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Westworld Season 3 (1 Viewer)

Walter Kittel

Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998
As I stated in the current GoT thread, loved watching this trailer prior to the final episode. Terrific use of Pink Floyd's Brain Damage to help set the mood.

It appears that Aaron Paul is a career criminal who runs into some hard times. Curious to see how he fits into the narrative. His IMDB entry for season three is present, but unspecified. Liked the app(?) on his phone that listed the possible jobs. Also liked the irony of him wishing to meet someone real and quite the opposite occurring.

I guess the show is about a year away, maybe just a bit less.

- Walter.
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Senior HTF Member
Sep 8, 2009
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I'm glad they are finally taking Westworld to the outside world. Imho they should have done that in season 2. My son and I were avid fans of the first season, thinking that it was one of the greatest creations in all of sci fi. But the second season was such a let down for both of us that he finally said, "let's try to pretend that season 2 of WW just doesn't exist."

Chris Will

Jan 7, 2003
Montgomery, AL
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Chris WIlliams
I'm glad they are finally taking Westworld to the outside world. Imho they should have done that in season 2. My son and I were avid fans of the first season, thinking that it was one of the greatest creations in all of sci fi. But the second season was such a let down for both of us that he finally said, "let's try to pretend that season 2 of WW just doesn't exist."
Same here, my wife and I loved season one and hated season 2. It was such a huge let down that we canceled HBO Now after the season and neither one of us care much about re-subscribing for season 3. If it gets really good reviews than we will sub once the season is over and binge it.

Francois Caron

Senior HTF Member
Jul 31, 1997
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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François Caron
I'm still on the fence. I haven't finished watching season 2. I've read the summaries on Wikipedia, but even that didn't retain my interest. I don't even remember any of it.

I think season 2 would have been better if it were shortened by a few episodes. There was a huge amount of filler that just stopped the storytelling dead in its tracks way too often.


Edge of Glory?
Senior HTF Member
Nov 8, 2007
Somewhere in Florida
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Yes, season 2 seriously challenged my interest. Fortunately, I kept HBO long enough to see Watchmen, which more than fulfilled the promise of a great sci-fi and sociological show with every episode its own compelling chapter and with sensible explanations... unlike Westworld.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 21, 2010
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I'm glad I never started season 2 and never will check any of the following episodes.

Walter Kittel

Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998
First impressions of episode one of season three...

Production Design.
Production Design.
Production Design.

It might be a terrible world in some ways, but the first episode presents us with a very shiny, pretty world. The opulence of the wealthy is a constant in the modern world, which I am sure will be something that stays with in almost all futures; but what really caught my attention was the layout of the city of Los Angeles in terms of the architecture and the greening of the city. Really loved how the series presented the future in those terms. The estates of the wealthy were quite lovely to view as well. The whole episode sort of felt like 'architecture-porn' and I mean that in the most complimentary way.

The expansion of the universe of Westworld is quite welcome. The notion of an extremely sophisticated Artificial Intelligence is not something that is outside Jonathan Nolan's wheelhouse after his work on Person of Interest. As a fan of his earlier work, it will be interesting to see if any elements of that series informs the plotting of Westworld. I have always been fascinated by A.I.s in SF literature and films and I am eagerly looking forward to where the series goes this season.

Even though the first episode serves to setup the storyline for season three, I felt like it was very strong with little ambiguity. There is some fairly solid background established for the world of 2052 in terms of technologies and companies and these will play a role in during the season.

One quibble though. The city of Los Angeles felt remarkably under populated. Curious to see if the series will provide some minor background on that aspect of life in 2052 L.A.

Very happy the series is back and I really enjoyed the premiere of season three.

- Walter.

Walter Kittel

Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998
One other brief thought that came to mind about episode one while replaying it in my mind...

We see Caleb (Aaron Paul) unlocking his work robot when he arrives on the job site. The metaphor being a) unshackling a slave before its day of labor and b) by extension Caleb himself is a slave. It was a brief scene but I think that is a reasonable interpretation if one is looking for some meaning, considering that it was presented on screen.

- Walter.

Jeff Cooper

Senior HTF Member
Mar 6, 2000
Little Elm, TX
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Jeff Cooper
Absolutely loved Season 1, and thought Season 2 was a terrible mess.
I'm very excited for Season 3 thought, I just pray over and over that they make it a manageable storyline that isn't put through the timeline blender.


Who do we think I am?
Senior HTF Member
Dec 1, 1999
Gulf Coast
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Tony D.
The credits indicated filming in Singapore and Spain. A poster at AVS identified a location in Valencia, Spain.

Watching on the app I saw a five minute info bit talking about filming in Singapore.
I'm glad I never started season 2 and never will check any of the following episodes.
Good for you?

They sent out the first Delos email to people on their mailing list.

I think they lost my emails since it’s been soo long between seasons.

I had to go back and watch the previous episode because I couldn’t remember anything.

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