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My house has a reall eerie feel to it sometimes. (1 Viewer)


Feb 22, 2001

A swamp? I'm in heaven! Oh to have a carpenter gothic house and a swamp in the back yard. If you tell me next there's a cemetary next door I'll move right in.
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James T

Aug 8, 1999
If you're really interested in checking to see if it's haunted, take plenty of pictures in your house. Orbs are suppose to be travelling ghosts. But if your house is real old, you might confuse it with dust orbs or even moisture orbs.

You can pickup an EMF device at Radio shack. It'll basically check for electromagnetic frequencies. An old house may give high readings b/c of old wiring, it's the unexplained areas you need to watch for.

A compass is a cheap EMF device. Not as effective, but it will spin out of control in some places.

You can also check out your library as they usually have some files on the history of your house.

Mary M S

Mar 12, 2002
CHENAULT, Elizabeth
d. 1858
First wife of Wesley CHENAULT (I always thought first wife was a bizarre engraving..did they know there would be a second wife when they buried her?!

TAYLOR, R. F., Rev.
b. 22 Aug 1867 d. 11 Apr 1901

A Grave that listed someone as a church piano or organ player. And a young child which name I can not remember from the list I found. And miscalanious broken headstones on which the engraving was illegible. As I remember there were 8 stones you could count. (and some creepy caved in holes right under several)
And the link has the year wrong. I know there were standing headstones past 1970.
I played among these when I was little. Graves in long wooded lot many blocks behind my grandmothers 1 acre home in a very nice subdivision in Dallas. Several residences on the prime streets in this neighborhood now sell for well over 1m each. My son’s Boy Scout Leader was an Architect who built 3 homes (one he lives in) EXACTLY on top of the headstones I played around.

I never had the guts to ask him. “You bastard! Did you only move the HEADSTONES!!!!”. (The Assistant Scoutmaster said they did not move the remains)
Its hard to pop that question out in casual conversation. “By the way …got bodies under that nice new slab of yours?" Miss Manners just never covered that one.

Pulling up this link I now find that my old stomping ground consisted of approx 100 graves in that area. ……All houses now.

Chris Tsutsui

Feb 1, 2002
I fall asleep in different rooms of my house not to mention I spend the night either at my grandmas house a couple days a week, or a friend's house.

This results in me not knowing where I am and when I wake up in the morning or from a nap, I'll picture myself being in one room, but I wake up in another...

That's always a fun experience.

Or the room will be pitch black and I won't know which side of my bed is a wall, if any... Or where I am...


Kristine Ha

May 12, 2004

I completely agree! I worked at a used bookstore and a customer recommended it to over a cash register conversation. With my boyfriend working his usual overnight shift, I settled in for a good night's read ... that took about six weeks to finish. Despite the weightiness (it is 700 pages, I think) of the book, it was the subject matter and the manner in which it unfolded that kept me coming back like an addict to keep reading on and on ...

I offer my recommendation too!

And on my fledgling posting here, I will stop but I could share the tales of ghosty goodness from my best friend's house. I am a definite believer after what I saw


Nov 30, 2001
Jason_Els: No there's not a cemetary here in the yard, unless you count the countless dead animals buried throughout the yard from many years my family has owned and lived in the house.

Another thing that I have a ton of during the warm months is bats. They fly all over the open area next to my house and you can watch them for hours. Sometimes they'll even fly real close to the pool.


Jan 14, 2000

That's crazy. Everyone knows ghosts are actually cubic forms of energy.

Mary M S

Mar 12, 2002
...and I was just speaking of Manners....Hello Kristine, sorry I never look at post counts.
Welcome to the forum!

I for one would love to hear your tale of your best friends house.

Stephen might object (i've already hijacked with creepy places I played in)...or this could (with Stephens permission) become the current thread to share all 'eerie' tales of places that have chilled our spines.

Lets light a campfire.

PS. Stephen I would love to hang out in your home. And bats are a nice touch (I LIKE bats).
If it helps, - in my Grandmothers home (the one near the cemetery) I pratically lived there summers,...my mother had to drag me home for a few days at a time.

Even though I loved the house, I too had similar 'bad vibes' occasionaly when I was younger. As I grew older these strange moments mellowed into a sense of companionship with times past, and if any 'thing' visited, since my GP's had also built their home, I assumed any visitors would be a blood relation with benign intentions and we could cohabit amicably.

C. Stewart Weaver

Dec 14, 1999
Well, the house I live in now, I believe to be haunted. Too many strange occurences over the years, mostly affecting my wife. She certainly can see things that I can't. Like StephenA, she once described two of our 'visitors', to a friend. The friend recognized the visitors as the original owners of our house.

Many times my wife has awoken me, in the middle of the night, to say there was a presence in the room. I could see a slight 'flicker', like a brief sparkle of light. Or maybe a dark shadow out of the corner of my eye. She'd see 'Dead People'. Plus, my wife would feel ice-cold, to the touch, until 'they/it' left. Creepy.

Also, one Saturday morning, my wife woke me up, mad as 'heck'! She was mad about what I had done in the kitchen!?! I didn't know what she was talking about! So, I followed her to the kitchen to see what was wrong. The night before, I had washed our supper dishes, and left them in the dish drain. The next morning, all the clean dishes were back in the sink, and all the knives, forks, & spoons were across the kitchen, in the trash! Wasn't me!

Finally, our house is old and big, and we rent out rooms downstairs. Many times, our downstairs tenant would tell us that she'd heard people walking around upstairs, but when she ckecked outside, our cars would be gone. No one living up there, but something moving around...




Nov 30, 2001
I really don't care if people use this thread to describe eerie stuff they've experienced Mary M S.

It's also weird to think that when my grandmother and her parents moved into the house that it was the last on the street. Now it's in the middle part. Hard to imagine that the street has changed that much.

Of course my grandmother also remembers when the town still used trollies, there were hardly any cars, there was a man who delivered ice to the house, and her graduating class had something like 32 people.

Seth Paxton

Senior HTF Member
Nov 5, 1998
Okay, if we are talking about hauntings, let me give you my one lame, yet sincere story. Keep in mind that I'm mega-anal (as my posts often show), effectively atheist, and consider the supernatural only in a "natural, yet not recognized yet" in the way EMFs were at one point. Maybe stuff happens, but I doubt any of it is how people imagine it to be.

HOWEVER, one night in my Houston APT, fairly new, no "history", nothing, I was sitting at the CPU per normal in the office room, wife (g/f at time) was in the bedroom asleep, perhaps 1 AM.

I was drinking a Pepsi, again per the norm. I was touching the keyboard, nothing else, CPU sitting on the floor, not in contact with CPU desk, not in an area prone to road vibrations from any passing vehicles.

My empty Pepsi can suddenly slides some 6-7 inches on its own, smoothly as if I was sliding it by hand, or even smoother than that as if a pulled by a constant force like a magnet.

Of course I freak. I check for the CPU hard drive vibration to induce this, but as I said it looks extremely unlikely. I check for "sweat" from the can to have gotten under it and caused it to "float", but its all bone dry. I was awake, and even if I wasn't I was after I "saw" that and the can was in a new spot. But I was awake and felt the same before and after. In fact I was working away as it happened, not just sitting reading or something. I had a contstant physical awareness that did not change after the fact.

It scared me enough to go wake my wife and damn near convert me.

Such a silly little action, but disturbing because it was so valid. It has never stopped troubling me. No reoccurrences either. Just picture that happening to you for a second, just slide a can across your desk and then pretend like it happened by itself. That's freaky.

I will admit that maybe some EMF popped up somehow or something else natural, but it did happen. Only the "why" remains in question.

Mary M S

Mar 12, 2002
Seth, I believe:

"There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Stephen, I just realized (need to quit scan reading) that your family has lived there approx 78 yrs? With the home standing over 100?

Is there a coal chute in that cellar? Better keep several glasses of water nearby! :D

Maybe we should hold a discussion of what 'gifts' any prior residents hanging about might like left down by the swamp or in 'cold' spots; for placation!


Senior HTF Member
Jan 27, 2003
StephenA, the scariest thing about a house is what your mind makes of it.

I work in a 1940's vauldevile theater. Harry Houdini used to perform here and the area below the stage (where all his trap doors are) was creepy! It definitely felt like it could be haunted. They cleaned it all up and it's not as creepy as it used to be. It's amazing what a fresh coat of paint and some light bulb will do to chase away ghosts. :D


Nov 30, 2001
Mary M S: No I haven't seen no coal chute in the cellar, though there may be one. My cellar is damp and has a tendancy to flood when it rains too much though. It smells aweful too. The back part still has dirt floors and smells like death sometimes. Not a very pleasant cellar to be in. Can't even paint it because it's so damp and the paint never gets a chance to really stick to anything and dry.

MarkHastings: The house has been redone on the iside, like I mentioned earlier. Looks nothing like the Munsters/Addams Family house cross anymore. I still get freaky feelings in the middle of the night though.

Mary M S

Mar 12, 2002
Damp smelly cellars would be hard to make into the mood equivelent of a sunroom. Do you actually feel threatened, or just 'something amiss'?

Re:“Such a silly little action, but disturbing because it was so valid. It has never stopped troubling me
but it did happen. Only the "why" remains in question.”

I know exactly how you feel about it. I have one incident in my life I have never discussed. With less “physical” proof than yours…it was all sensation. I have never told a soul, - not even my husband, yet I shall wonder about it till the day I die.

Wasn’t it ‘coke’ cans that sprayed demonically in one of the “ghostbusters” flicks when eggs were frying up on the counter? I think he should lay off all carbonated beverages in the room ..just to be safe. :D

Kristine Ha

May 12, 2004

Mary, thanks for the warm hullo. It is always appreciated to be welcomed :)

If no one minds the tangent ... I do not mind sharing the ghosty stories ...

I will check back to see what the verdict is after I sleep ... so very sleepy.

Chester II

Stunt Coordinator
May 6, 2003
Stephen dude,

Bro, take a chill pill and think about what a house really is.
Before I became a remodeller/builder I used to look at houses from a "mystical" sense but now I just think of them as a collection of wood, plaster, some metal, a little asphalt, concrete, and paint. Put a glass window over there and a finished oak floor here and you've got yourself a house, a store, a highrise. I dunno dude, unless you see blood running down the walls and small headless dolls cooking dinner on the stove, I wouldn't worry about it. By the way, I'm guessing you've got a moisture problem in the cellar which can be partially remedied by increasing cross ventilation (if it's not a heated space) and sealing any concrete surfaces with paint or a clear sealer. Moisture is the true ghost of any built structure.



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