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24: Live Another Day (1 Viewer)

Sam Posten

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Oct 30, 1997
Aberdeen, MD & Navesink, NJ
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Sam Posten
Patrick Sun said:
The answer is either: 1. Kim2. Mountain Lion3. There's not enough time.4. I'm gonna need a hacksaw5. That's Jack Bauer -- he's coming for me!
Son of a monkey, I napped through it. Will have to find it on Hulu or iTunes I guess...

David Weicker

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Feb 26, 2005
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Matt Hough said:
Tonight's two hours tightened its noose ever so carefully until by the second hour I was completely into the storytelling and knew '24' was back just as before.

And that includes the final surprise in the second hour which, after years of moles at CTU and other double crosses, I did see coming long before it was sprung.
Knowing its going to happen, and seeing how they do it this time is one of the ongoing pleasures of 24.

Jason Charlton

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May 16, 2002
Baltimore, MD
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Jason Charlton
Ok, so does anyone else know how Jack managed to get his shirt on while handcuffed to the chair? All in all, it really brought me back to the glory days. Saw a few twists coming, and relished in the signature Jack (and Chloe) moments.I did cringe a bit as the drone attack occurred. Seriously?!? Your drone pilot calls you and frantically tells you to take cover and your response is basically, "OK, soldier, now slow down and tell me again what's happening with the missile arming and firing and whatnot..."Still a fun couple of hours and I look forward to the next episode.


Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2004
The basement of the FBI building
Matt Hough said:
And that includes the final surprise in the second hour which, after years of moles at CTU and other double crosses, I did see coming long before it was sprung.
Once they were in the bar, I knew that chick was bad news but at first, I figured she was going to be collateral damage of some kind.

Cool start. The first episode kind of threw you into the deep end in terms of the story and the new characters but by the second episode, they were moving right along with Jack in action and all the bad guys scheming.

I'm bummed that Heller has Alzheimer's or something akin to it. He had some badass moments in previous seasons (shooting terrorists when he was kidnapped and in another season, driving his car off a road into a lake to stop President Logan from using him as leverage).

I hope Michael Wincott sticks around since he's a cool character actor.

The framed drone pilot is in the new Star Wars movie.

I'm guessing that Morris and Prescott O'Brian had something terrible happen to them.

Craig S

Senior HTF Member
Mar 4, 2000
League City, Texas
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Craig Seanor
Great premiere - the show hit the ground running; you'd never know they took four years off. I'm sucked right back in!


Stunt Coordinator
May 5, 2014
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The premiere was 24 by the (ticking) numbers. And that's very good news. :cool:

Still curious to see how the skipping of hours will affect things...


Who do we think I am?
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Dec 1, 1999
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Tony D.
laser said:
The premiere was 24 by the (ticking) numbers. And that's very good news. :cool:

Still curious to see how the skipping of hours will affect things...
What skipping?
The show is in "real time" just as the other seasons where or is this season not one day?

so what "year" are we up to in 24 world? Must be 2026 or so by now.

Craig S

Senior HTF Member
Mar 4, 2000
League City, Texas
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Craig Seanor
TonyD said:
What skipping?
The show is in "real time" just as the other seasons where or is this season not one day?

Yes, the show is in "real time", and yes this season will equal one day. But there are only 12 episodes, each representing one hour of that day, meaning 12 hours will be not be depicted. The producers have said they'll skip chunks of time to accommodate this.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 2, 2001
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Scott Hanson
I thought it was okay. Regardless, it was nice having the ticking clock and music back. I think a lot of the issues that plagued the show in the last few seasons were still there, but at least with the 4 year break it feels fresher again. Definitely made me appreciate again what it once was.

Pretty funny that only the one agent thought of the possibility that Jack wanted to be caught. I assumed that was the case the second we knew it was him.

So I guess they will eventually reveal what happened with the Chloe arrest? Or perhaps since it was a "webisode" they can just pretend it never happened?

Also, I'm having a hard time remembering why exactly Jack was a fugitive from the U.S. I know he killed a couple Russian leaders, so I can see why the Russians would be after him, but for some reason I thought President Taylor cleared his name with the U.S.?


Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2004
The basement of the FBI building
One thing that made me chuckle was seeing Boudreau looking at the huge list of Jack's confirmed kills.

Scott Hanson said:
So I guess they will eventually reveal what happened with the Chloe arrest? Or perhaps since it was a "webisode" they can just pretend it never happened?

Also, I'm having a hard time remembering why exactly Jack was a fugitive from the U.S. I know he killed a couple Russian leaders, so I can see why the Russians would be after him, but for some reason I thought President Taylor cleared his name with the U.S.?
At the end of S8, President Taylor said that she was about to go public with her role in covering up the Russians' involvement and she would resign & turn herself over to the Attorney General. She was willing to give him a chance to run for it but she wouldn't have been in a position grant him a pardon. Not to mention that while he killed a few of the Russians in self defense, he flat out murdered most of the people involved.

As for Chloe's arrest, based on dialogue in one of the episodes, it sounds like she did some time but had been released.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 21, 2010
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I have seen only season 1 and 2. What should I read before seeing season 9?

Josh Steinberg

Senior HTF Member
Jun 10, 2003
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Josh Steinberg
I enjoyed the premiere, but the more I think about it, the more surprised I am how little Jack is actually in it… I mean, he's physically there a lot of the time. But he's silent. Shut off to everyone. We've never seen him quite like this, not even after being tortured by the Chinese. It was a little strange to see him so quiet for the duration.

It'll be interesting to see, as the weeks unfold, if any of the old Jack we knew will return, or if he truly is just a shell of his former self.

Matt Hough

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Apr 24, 2006
Charlotte, NC
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Matt Hough
Ratings were good but not blockbuster. Still, improved about 60% on what Bones and The Following had generated two weeks ago.


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Jan 21, 2010
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TravisR said:
James Heller: Audrey's father and Jack’s former boss when Heller was the Secretary Of Defense for Presidents Keeler and Logan. About nine years ago (S6), he told Jack that he wanted him to stay away from his daughter as she recuperated because he destroys everyone around him.

Audrey Raines: Heller's daughter and Jack’s former girlfriend who, after he was kidnapped by the Chinese at the end of S5, went to China to look for him and ended up being abducted by the Chinese. Jack rescued her but she was in a near catatonic state about nine years ago (S6).
Why Audrey Raines doesn't have her father's name? And who ended Audrey and Jack's relationship? In the first episode they didn't want her to hear jack's name, why?


Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2004
The basement of the FBI building
SamT said:
Why Audrey Raines doesn't have her father's name?
While dating Jack in S4, Audrey was in the process of divorcing her husband, Paul Raines so she still used his name. Now that she's married to Mark Boudreau, she's probably now named Audrey Boudreau but Jack (and the audience) will probably still call her Audrey Raines.
SamT said:
And who ended Audrey and Jack's relationship?
At the end of S4, Jack had to let nearly everyone- including Audrey- think that he was dead so that was basically the end of their relationship. They would have rekindled their relationship in S5 but Jack was kidnapped by the Chinese so that stopped them from getting back together. In S6, Jack would have stayed with her after he rescued her but her father told him to get away from her and that was the last time we saw her or Heller.
SamT said:
In the first episode they didn't want her to hear jack's name, why?
They're assuming that she would be upset by being reminded of Jack and, by extension, her torture by the Chinese and mental breakdown.

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