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Audio Refinement Pre/Pro -- any opinions out there? (1 Viewer)

Rich Wenzel

Supporting Actor
Aug 9, 2002
I was looking at one of my older issues of SGTH and noticed this pre/pro.

It's pretty cheap, $1300-1400 list. Has less features than the Rotel 1066 but the review felt the sound was superior to the Rotel.

It was interesting that they did such a direct comparison, as magazines are generally loathe to do.

It was also interesting that they reviewed the Outlaw 950 in the same magazine and didn't refer to the Rotel or the Audo Refinement in that article. Interesting.

Given that, anyone have any experience with this pre/pro?


Dan Driscoll

Supporting Actor
Aug 1, 2000
I assume you are referring to the Pre 2 DSP? I've been interested in this pre-pro for a while now and I would also be interested in any comments from owners. I don't know if you were aware of this, but apparently it is no longer in production, although some dealers still have it is stock. Used units are selling for about $800 and there is (or was) an upgrade available to add DPLII and some other features. I have never found anyone who had the upgrade done and I don't know how much it cost.

I have spoken to a couple of people who used to own this unit and both said the sound quality was outstanding, particularly for the price. However, both also said the set-up and configuration options for HT use were very limited.

Rich Wenzel

Supporting Actor
Aug 9, 2002
yes, I am talking about the pre2

you can read a review at it on www.guidetohometheater.com

i agree its very limited...

i dont know much about audio refinement, except that they are an asian company with a very limited website...i dont even see the pre2 on there.

i have never seen their stuff in a store...

i was impressed that the magazine came out and said it sounded better than the Rotel...usually magazines dont make that bold of a statement...so i am interested in the piece...


Dan Driscoll

Supporting Actor
Aug 1, 2000
Audio Refinement is the entry level brand of YBA, a French company which makes some very well regarded high end gear. The Pre 2 came off the website a few months ago, which is why I believe it has been discontinued. Info on the upgrade has also been removed, so I'm not sure if it is being offered anymore.

Jeff G

Nov 15, 2003
higher fidelity audio (has the upgraded pre/pro for $1125ish.It has upgraded DACs and DPLII. i considered it but got scared due to it's freaky bass management (the STGH review outlines it well) and no back-lighting on the remote.
good hunting,


Second Unit
Jan 22, 2003
I've heard this pre/pro with their 5-channel amp and Audio Physic speakers and thought it very musical. Very nice channel separation and smooth but detailed highs and midrange. I only heard it in stereo so I can't say how good it's multichannel abilities are.


Nov 10, 2003
An audio dealer near me, here in Ontario, demoed the Pre2 and the multi-5 amp for me, with some JM Lab speakers in a 5.1 setup. Found the Audio Refinement highly musical, and gear did not seem to add too much of its own sonic signature. This dealer has the demo pair for sale for CAN $4000. What's that in US$...$1.99? :)



Dec 30, 2001
Real Name

We haven't had a chance to play with the Pre-2 DSP, but we have auditioned the Audio Refinement Pre-5, which is an analog-only preamp allowing for a 5.1 source. The Pre-5's preamp section was suppose to be slightly better than the Pre-2's, and at one point in time there was a Pre-5 DSP planned.

The preamp section of the Pre-5 was quite good, better than the Sunfire TGII and B&K Ref30 we auditioned, and almost on a par with the Anthem AVM-20 v1 that we ended up purchasing. If we didn't need a preamp with digital processing, we might have gone with the Pre-5.

The source we were using with these auditions was the Audio Refinement CD Complete. To the ears of my wife and I, this was the best sounding CD player we auditioned costing less than $1500 (and believe me, we auditioned a lot of them!:)). This has been our CD player now for over 3 years.

Just some anecdotal information about Audio Refinement. :)


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