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Disney Seasons (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Aug 10, 2010
Edmonton, Alberta
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What is wrong with Disney?

Disney releases season sets of some of it's best shows, but fails to finish off the series! Why do they do this???

The big one for me, being a die-hard fan, is Gargoyles. They released Season one, wich sold well, even though they REFUSED to promote it. Then they released Season two, Vol. 1, and it sold OK, but many folks refused to buy it untill Vol 2 came out, and so the sales were not as good as Disney wanted. It now sits in Limbo, although the series was continued in Comiuc Book form by the main creator, Greg Weisman from the end of Season 2, completely ignoring The Goliath Cronicals (season 3 of sorts; you'd have to check out the Station 8 fan site and read more about why this is so.)

ANYWAY, Disney has also done this to The Gummie Bears, Rescue Rangers, Dark Wing Duck, Tale Spin, Boy Meets World* and The Muppet Show. (*Boy Meets World I have read, is being releaed on another label.)

Why is this? What have they got against finishing off their Show seasons?

I know they released all of Home Improvement and The Golden Girls, and now they are releasing them in complete series sets.

Can't they do this with all of there shows?

Don't they know there is a huge nostolgia market for these properties?

The Gargoyles Comic book was the best selling titles EVER for Slave Labour Graphics, the comapny that put out the comic. If they would package the Complete series with the two graphic novels of all 12 issues of the comic and the spin-off comic, they'd have a monster best seller on their hands!

Dones anyone know what the hold up with The Muppet Show is?

Disney is so blind to what they have... it's very frustrating.


Supporting Actor
Sep 20, 2006
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There might be more thoughts on this in the TV forum rather than here in the film forum. Beyond that, I can't say I have much to contribute. Disney has always been spotty with their home video stuff, particularly aspect ratios.

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