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Star Wars Ep. VII Megathread: The Force Awakens (1 Viewer)

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Neil Middlemiss

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Nov 15, 2001
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Neil Middlemiss
Adam Lenhardt said:
George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Sort of like the Vice President and the Treasury Secretary rolled into one.
And that's why the United Kingdom (my homeland) is the greatest place on earth - political efficiency :)


Second Unit
Apr 26, 2014
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Sam Favate said:
I just hope there's a credible adversary, unlike the battle droids of the prequels and even the stormtroopers of the OT. ("An entire legion of my best troops" on Endor are defeated by a bunch of teddy bears, etc.)
That was the fault of Lucas, not anyone else. The problems with SW after Empire stem from him alone. Lawrence Kasdan, Gary Kurtz, and others had much better ideas for Jedi and beyond than what Lucas ever came up with on his own (they would chat and have bull sessions with Coppola and Spielberg as well). Lucas was pissed and thought they had taken over "his baby" and got more involved with Jedi and made the changes he wanted, bad blood was spilled (especially with Kasdan and Kurtz; they walked), and the rest of the sorry story is, well, history.

If you look at what Lucas did to the original trilogy and the prequels... it's like he's turned into Ed Wood with billions at his disposal and has made his big budget Plan 9 From Outerspace a reality.


Second Unit
Apr 26, 2014
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Edwin-S said:
Let's not get carried away. I have a lot of criticism for Lucas, but his films (even at their worst) are nowhere near the depths of "Plan 9" or Ed Wood level directing.
Not carried away? The prequels had awful acting, disjointed, rambling, and sometimes downright racist dialog and characterizations, and childish sensibilities.

Ed Wood films were bizarrely head-smacking as well. He just didn't have the budget or ILM and a bunch of CGI happy special effects artists to back him up.

Given his many comments and reactions to the prequels, Ewan McGregor would probably think I was being too kind by half.


Senior HTF Member
Sep 14, 2009
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DanH1972 said:
Not carried away? The prequels had awful acting, disjointed, rambling, and sometimes downright racist dialog and characterizations, and childish sensibilities.

Given his many comments and reactions to the prequels, Ewan McGregor would probably think I was being too kind by half.
I disagree and i have not seen comments from Ewan which suggest what you say, he visited a Scottish hospital and said to a three year old that Trainspotting was his favourite movie that he had done and Star Wars his least favourite, he didn't say he hated the role, i remember reading distinctly that he did not like green screen work, so you are taking it out of context and he has recently said he would be open to returning to the role in a new Star Wars film.

Indeed read this interview. This is part of the interview to read it all click the link.

If he has changed his mind in the last ten years since that interview then so be it, i hate when actors diss roles they have done because it's disrespectful to everyone who worked on the film and audiences who saw it.

With a rising tide of highprofile film offers dropping through his door and stuck in a relentless round of interviews and appearances to promote the movie, the Crieff-born star struggled to cope.
He said: "I got depressed after interviews.
"I felt invaded and you're talking about yourself all day long - which is a slightly unnatural thing to do, even for an actor.
"I used to get drunk before meeting journalists.
"I thought it would get me through but then it leads to you saying things you just wish you'd never said - stupid things."
Suffering bouts of depression triggered by the stress, he publicly described filming The Phantom Menace - the first of three Star Wars prequels by the man behind the original movies, George Lucas - as "the epitome of tedium".
But yesterday McGregor, who is filming the third, as-yet untitled, prequel in Australia, said he now loved playing the character made famous by the late Sir Alec Guinness.
The father- of- two said the impact that his role has had worldwide had made him realise how lucky he was to have landed it in the first place.
"After Star Wars II - Attack of the Clones, I stopped drinking for interviews," he said.
"I used to call the process of making the effects-driven Star Wars films 'the epitome of tedium' - but now I'm very happy to be in them, I really am.
"And I like being Obi-Wan Kenobi. I like it when kids speak to me about it because I remember being that way about the first three Star Wars films myself."
Another interview with Ewan. For someone who hated doing the prequels he seems quite up for another one.
"I think it's a good idea," McGregor said of getting his own film. "The only bit that I could get away with doing is after the last one I made, 'Episode III,' before Alec Guinness, there's that period where he's in the desert."
"Could be quite exciting. I'd be up for it, for sure, of course."


Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2004
The basement of the FBI building
FoxyMulder said:
I disagree and i have not seen comments from Ewan which suggest what you say, a link to these comments would be nice.
You can't ask for a link when he's just assuming that Ewan McGregor agrees with him. :) That being said, I have seen McGregor be critical of The Phantom Menace's script (and maybe he's said more throughout the years) but that means as much as Sam Jackson saying that he loves the prequels.


Senior HTF Member
Sep 14, 2009
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TravisR said:
You can't ask for a link when he's just assuming that Ewan McGregor agrees with him. :) That being said, I have seen McGregor be critical of The Phantom Menace's script (and maybe he's said more throughout the years) but that means as much as Sam Jackson saying that he loves the prequels.
No need to ask, i supplied my own, i always rewrite my posts you need to wait a few minutes before you reply to them, oh hell wait five minutes because it's guaranteed that i will totally rewrite a post or remove things from it. :D

I mean even Harrison Ford and original cast members disliked things about the original movies, so if we are using cast members to justify our hate of something then those that hate the prequels should equally be unbiased and mention this.


Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2004
The basement of the FBI building
FoxyMulder said:
I mean even Harrison Ford and original cast members disliked things about the original movies, so if we are using cast members to justify our hate of something then those that hate the prequels should equally be unbiased and mention this.
I was going to say that too. Also, does Harrison Ford or Ewan McGregor's criticisms mean more than the positive comments that Sam Jackson and Mark Hamill have made about their SW movies? I get the feeling that people who use a celebrity comments as some kind of proof about the quality of a movie only think they have value when they are in agreement with their point of view.


Senior HTF Member
Sep 14, 2009
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TravisR said:
I was going to say that too. Also, does Harrison Ford or Ewan McGregor's criticisms mean more than the positive comments that Sam Jackson and Mark Hamill have made about their SW movies? I get the feeling that people who use a celebrity comments only think have value when they are in agreement with their point of view.
Yeah and he used to think making an effects driven role very boring but i think his views on that must have changed because after all he did Jack The Giant Slayer just a few years ago and that had to be a lot of green screen work too, not to mention the added tedium of trying to shoot in 3D and the extra time that takes, i wouldn't be at all surprised to see an Obi Wan standalone film, it's got to be in the planning stages, it's just too good an opportunity for them to miss, i'd certainly prefer it to a Boba Fett movie.


Nov 19, 2004
Mos Eisley Spaceport
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Brett Meyer
SilverWook said:
I think it does, but the wounds are cauterized shut. (Same reason Luke doesn't bleed in Empire.) If they had showed Luke slashing Jabba's henchmen with blood and limbs flying off, there would have gone the PG rating.

This doesn't explain why we saw blood when Walrus Man lost his arm in Star Wars of course. ;)

Surprised nobody has asked Hayden if he'd even want to come back for a small role yet
The wound is cauterized, bloodless and smoking in Ady Wan's Star Wars: Ep 4 Revisited.


Sam Favate

Senior HTF Member
Feb 3, 2004
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Sam Favate
I'm sure you've all seen the reports that Harrison Ford was injured on set today and taken to the hospital. It's said to be either a sprained or fractured ankle. Word from Lucasfilm is that filming will continue as scheduled, but what happens when they need Ford to run or jump?


Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2004
The basement of the FBI building
Sam Favate said:
I'm sure you've all seen the reports that Harrison Ford was injured on set today and taken to the hospital. It's said to be either a sprained or fractured ankle. Word from Lucasfilm is that filming will continue as scheduled, but what happens when they need Ford to run or jump?
It's hard to say how badly he really got hurt because they'd take him to the hospital no matter what due to insurance reasons and his age. I imagine a worst case scenario would be that they'll use a stunt man and a digital Ford head or face replacement if there's any physical stuff he can't do.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 21, 2010
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A source tells THR that the actor, who reprises his role as Han Solo from the original franchise, was injured by the door of the Millennium Falcon!


Taken For Ballast
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Apr 19, 1999
Metro NYC
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I doubt there's much running or jumping for Han in the script anyway. He's no spring nerfherder! ;)


Senior HTF Member
Oct 11, 2006
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I hope Mr. Ford will be okay. People do get hurt on movie sets all the time, but with the level of scrutiny on this one, even a hangnail is going to make the news. IIRC, Mark Hamill suffered a minor injury or two on the Empire set, and a non poisonous snake bit him shooting the Dagobah scenes.

I also wouldn't want to be the stagehand who was operating the door at the time. :eek:


Senior HTF Member
Oct 11, 2006
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DanH1972 said:
Not carried away? The prequels had awful acting, disjointed, rambling, and sometimes downright racist dialog and characterizations, and childish sensibilities.

Ed Wood films were bizarrely head-smacking as well. He just didn't have the budget or ILM and a bunch of CGI happy special effects artists to back him up.

Given his many comments and reactions to the prequels, Ewan McGregor would probably think I was being too kind by half.
I thought Ed had a couple good ideas in Plan 9. He was certainly way ahead the of zombie movie curve. As any MST3K fan knows, there are some filmmakers who make Wood look like Orson Welles by comparison. ;)
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