So I used to be very into home theater with dedicated rooms and automation and all that jazz way back in the day in Texas. But we've moved several times including out to Hawaii for a few years and everything HT just fell by the wayside. We've finally settled back down a bit here in LA while my kids are acting, so I expect we will be here for a while. I'm wanting to rebuild and luckily, the house we are renting has what used to be a recording studio garage conversion out back. It's soundproof and sound treated, which is awesome. I just need to fill it up with gear. I'll probably start out with a decent receiver while I research all my options for separates and other gear. First up is speakers and a projector.
Back in the day I was running a pair of Energy C-6's up front and I loved them. I had the AC-300 center for a long time and then I eventually built my own center that was pretty close to the 300 overall.
I'm looking for some advice from those that have been around for a while to find some current speakers that match the Energy set pretty well since it took me a while to settle on them and be happy with the sound. It's possible that my tastes (and hearing) have changed since then, but it seems like the best starting point for a pretty subjective part of the system.
Thanks in advance and cheers.
Back in the day I was running a pair of Energy C-6's up front and I loved them. I had the AC-300 center for a long time and then I eventually built my own center that was pretty close to the 300 overall.
I'm looking for some advice from those that have been around for a while to find some current speakers that match the Energy set pretty well since it took me a while to settle on them and be happy with the sound. It's possible that my tastes (and hearing) have changed since then, but it seems like the best starting point for a pretty subjective part of the system.
Thanks in advance and cheers.