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No more Tim Burton commentaries? (1 Viewer)

Chris Bardon

Senior HTF Member
Jul 4, 2000
I agree re the commentary for Batman actually. The dream commentary: Butron, Keaton, Nicholson and someone from the comics world (who was the creative consultant on the film). Could be a lot of fun-has Michael Keaton ever done a commentary?
As for directors who can fill a commentary on their own-add Oliver Stone and David Fincher to that list.

Elbert Lee

Supporting Actor
May 24, 2000
I used to like listening to commentaries because my first experience with it was with "The Usual Suspects" LD and I thought the commentary was great. However, the next few commentaries that I tried listening to were boring as *(#&# and I make sure I check DVD reviews before considering spending my time watching through the whole movie again.
Side note: When Kevin Smith appeared on the Tonight Show, he was asked about the controversy regarding him being quoted as saying that Tim Burton "stole" the ending of POA from a comic book that he had previously written. He stated that the reporter that that brought this to his attention asked him if the POA ending was simliar and Smith jokingly replied with a "yes - maybe I should sue....". He never directly or seriously implied that Burton purposely stole from him. Of course, when Burton heard about the quote, he shot back.
I'm not surprised - Tim Burton is a not a dialogue-oriented directed (a frame is worth a thousand words). Smith, on the other hand, is ALL about DIALOGUE (It takes a thousand words to make a frame)


Jun 18, 2001
Th majority of commentaries I have are very interesting. The ones after that are still interesting enough. There are always some duff ones and ones that don't address the issues you wanted but that's fair enough. I've never seen a disc where I felt I was paying extra for the commentary - the bad ones usually have something else to make sure I feel like the movie was worth it - Stand By Me and WHMS being examples of these.
The duffest I have for extras is almost certainly Die Hard - pretty dull commentary and nothing too much on the other disc. Unless the text commentary is fantastic. However, it's such a good movie that I am not bothered.

Wes Ray

Supporting Actor
May 11, 2001
"Did any of you actually read Kevin Smith's draft of Superman? It was quite bad."
Jeremy, you'd better not post anything like that here. You'll have a legion of Kevin Smith fans who have never even read it swearing up and down that it's "brilliant" and "touching". lol.

Michael Dueppen

Stunt Coordinator
Sep 19, 2000
1. Kevin Smith did in fact have a drawing of the (snipped) with a monkey's head on it way before Tim Burton did POTA.
spoiler tag, please?

I haven't seen the movie yet and now the possibly one interesting thing about it is probably spoiled (ok, I don't have high hopes for this one
- Michael
My DVD collection


Sep 18, 2001
A: Tim Burton sucking is my own oppinion and I stick with that. I do enjoy some of his films, but what I think of his actions/reactions lead me to hold my opinion.
B: I do apologize to the subject starter for bringing this up, I am new and I didn't know that there were threads already about this.
C: As far as "Bob" the lighting guy, I thought it was interesting at first, but a whole commentary about such a cool movie devoted to how it was lit (no matter how great the "lighter") is un-informative and down-right boring leaving me disappointed.
D: These are my opinions.
Thank you.
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Peter Staddon

Stunt Coordinator
Mar 16, 2000
I'm almost reluctant to bring this thread back on topic but here it goes .. .. ..
Tim Burton just finished recording a commentary for the November release of Planet of the Apes.
He was in a hotel room with myself and David Prior - the DVD producer - we would ask questions and chat with Tim and we then edit our voices out so you can hear Tim's commentary without our voices on the track.
Tim was a pleasure to work with, very modest and unassuming, and we ended up with a very entertaining track for you.
Not everyone is comfortable sitting down with a microphone and recording a commentary, some people feel that they are under pressure to perform or explain or justify their work.
This was a last minute recording and we were only just able to get it onto the DVD in time.
Thanks for your interest,
Peter Staddon


Jun 18, 2001
I'm interested to know whether this sort of Q&A with the questioners edited out is common? I'm sure there's at least one commentary where I felt like the guy was answering questions. I wonder if this explains those times when you have an edited together commentary but one of the commentators appears to answer comments made by others. Wow!

David Prior

Sep 28, 1999
Thanks for getting it back on track, Peter, and thanks for the vino.
Theo, to answer your question, yes, the interview-style commentary is very common, at least for me. All the tracks I've done have been done this way to one degree or another. An enormous amount of work goes into recording and editing commentaries, but when it's done correctly the work is invisible and no one ever knows.


Senior HTF Member
Aug 2, 1999
Real Name
I like tim burton movies.. I did like the pee wee big adventure dvd.. he and paul had a great time.. I had heard that tim doesn;t like talking about his movies until a few years after the movie is over.. now he could talk about edward or batman.. I am hoping that he would a commentary track with keaton on batman.. that would be cool.
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Nov 11, 1999
Wow you guys rock! I initially wasn't going to pick this one up, but will for sure now, just to hear Tim (I'm a big fan of his). Thanks!
[Edited last by Ben_S on September 25, 2001 at 06:26 AM]


Nov 11, 1999
Yeah, like I said I'm a Tim Burton fan and I'm interested in hearing his thoughts. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie when I saw it in the theatres. With so many good releases coming out this year, I decided to put this DVD on hold but with the announcement of the commentary track it shot up on my "to buy" list.

Mark Zimmer

Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1997
Hard to believe some of the comments here. Yes, Tim Burton is an introvert and needs help to make his comments entertaining as opposed to interesting. But that doesn't make it a bad commentary. A bad commentary is one like Friedkin's on French Connection where he mostly just narrates the story. I think Burton does just fine, though the approach that Peter Staddon outlined is probably optimal. I want Burton to do a commentary for EVERY ONE of his films.
"This movie has warped my fragile little mind."

Bryant Frazer

Stunt Coordinator
Dec 1, 1998
An enormous amount of work goes into recording and editing commentaries, but when it's done correctly the work is invisible and no one ever knows.
No, David. When commentaries are done correctly, the work may be invisible, but we do know. We can tell by the quality of the finished product. You're doing an outstanding job out there, and there's a world of difference between the commentaries that you produce and some of the ridiculous recordings that take up bandwidth on low-end studio titles.
Many of us -- perhaps more than you realize -- do appreciate all that work you do, and we're very grateful for it.
Bryant Frazer
Deep Focus

Mark Cappelletty

Senior HTF Member
Jun 6, 1999
Jeez, you can really tell when the moderators are away for a few days; there's no one around to slap the miscreants.
I may not have been the biggest Planet of the Apes fan, but Burton is a really interesting fellow; if you don't want to listen to what he has to say, ignore the commentary track and dig the tons of other features on what looks to be a superlative disc.
If you're going to whine about what happened to Kevin Smith's "Superman" script, go vent your spleen at Jon Peters...

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