chance to relax once in a while. And that mine cart would NEVER be able to land back on the track...

If they release them together, I'll buy all three. If they release them seperately, I may only buy Raiders and Crusade.

If you have concerns about Indy IV, ask yourself this question: when was the last time that Steven Spielberg made a bad movie? I have concerns myself, but it'll still probably be worthwhile.

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Hey Brian,
Thanks for the well thought out reply.I see what your saying and can definitely appreciate it.However,I feel most are missing the point of what Ive been trying to say:
-Lucas will never have a "definitive" anything release as long as hes alive.Don't even kid yourself,hes that kind of film maker.Hell sometimes I like to go back and tweak old drawings or revise them completely.So I can kinda understand him on that.But thats not why some have a problem with him,not me at least.The problem is I think is that allot of us know he wont ever be done with these movies,and we just want something,anything on dvd now.Im sure hell go back and tweak the new trilogy years from now as much as the OT.So why the wait? Not really greed as far as $$$ more like a selfish kid not wanting to share something that would make others happy.He knows what we REALLY want but has said so far no chance.When you create a work of art and expose it to the masses,and it inspires them,makes them feel,think,you've lost a certain amount of ownership.It belongs partly to the people. if I create a masterpiece tomorrow and become famous by it I have to understand that if I suddenly take it away or change it somehow,someone out there maybe quite a few,will be heartbroken.They will no longer look at me with awe and respect they will see me as a greedy a$$hole.Those who may have looked up to me ,future artists and such,may lose their inspiration and not achieve what they could have.I LOVE SW I grew up with them I know the lines forward and back,but that does not mean Im naive.Lucas is just another guy,and honestly I see him as a jerk.He should at least show the people that made him who he is,the fans, a little appreciation and give them something they desire.I know some of you will hang me and call me a "Lucas basher" but thats untrue.I look at the everything very honestly and saying "they're his movies,he can do as he pleases" is unacceptable.Its Ron's forum,but how many of you would be pleased if he changed it to a porn site? Wouldn't you feel cheated? Having been here for so many years,so many discussions?And then cause he "feels like it" poof gone! And don't try and tell me you'd understand cause maybe a handful of you maybe would.And plenty Im sure would be sending angry emails.If Ron got wind of this thread Id like to ask him:
Ron,how do you feel about this forum?Its yours to protect, your baby,you've given your life to this forum.Now I ask you is it all for yourself? or is it they joy you get seeing others with your interest come here and share with each other and make what you've created grow?Seeing others helped and enjoy the hobby we all love?
And Id bet Ron being they kind of guy hes is,would ay its not about him.Cause once this forum was created,"born" if you will ,he was proud to see it take on a life of its own.And to THIS day works just as hard to make this the best damn forum around,and is always looking to make membership here special.(BTW Thanks Ron And every one else that keeps this forum going :emoji_thumbsup: )
Is the same attitude to much to ask of Lucas? I don't think so....
And as for Indy,like I said whats the point in waiting for a box set (the reason we've been given so far...) if most of us will be buying them separately as they become available?
Sorry for the long post but Im very passionate when it comes to art in any form.And I feel someone always loses when a creator doesn't realize the harm hes doing.

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Oh and Spielberg ever having made a bad movie is debatable.As I recall there were quite a few who did not like Minority Report for example.So its not really a fair question to ask.Heck many here have voiced there dislike for some of the Indy sequels that already exist.If the fourth one dosent please everybody either is it a good movie still because Spielberg made it?Not necessarily,so whats the harm in giving us the classics we love now?

Luis S

Jeff Jacobson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 24, 2001

Luis S, can you please put two spaces between your sentences. When your sentences are all crammed together like this, it makes it difficult to read.


Nov 20, 2002
I can see where people are coming from when they indicate that there is absolutely no reason why the Original Star Wars and Indiana Jones Trilogies have not been released. Believe me, I want them as much as the next person! However, I have to side with George Lucas on this one.
Having purchased and watched the latest movies on DVD, everyone knows what an absolute visual and audible treat they are! Now let's assume George Lucas and Steven Spielberg just released the latest incarnation of these movies on DVD. Sure, we would get much better picture and audio quality than our fading VHS versions and everyone would be happy! Or would they? I for one would not! I don't just want these movies slapped onto DVD with 5.1 Dolby Digital based on their original Dolby Surround tracks. Instead, I want George to clean up the special effects (I said clean up, not add), and remix the soundtrack so that we can at least get DD 5.1 EX! Such tweaking requires precious time and dedication and George obviously won't have time until Episode III is complete.
I realize these timeless classics still won't compare to the visual and sonic feasts of modern DVD releases, but if they can come close, more power to George and Steven!

Glenn Overholt

Senior HTF Member
Mar 24, 1999
Arif, the only thing I can say about your post is that you must be thinking like they are.

Unfortunately, some of us don't think that way.
It would be a no-brainer for him to tell someone to transfer the VHS tape onto DVD and get it/them out.

Sure, a lot of people would be pissed, but some of us would be more than happy to get them and toss our aging tapes into the can. This is also where the money chime goes off

Yeah, he'd make a bundle, and when he had the time, he could redo it and reissue it. KA-CHING (round 2)
More money. Later box sets would just bring more in. KA-CHING

Of course, my thinking flys in the face of them being greedy, but personally, I'd rather have them come out this way, and oh, they can keep the supplements. I don't want them. I just want to see the movies.


Colin Jacobson

Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 2000
If you have concerns about Indy IV, ask yourself this question: when was the last time that Steven Spielberg made a bad movie?
Depends on who you ask. AI didn't do much for me, though I'd like to see it a second time before I make my "final" judgment. A lot of people disliked 1997's Lost World, but I thought it was fun. However, that year's Amistad actively stunk.

So my answer: maybe AI, definitely Amistad...


Jan 16, 2000
when was the last time that Steven Spielberg made a bad movie?
AI...absolutely horrible.
Minority Report was enh.
CMIYC was ok.

He's getting better but I'm not quite sure what the hell he's been up to lately.
I'm an absolutely huge Harrison Ford/Indy/Lucas fan and even I don't want the fourth one to be made. I'm praying it doesn't b/c when was the last time you heard of a truly "great" fourth film. I've heard that the fourth will have a mysticism to it...a supernatural element. Part of the draw of these movies was that they could happen (to a certain extent). I dunno if wanna watch Indy chasing ghosts.

That being said...i'll be buying the movies in whatever form they're released. I bought the original VHS, then the widescreen laser (thank god they only had one laser release in widescreen) and I've already gotten the boots to tide me over until the regular DVD's come out. I've bought about 8 version of the star wars trilogy on different formats and possibly 7 versions of Blade Runner. Indy certainly deserves the attention and the money.

Chris Farmer

Aug 23, 2002
The first three Indy movies had no mysticism or supernatural in them? Hmm, I guess I didn't see the Ark of the Covenant burn off the Nazi emblem, then have angels fly around and turn into terrifying ghosts before incinerating the entire Nazi camp in Raiders, a man have his heart pulled out and still live, and the stones restoring life to a village in Temple, or the Grail giving an immortal life to a knight, and the false grail kill another man by having him age thousands of years in seconds in Last Crusade. Nope, no supernatural there. :)


Second Unit
Sep 20, 2000
I love all three Indy movies. Last Crusade is the weakest IMO.

They better not make another.

It will not have the same "feel" to it.

Look at his last films: AI, Minority Report, etc.....NOTHING like Indy, Close Encounters, Jaws.

The days of Spielberg "classics" are gone guys.

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Adam- Ah I see your still watching this thread!:)good I was expecting you sooner or later to try and match my comment.But now it seems perhaps you are starting to see my point? And yes Hook did suck...
Jeff- Uhh ok,but did you read it?No offence but Id like to hear your comments on the matter at hand and not comments about my poor typing skills ;)
Arif- See the problem is it is very easy to delegate what needs to be done to a handful of competent employees.Do you think Lucas does the sound mixing himself? Not a chance.He comes by when its done and says "thats great!" or "I dont like it add more this and less that" Theres no reason to not do them now period.Hell have people working on the project withou his constant supervision then so why not now? Btw Arif you woulnt have happened to have gone to middle school in South Florida? I knew an Arif back then.Not exactly a name you hear often or would forget :)
Glenn- Precisely,I dont care much about what hes going to do with the movies,I just want to see them. As I said earlier if anyone thinks this will be the last version of SW your in for a wake up call. Do you think hell ever be known for anything else? SW will get his attention as long as he lives. Give me the movie now and do what you want with it later. All of you who have been saying itll be worth it are in for a shock Im sure. And you dont have to buy every release unless there is something about it you must have. Is every going to buy the box set having bought the prequels one by one so far?
Colin- I had forgotten about those! They didnt do it for me either,cant say I even enjoyed Jp in all honesty....
Craig- Indy 4 will be ok,good even.We can be sure of that much.But we dont know if it will be great or if it will taint the others kinda like Godfather III :D So they could just give us the first three now and upon the fourths release have it come in a collectors case to put the other three.Or have an offer to get the case through the mail.Simple and everyone is happy.:)Wouldnt that be a good idea?
Chris- I think Craig just doesnt want to see Indy turned into a ghost buster thats all..All hte movies leave the spiritual revelations for the end.As long as that stays true it should be ok.
And the debate goes on...
Luis S

Qui-Gon John

Senior HTF Member
Oct 2, 2000
Real Name
John Co
and the stones restoring life to a village in Temple
Don't forget a shaman taking someone's heart out and the person is still alive and the whole heals over. Not your
everyday occurence, for sure.
Also, on more possible changes to Star Wars, I wonder if we'll see more revisionism in the OT when GL tweaks it next.
Obi-Wan to Luke: When I first met him, your father was a very good pod racer pilot, at least that's what I was told. However, Qui-Gon Jinn sensed the force was VERY strong in him, and he did have the highest midichlorian level ever recorded in a living being. When Qui-Gon died, he made me promise to train him in the Jedi arts and I agreed. I thought I could do as good a job as Master Yoda, I was wrong.


Nov 20, 2002
See the problem is it is very easy to delegate what needs to be done to a handful of competent employees.Do you think Lucas does the sound mixing himself? Not a chance.He comes by when its done and says "thats great!" or "I dont like it add more this and less that" Theres no reason to not do them now period.Hell have people working on the project withou his constant supervision then so why not now?
Agreed Luis. We all know Star Wars is George's passion and even though he delegates DVD production duties, he retains full control. It's obvious he wants to make these DVDs special and give them his complete attention. The only pressing issue on his mind right now is to make Episode III (hopefully much better than I and II) without having the original trilogy DVD production detract from the creative process.
From the production qualities of Episode I and II DVDs, you know George is serious about DVD. It's all to easy to say "just give me the original Star Wars now and I'll be happy". Instant gratification isn't for everyone. I want that gratification to come in the form of a quality release, not something that makes me wish what could have been.
And ofcourse, as long as the technology to tweak your digital creations exist, you can assume George Lucas will never be done with Star Wars - but I don't buy that. Sure, when the next big DVD format arrives, give me something new and wonderful to amaze my senses. But for now, I want to experience that amazement the first time around when I insert the original Star Wars in my DVD player.
At least we'll have Raiders of the Lost Ark on DVD by the end of the year! :emoji_thumbsup:
P.S. Luis, I did not go to middle school in Florida - never been there! :)

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Arif so never been in Florida huh? Strange coincidence was I knew an Arif from Canadaa while back.Hey you never know.But regarding SW while production on the SW movies we have has been top knotch I would not call it amazing.Each movie is a pretty standard release nothing really special about it.And I REALLY doubt the OT will be any different.They will be AWESOME dvds yes,but they will not justfiy the wait I gaurantee it.And if on the EXTREMELY unlikely chance Im wrong you guys can bust my chops for the whole month , And if Im right I get to do the same to you guys :D Nobody has still to adress a major concern:
Those of us who buy Indy and SW individualy,will we be able to get the exclusive pacckaging and supplement discs that are sure to be in the box sets only? Cause if not then why the hell not release these movies all at once?Soon! If were going to be left out anyway by buying them seperately then why shouldnt we have the movies now?If the eventual box is that great will pick that up later as well.We've done it with LOTR,why not with these?
Luis S


Nov 20, 2002
I agree. I would rather have the entire Indiana Jones trilogy now than wait for a separate release for each movie. What really bugs me is that we have all waited so long for Jones to grace the coveted shiny disc, and now that the wait is almost over, we get people bitching about which movie they would rather have and not have!
There will never be another Indiana Jones-like character better portrayed than by Harrison Ford. Get real people! "Choose wisely" and pick up the entire trilogy, or else suffer a fate worse than a scratched DVD!

Luis S

Supporting Actor
May 7, 2000
Tsk tsk Adam,surely you see my point on it being a poor release stradgedy?And who's arguing I thought we were debating? ;) Dont you at least agree that by releasing both SW and Indy year by year that when the eventual box set hits we will miss out on exclusives available only in the box set?Making our wait pointless? That sums up my beef right there. I think in the long run were gonna get screwed and for no reason other than some directors that are out of touch with their fans.So far no one has been able to or at least attempt to answer back my concern.So either you guys dont care about my insane rambling :) or you cant realy think of a decent counter argument.Either way its gonna be interesting to see how it all turns out....
Luis S

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