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Titanic SE See Post #541 for Update (1 Viewer)

Gerry A

Sep 19, 2000
Hey John Williamson!

Yeah, a Titanic scholars' commentary would be terrific. I've actually been HOPING Paramount would do it for a while but I didn't know where to say it. This is a good place as any, I think. I have "A Night To Remember", and their commentary is very informative and never boring.

I hope James Cameron would do a scene specific commentary, but that's probably wishful thinking. But I hope he would do it. If he doesn't want to do it, that's OK. Knowing him, he'll come up with a kick ass documentary for the DVD.

I'm also hoping for a Kate and Leo commentary. Those are the two actors who carried most of the movie on their shoulders and it would be fun to hear what they have to say about working on it. Others could contribute of course like Billy Zane, Danny Nucci, Kathy Bates, etc.

A documentary on making the music of Titanic would be great as well. The music in this movie was a huge help in making this movie a success and I'm pretty sure James Horner would have a lot to say about it.

Yes, a 4 disc set, no less, including documetaries on the REAL Titanic, and other special features already mentioned. I mean, a movie like this that had such an impact on people from all over the world (I'm from the Philippines), deserves a package of no less than TITANIC proportions.

Sean Oneil

Supporting Actor
Mar 19, 2001
:emoji_thumbsup: Great movie that deserves a great special edition DVD set. DTS is a must, preferably in the higher bit rate, if possible without sacrificing video quality (it WOULD have to be split over two discs). Of course it should be LOADED with commentary and supplements of all types.
This is the biggest movie of all time (not counting adjusted gross), and I am supprised that Paramount has not tried to milk it more like they do with the Star Trek films and series. Surely even a 4 or 5 disc set that sold for $50.00 would fly off the shelves.
I'll buy one if it contains the afore mentioned 16x9 enhanced transfer and DTS. 448k Dolby would be nice too for those without DTS decoders.

David Lambert

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2001
#15. Here are the exact comments I used on the petition:
I was a tad skeptical of the idea of this petition, until I read the wording. It would be good for Paramount to read it and understand, too. Titanic is the most popular movie ever...Please give us the best DVD set ever! Work with Cameron and please make this an extraordinary "First Class" edition.
Martin, I hope you're paying attention! :D I know that when this comes to pass, Paramount will do their usually extraordinary job...just don't allow anyone to let this opportunity to go to waste!

Charles S

Apr 13, 2000
I gladly signed it! I only hope that Paramount will listen and give the biggest film of all time, the greatest DVD of all time! :)
BTW I'm number 30!!!!

Anthony Thorne

Supporting Actor
Oct 10, 2000
I'm not going to sign the petition, simply as I don't think one is necessary. The Digital Bits have already indicated that a TITANIC S.E is in the works, and there has also been news that documentary footage shot during James Cameron's current GHOSTS OF THE ABYSS project will end up on the TITANIC S.E as supplementary footage. Cameron and Van Ling have already set a precedent of creating comprehensive S.E's for every previous Cameron production. Is there anyone here that believes that (a.) a TITANIC S.E has yet to occur to Lightstorm Entertainment, and (b.) if this was the case, a small online poll would be the key that woke them up to the re-release potential of the most popular film in cinema history?

Don't mean to be a party pooper, but I can think of hundreds of worthy, unreleased movies that have less of a chance of hitting DVD than the above dead certainty. What's next, a poll requesting a Special Edition of EPISODE 2, ATTACK OF THE CLONES? I'd welcome a petition for a movie that studio execs had forgotten existed, or a petition indicating a display of popularity for a title that studio marketeers felt wouldn't sell, but the above petition just seems like a waste of time to me. Just my own opinion, of course. Maybe I'm in a grouchy mood this morning...

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