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Titanic SE See Post #541 for Update (1 Viewer)


Mar 31, 2000
Pittsburgh, PA
Real Name
I agree with all the above. And, of course, I agree that it DOES need DTS. It's a Special Edition DVD that's begging for the high bitrate DTS treatment.
I agree! :D
A special edition of Titanic would be great. I would have no qualms about buying this title again (although I already sold off my DVD). If nothing else, I would be happy with a dts track and a documentary or two, but a good soundtrack--Dolby Digital or DTS--is a must.

Bruce Hedtke

Senior HTF Member
Jul 11, 1999
Has DTS or any studio putting out a DTS version DVD pledged support for a full, or high bit-rate DTS track? They talk about the logistical problems with films half of Titanic's runtime. If there is a DTS track, don't expect more than what is available on DTS discs now. Unless there is a separate DTS release, then I say go for it. As it were, give me a anamorphic transfer with maximized bit-rates. With a Dolby Digital track, it will probably have to be spread across two discs. That's not really a problem, but if they can put it on one disc, then do so. If that means releasing separate DTS and DD versions, so be it. Titanic would still be a big seller with duel versions.

Martin W

Jun 16, 2001
About the intermission...
I haven't watched my Pearl Harbor DVD yet, but I don't believe the intermission has to be in some particular moment as long as it doesn't disturb the viewing. Everything except in the middle of a scene it's allright with me. I think more important is to cut the movie in half as precisely as possible and thereby use the disc space as wisely as possible.
For me, an anamorphic transfer and a DTS track would be the most important things to include. There's no other film where i'd want to watch documentaries etc more than this one, but as always, it is just extras and the movie comes first.
Titanic is a movie that for me is an "upgrader", meaning it drives me to upgrade my equipment...i.e when I first got the disc, my theater system (just a TV at the time) was not worthy of the movie. It made me buy more stuff, and now I have a FPHT...and it does not like non-anamorphic video very much, so now I'm holding off waiting for a better DVD. Its been about three years since i actually watched the film now.
Question is...when the SE eventually get released, is my theater worthy? :)

Scott Simonian

Jun 20, 2001
You guys have already stated what I would like to see on a SE of Titanic. I havent purchased the regular one yet, hoping to see if a SE comes out. I very, very much agree that this [rant]is[/rant] the movie for Paramount to debut its first dts dvd. I love this movie and I missed it in theaters. Ive seen it on VHS, HBO, and dvd. The DD track was great to me. I could live without an discrete/matrixed remaster, thats not too important to me. A full bit-rate track would be a gawdsend to me. I allways think that full bit-rate should be used with dvds with a great emphisis(sp?) on music and this is one of them.
I like all the features that everyone has stated. Honestly, the only feature I ever [rant]have to have[/rant] , is a 5.1 trailer. Be it DD or dts,(preferably the latter). More extras wont mind me one bit. A full cast/crew commentary would be a dream, but I dont think Cameron would ever do it. I wouldnt mind if it was the actors w/the producer,cinematographer,writer, etc. That would be a-okay to me.
If I had to pick a minimum, it would be:
  • New Dolby Digital EX soundtrack
  • New dts, be it full/half bit-rate, w/ matrixed/discrete center surround
  • Commentary, a GOOD one!
I could have more, but you guys said it already. I wounldnt want to be redundant, redundant.
EDIT: [rant]UGH, that list was supposed to include a Anamorphic transfer with no EE! Like the one out now.[/rant]

T r o y

Supporting Actor
Jun 7, 1999
Count me in as well for a deluxe special edition of Titanic !!

Paramount, Listen Up ! Here is your turn to get on the DTS bandwagon once and for all !! If there was ever the movie that you should start supporting DTS , that would be TITANIC !!

In addition to DTS, I would hope it would include an anamorphic transfer, commentary by Cameron at least, and every possible making of , special effects, etc, they can give us.

Paramount, I never bought the 1999 DVD release of Titanic for the simple fact that it was a bare bones release and non-anamorphic. I hope you will consider the requests that we are making for you to include on the Titanic : Special Edition. And Paramount, I beg you to add the DTS audio track to this awesome movie as it would only add to the realism to this already awesome movie experience.If you don't consider DTS this time, I really don't know when you ever will .......

A diehard DTS and TITANIC fan

Steve Schaffer

Senior HTF Member
Apr 15, 1999
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Steve Schaffer
Titanic was my reference disc, the first one I played after every upgrade.
Then I got a 16/9 tv, and Titanic is not anamorphic, and not even flagged properly for my auto-scaling JVC player!
I love the movie, but can't bring myself to watch it any more.
I miss it so much I'd settle for just an anamorphic transfer, but I'm sure there's more than enough material available for this to have a couple of discs worth of extras as well as a full bitrate dts track.
I want this and I want it NOW if not sooner.

Inspector Hammer!

Senior HTF Member
Mar 15, 1999
Houston, Texas
Real Name
John Williamson
19 posts without one thread farter!? It's a new record for a 'Titanic' thread!;)
Anyway, lets look at what we know about Cameron and the way he treats his films on dvd shall we, and the things that I think are givens regarding this SE. I think it's safe to say that it WILL be anamorphic, now given the length of the film, and the multiple tracks it may contain will dictate wether or not it's spread over two discs or not, personally, to maintain optimal image quality, I wouldn't mind if they spread it, as mentioned, they could cut right at the same spot as the vhs and LD.
A dts track is up in the air, but Martin Blyth has stated that they'll be debuting dts on some titles either this year or next year, and has also stated that 'Titanic' is a front runner for being one of them, so we'll see. I also think that if dts is NOT included, it will contain a better, higher bit rate DD track than the current disc.
Now as for Cameron's involvment, we all know that he has once again visited the wreckage of TITANIC to shoot footage for his IMAX film, as well as footage to be used for a SE of the film. Now THAT very act alone, if nothing else, shows his level of commitment I think, to this film and to this eventual dvd.
Bottom line as far as his involvement is concerned, we are in for something staggering if the man puts his life on the line, and has gone that extra mile, or in this case 2 and a half miles;) for a dvd release.
Now regarding an extended cut of the film, Cameron has stated in interveiws that the version we know is 100% his cut, he had total control over everything regarding this film, so if we do get an extended version, it will be seamless branching, at least I hope it will. It will be interesting indeed to see those moments between the Strauss' on the boat deck refusing to leave each other, or to see Capt. Smith calling the lifeboats back to the ship only to be ignored, or the exchange of words between the TITANIC's wireless operators Harold Bride and Jack Phillips, and the Californian.
Now, let's look at Camerons other dvd's for clues. The Abyss SE, T2 UE DVD, and The Terminator. I think it's a safe bet also that for the menu designs, he'll most likly use Van Ling's genius for some more incredible menus that will not only take us to where we want to go on the disc, but take us inside the world of TITANIC as well. His work has been unsurpassed as far as coming up with themes and ideas that take us into the world of a given film BEFORE we even start the film itself, the man has turned dvd menu designs into an artform, no doubt about it. I firmly believe he'll be onboard for this title as well, their is no reason to think otherwise.
Supplemental material and extras. If the T2 UE DVD is any indication for what's in store for us 'Titanic' lovers, were in for something here, and that's an understatment I think! And as I stated so many times in the past, their is NO excuse NOT to easily surpass THAT towering dvd achievment in terms of sheer content. 'Titanic' is a new film (not from 20 years ago where supplemental material has been lost to corrosion or just plain lost), their is PLENTY of material on the entire production process for it, the demand is strong for those that want to see it and have it put out their, we deserve to see it.
So, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, if this dvd set is NOT filled to the break with extras, if Paramount has not gone that extra mile and given us a standard setting dvd edition, the only excuse is laziness on Paramounts part, but I highly doubt that we have to worry about that at all, they KNOW that demand is high for this title as a SE, I don't think they'll let us down.
I can easily see this as a 4 disc set, EASILY. In closing, it's coming folks, make no mistake. It's entirly in Paramounts, and James Camerons hands what we'll get, but this is certain, if James Cameron is involved, we know that he NEVER does ANYTHING half assed or rushed, so I think we can be certain that we'll get a Titanic SE that is as big, luxurious, groundbreaking, and lavish as the ship that it's based on was.

Jamie Boyd

Feb 7, 2002
I am not worried about the extras, I think this will be a super loaded disk. The picture quality is the most important thing to me: high bit rate, anamorphic transfer with no edge enhancements. Included in the extras I would like to see the screenplay, the footage Cameron took of the real Titanic and the trailer.

Aaron Garman

Second Unit
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. I sure hope we do get a special edition from Paramount too. It's a shame that 20th Century Fox didn't have the home video distribution rights. Can you imagine that!? Maybe Paramount will dispove the notion that they aren't the greatest DVD producers out there. I also agree a 4 disc set would be awesome. As much as I want to see this film in DTS, I don't see it happening with a film of this length. Also, this is Paramount we are talking about. What I'd love to see if Paramount take a crazy stance on DTS and release an exclusive Titanic: Special Edition DVD with just a 1.5Mb/s DTS track and Dolby 2.0 ONLY!! I love Dolby Digital, but doing this would prove that DTS is the best out there. I know this will never happen, but a guy can dream can't he? After all, DVD specs require some sort of dolby digital track or a PCM track. AFter that, they can have anything they want. I tell you what, if they did this not only would the DVD sell like crazy, but DTS would get a bigger and better fan base. Ahhh, a world with DTS as the king of digital surround sound. But I digress....

Aaron Garman

oh, put that platter break where the layer switch is on the current DVD. I always thought that was a great spot for an intermission in the film.

Inspector Hammer!

Senior HTF Member
Mar 15, 1999
Houston, Texas
Real Name
John Williamson
Aaron, as I stated, a dts track is not completly out of the question according to Martin Blyth of Paramount home video. As for a dts ONLY release, won't happen, unless two versions are released, but I don't see that happening either. Besides, we can't leave all those without dts capability out in the cold right?
And it's very possible to include a dts track on a film of this length, look at 'Pearl Harbor', it's just as long as 'Titanic' and it has outstanding video quality.
Welcome to the forum BTW.:)

Iain Lambert

Jun 7, 1999
While I fully expect Paramount to leave an SE until they are good and ready - they have an understandable urge to not stick all their premium titles out at once, as has been discussed to death before, I will agree that a split across discs wouldn't bother me; the four sides of laserdisc never did, so I can't see why this would either.

Artur Meinild

Aug 10, 2000
I'd like to see this release as well. I see Titanic and Pearl Harbor as the same type of movie, so I would expect Titanic got at least the treatment of the PH SE! :)

Lou Sytsma

Senior HTF Member
Nov 1, 1998
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Lou Sytsma
Add me as another to the list wanting a SE of this movie.

I have the barebones edition and my RP91 does a commendable job of redisplaying it in anamorphic.

A new transfer, a DTS soundtrack - I have the LD in DTS and it's amazing, and of course as much behind the scenes and historical material as possible.

Paramount - the gauntlet has been thrown down - Pearl Harbour and LOTR are putting out 4 disc editions! Surely you cannot sit on the sidelines placidly and not respond with something similar!

Mikael Soderholm

Apr 5, 1999
Stockholm, SWEDEN
Real Name
Mikael Söderholm
It's a shame that 20th Century Fox didn't have the home video distribution rights
Well they do, at least outside of the US. My R2 Titanic is from Fox.

All I need to upgrade is an anamorphic transfer, anything else is just extras, not that I mind extras...

Thanks for the good tip about the CD-ROM, looking for a good place to buy it now.

Jerry Gracia

Supporting Actor
Oct 20, 1998
What I'd love to see if Paramount take a crazy stance on DTS and release an exclusive Titanic: Special Edition DVD with just a 1.5Mb/s DTS track and Dolby 2.0 ONLY!! I love Dolby Digital, but doing this would prove that DTS is the best out there.
Somehow...I don't see that happening either. :laugh:
A TITANIC S.E. would be awesome!

Dan M

Second Unit
Feb 6, 2000
WOW!! A fart free TITANIC thread! (so far)
I love this movie. I don't care what the smarty-pants say.
Seeing TITANIC at the theater was unlike any movie I have ever seen. It was more like an event as opposed to just watching a movie. I had never been to a movie where people applauded, cried and cheered at scenes. And it wasn't just a bunch of teeny bopper girls just-there-to-see-Leo either (another popular myth).
Of course this movie deserves better treatment on DVD.
It should be the daddy-o of all DVD's.
It should be the DVD that sets a new standard for Ultimate Editions.
I have the RP91 and I must say the current release of TITANIC is actually a great transfer, though non-anamorphic. It actually looks better than many anamorphic titles that I've seen. But still, let's be real. It's only the biggest movie of all time (thus far).
I'm a stickler for picture quality so I would like to see the movie done in the style of a superbit. Or at least as good as say PLANET OF THE APES 2001. It must be smooth and filmlike. I have no problem with spreading the movie over 2 discs to maintain quality. The intermission should go right after Capt. Smith says, " Well Mr. Ismay, I believe you may get your headlines". Cameron was against the idea of an intermission but it may be the only alternative for DVD. What's to stop people at home from pausing the movie any way?
This movie begs for a commentary. Cameron would be the first choice but hell I'd be happy even with a Bill Paxton commentary.
DTS is my first choice but I have no problem with a really good DD track.
And now for those deleted scenes that everyone covets. Seamles branching would be a great way to incorporate them back into the film (as long as quality isn't compromised). Although I still say Cameron's final edit is the definitive cut. BUt there were quite a few scenes deleted that I personally would love to see. Put them on a second disc if need be.
Beyond that, there are a ton of tv specials and documentaries that could be added. It could be a 10 disc set with all that's available. But let's not get toooo crazy.
This thread may be better served in the Studio and Manufacture Feedback Section for better exposure.

Chuck Mayer

Senior HTF Member
Aug 6, 2001
Northern Virginia
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Chuck Mayer
I had just had my DVD player for a few months when this movie landed in theaters and in my life. I expected greatness when I walked in, and even my expectations were dwarfed by what I saw:)
Needless to say, I dreamed of a 3, or maybe even 4!, disc set. That was unheard of in 1997. You were lucky to get special features, and as you know, the DVD was still almost 2 years away (ah, the dark days of DVD). So, I agree Dan. No such thing as too much on this set. It demands nothing less;)
Take care,

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