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Jurassic World (2015) (3 Viewers)


Taken For Ballast
Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 1999
Metro NYC
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Chuck Mayer said:
I'm pretty slack-jawed and I've forgotten everything about this movie, except for thinking how attractive BDH's mother must have been.
I've met her mother twice and I think she got the best qualities of both parents. [emoji6]

Tim Glover

Senior HTF Member
Jan 12, 1999
Monroe, LA
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Tim Glover
This thread is one of the best on the HTF these days. I'm liking the occasional jabs and humor. Loving the wit and sarcasm. :) And of course the movie discussion as well.

I still miss.. GREATLY miss the REAL movie discussion threads from 1999-2006 or so. Loved them & I was addicted to the HTF.

Wonder if the interest will return? Or was it mainly due to the DVD boom? DVD really made Home Theater more of a reality for people. And there was just some awesome films being released by big name directors. Now we get sequels of sequels and prequels re-treads. Not much to discuss.

Sorry for the thread diversion.


Taken For Ballast
Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 1999
Metro NYC
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Ya know Tim. I used to miss those big threads and huge conversation. But just head over to one of the "other" sites with thousands of posts and I'll take these intimate conversations any day. Times have changed and this forum is still the best on the net.


Senior HTF Member
Mar 4, 2001
Catfisch Cinema
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Jurassic World: Has dinosaurs wreaking havoc due to man's hubris. Lacks wonder of original. Tense moments abound. Hindered by minor sloppiness in writing throughout and uninteresting characters.

Overall, enjoyed it. Glad I saw it at the theater.

Sean Bryan

Sean Bryan
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Jun 30, 1997
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Tim Glover said:
I still miss.. GREATLY miss the REAL movie discussion threads from 1999-2006 or so. Loved them & I was addicted to the HTF.

Wonder if the interest will return? Or was it mainly due to the DVD boom? DVD really made Home Theater more of a reality for people. And there was just some awesome films being released by big name directors. Now we get sequels of sequels and prequels re-treads. Not much to discuss.
I do as well.

Back in those days it seems there was much greater excitement about movies in general with what was "in the air". There were the Star Wars prequels (which, despite critical or fan reception, was a big deal), The Matrix (for many film goers it was an awesome and unique movie experience), The Lord of the Rings (this was HUGE for me), Harry Potter (also huge fun), and the resurgence of quality comic book super hero movies like Blade, X-Men, X2, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man 2 after the entire genre was nearly killed by Schumacher's Batman and Robin.

It seems like after the general excitement surrounding The Lord of the Rings ran its course there just weren't any "Big, Fun, Multi-Storied" franchises to be excited about, follow, and discuss. At least for me. And after the great start of the comic book movie resurgence there was a significant bump in the road. X3, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Spider-Man 3, Daredevil and both Fantastic 4 movies were all generally disappointing.

Sure there were lots of good movies after that time. But, at least for me, that period was missing that certain something to be excited about, and my interest in movies (at least my obsession with "following movies") took a huge dip.

I started to get more excited about movies again when Marvel Studios started doing its thing starting with Iron Man. But that excitement didn't really solidify until the bigger picture of what they were doing (a shared/connected movie universe just like I always dreamed of when I was a kid) became clear with 2012's The Avengers.

Being excited about what Marvel is doing, where they're going, the next big thing they may be building to, etc... has rekindled my interest of big, fun movies in general to the point where it has become habbit to routinely check the move news and geek news sites for development info, rumors, and announcements. For a LONG time, I used to scan this forum specifically for posts from Oscar (?Merks?) because he always passed on updates of what was developing on that front. But I noticed he didn't seem to post as much anymore, so I kinda took that up a bit.

I was hoping that the Hobbit films would have brought back some of the old feeling we had here. But while being generally good, they never quite seemed to capture the quality and magic of The Lord of the Rings and there wasn't nearly as much anticipation or excitement to spark anything like those old discussions.

I also wonder if part of the decline of the big discussion threads here is due to the general state of Internet culture. There is so much negatively, the need for people to "register" their dislike or disinterest of something when they see others talking about their interest or enjoyment of it. I think that can be a turn-off for many who aren't looking to be insulted or for arguments. I think most people at the HTF are generally more mature individuals and have lost interest in getting sucked into long Internet arguments when haters be hate'n (since there is plenty of that everywhere else on the net), and therefore tend to post their opinion but refrain from getting drawn into arguments with those who are essentially insinuating that what they enjoy is crap. I think that just gets tiring for many, it has for me. Especially since Ive been posting since 1969. ;) The unfortunate downside of that reaction may be the decline of the big, epic discussions here.


Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2004
The basement of the FBI building
I think the rise of social media has lessened message board discussion. People apparently have embraced snark and bitchiness over intelligent discussion (not that message boards were always a bastion of that) and social media is a great place for cynical assholes because they can quickly & frequently gripe (their one joy), think they're witty and not have to really back up any cheap shots. Why even wait to see a movie or why read a message board post that is a longer but thoughtful critique of a movie when you can read a 'review' of a movie based on a trailer that says something smart like "batman vz Superman is gonna be worse then teh holocost LOLZZ"?

Sean Bryan

Sean Bryan
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Jun 30, 1997
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TravisR said:
I think the rise of social media has lessened message board discussion. People apparently have embraced snark and bitchiness over intelligent discussion (not that message boards were always a bastion of that) and social media is a great place for cynical assholes because they can quickly & frequently gripe (their one joy), think they're witty and not have to really back up any cheap shots. Why even wait to see a movie or why read a message board post that is a longer but thoughtful critique of a movie when you can read a 'review' of a movie based on a trailer that says something smart like "batman vz Superman is gonna be worse then teh holocost LOLZZ"?
Yeah, I believe that is a huge part of it.

Mike Boone

Supporting Actor
Oct 19, 2014
Norton, Ohio
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Jurassic World passed the $600 million mark in total North American box office on Friday, and within 2 weeks it should surpass the $623 million that The Avengers brought it at U.S. and Canadian box offices. Then Jurassic World will rank #3 in total North American box office, with only Avatar and Titanic above it. Of course that ranking is without taking ticket price inflation into account, but unfortunately, that's the way that the media usually compares box office blockbusters.

But Robert P Munafo's research actually accounted for the various prices that people paid to see movies over the years, in order to come up with the number of tickets sold for top movies released in North America, that's as close as available information will allow.

According to Munafo's calculations Avatar only ranks 24th in ticket sales, with a total of 78.3 million tickets sold, while Titanic is actually in 6th place, having sold 128.4 million tickets in North America. The Avengers is in 29th place with 72.3 million sold.

And here is Robert P Munafo's list of the all-time Top 30 Movies In North American Ticket Sales:

1. Gone With The Wind: 225.7 million tickets

2. Star Wars: 194.4 million tickets

3. E T: 161.0 million tickets

4. The Sound of Music 156.4 million tickets

5. The Ten Commandments 130.0 million tickets

6. Titanic 128.4 million tickets

7. Snow White 126.3 million tickets

8. Jaws 120.7 million tickets

9. Doctor Zhivago 120.1 million tickets

10. The Lion King 118.9 million tickets

11. 101 Dalmations 117.1 million tickets

12. Ben-Hur 107.8 million tickets

13. Return of the Jedi 100.8 million tickets

14. The Empire Strikes Back 100.4 million tickets

15. The Exorcist 98.9 million tickets

16. The Phantom Menace 96.0 million tickets

17. Raiders of the Lost Ark 94.9 million tickets

18. Mary Poppins 89.3 million tickets

19. The Sting 88.4 million tickets

20. Fantasia 84.4 million tickets

21. The Jungle Book 82.4 million tickets

22. Jurassic Park 80.4 million tickets

23. The Graduate 79.4 million tickets

24. Avatar 78.3 million tickets

25. Sleeping Beauty 77.4 million tickets

26. Bambi 75.0 million tickets

27. Forrest Gump 74.1 million tickets

28. The Godfather 73.0 million tickets

29. The Avengers 72.3 million tickets

30. Shrek 2 72.1 million tickets


Taken For Ballast
Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 1999
Metro NYC
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Steve Christou said:
My pet hate is when someone pops in to a movie thread after a string of enthusiastic posts and they write something like -

"What a pile of shit this film was but I suppose the neanderthals out there will lap it up"

That's not very nice.
Happened in this thread![emoji12]

Steve Christou

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Apr 25, 2000
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Steve Christou
Tino said:
Happened in this thread![emoji12]

Whaaat? ;)

Mike Boone, interesting chart. I own all those movies on blu-ray, he proudly admitted. My favorite movie, for those who might be curious, is at no.12.

Jurassic World is currently at no.5 in unadjusted worldwide grosses, and should pass Furious 7 in the next week or so.

Johnny Angell

Played With Dinosaurs Member
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Dec 13, 1998
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Johnny Angell
I am surprised to see 101 Dalmatians so high on the list. Didn't know it was that popular. Is that Disney's Jungle Book up at 21? Once again, didn't know it did that well. There are 8 animated movies in that list (I'm not counting Avatar). Fantasia is a bit of a surprise for me too. I'm sure the rankings of these movies I've mentioned have been helped by re-releases. That would apply to Number 1 too.

I think it's impressive that Titanic is number 6 and is such a recent movie. It was re-released for 3D a while back, but it doesn't have the advantage of multiple releases that GWTW has.

Mike Boone

Supporting Actor
Oct 19, 2014
Norton, Ohio
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Steve Christou said:
Whaaat? ;)

Mike Boone, interesting chart. I own all those movies on blu-ray, he proudly admitted. My favorite movie, for those who might be curious, is at no.12.

Jurassic World is currently at no.5 in unadjusted worldwide grosses, and should pass Furious 7 in the next week or so.

Oh, OK, Ben-Hur is your favorite. That's a movie I have not seen in decades, and I've been waiting for an opportunity to watch it on Blu-ray, when a friend who has never seen it, has the time to visit us.

Colin Jacobson

Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 2000
Johnny Angell said:
I am surprised to see 101 Dalmatians so high on the list. Didn't know it was that popular. Is that Disney's Jungle Book up at 21? Once again, didn't know it did that well. There are 8 animated movies in that list (I'm not counting Avatar). Fantasia is a bit of a surprise for me too. I'm sure the rankings of these movies I've mentioned have been helped by re-releases. That would apply to Number 1 too.

I think it's impressive that Titanic is number 6 and is such a recent movie. It was re-released for 3D a while back, but it doesn't have the advantage of multiple releases that GWTW has.

Reissues definitely make a difference. I'd love to see the figures based just on the movies' original releases.

I agree it's impressive that "Titanic" is as high as it is. Movies of the "Home Video Age" have an advantage over older movies in terms of non-adjusted grosses, but they suffer in terms of time in theaters. "Star Wars" played on screens for more than a year - now movies are expected to be out on home video within four months of original release! Movies just don't have the same time to suck in money as they did in the past...

Mike Boone

Supporting Actor
Oct 19, 2014
Norton, Ohio
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Johnny Angell said:
I am surprised to see 101 Dalmatians so high on the list. Didn't know it was that popular. Is that Disney's Jungle Book up at 21? Once again, didn't know it did that well. There are 8 animated movies in that list (I'm not counting Avatar). Fantasia is a bit of a surprise for me too. I'm sure the rankings of these movies I've mentioned have been helped by re-releases. That would apply to Number 1 too.

I think it's impressive that Titanic is number 6 and is such a recent movie. It was re-released for 3D a while back, but it doesn't have the advantage of multiple releases that GWTW has.

You are absolutely right about the particular animated movies you mentioned having their totals boosted by multiple releases. Back before home video became popular, and all but eliminated large scale re-releases, Disney used to re-release it's popular animated movie titles about every 7 years. Many adults saw a number of those Disney movies multiple times as additional children or grandchildren grew old enough to appreciate being taken to see them. I took my own daughter, Sarah, to see Fantasia when she was not quite three years old. Sarah sat through the whole movie without making a sound. Then, when we got up to leave, my daughter said "Daddy, that was really strange."


Taken For Ballast
Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 1999
Metro NYC
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I know this Is last minute but I have TWO $7.50 fandango codes for Jurassic World that Expire tomorrow that I can't use. FREE

If anyone can use them pm me. Don't want them to go to waste.

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