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Aftermath (Syfy) (1 Viewer)

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
Has anybody else seen this? It's the latest show to jump on the dystopian bandwagon. It centers around a family trying to survive the biblical end of days.

The writing is mostly Syfy Original Movie bad, but with better casting. Real life couple Anne Heche and James Tupper play the parents of the family. Heche's character is a retired Air Force pilot, while Tupper's character is a religious scholar who gathered together hard copies of research materials on the end of days as civilization collapsed in order to make sense of the new world. They have three children: The oldest, played by Levi Meaden, was on the verge of joining the Peace Corps when everything went to hell. The other two are twin sisters, played by Julia Sarah Stone and Taylor Hickson. Hickson's character gets separated from the rest of the family fairly early on in the pilot and is forced to survive by her wits in an increasingly hellish environment.

I haven't watched the second episode yet, but for all its faults there were a few truly unnerving moments and the potential for some Mad Max-esque insanity. I kind of hope the one daughter stays separated from the rest of the family for the entire season, and by the time she's reunited with them has become a hardened badass road warrior.

EDIT: Indeed I did mean "dystopian"! Dreaded typo.
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Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
The writing is mostly Syfy Original Movie bad, but with better casting

It is typical SyFy quality, totally ridiculous, like the Sharknado movies, but fun to watch.

Never knew her and Tupper were together. I always thought she was gay.

And like Seinfeld always said, "Not that there's anything wrong with that" :D
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Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
It is typical SyFy quality, totally ridiculous, like the Sharknado movies, but fun to watch.
Well said. If shows like "Westworld" are filet mignon, this is fast food. But that's okay; sometimes you just feel like McDonald's.

I just watched the second episode, and liked it more than the first. The rebellious daughter who got separated from the rest of the family is really starting to grow on me. She made a few smart judgement calls during the second episode, and I like how she's really starting to appreciate her family now that she's separated from them.

Aunt Sally is a very "TV" character.

The main weak link at this point is the brooding son, who seems in danger of going full Shane at any moment. Although I did appreciate the inversion of the usual trope of mental illness being demonic possession. In this case, the opposite was true: the son killed the other boy because he thought he was possessed by a skinwalker, when really he was just spinning out because with the world going to shit he no longer had access to the meds that kept his schizophrenia in check. Many people with schizophrenia have a highly elevated pain threshold, so the fact that he barely reacted to getting his shoulder popped back into alignment should have been a clue to what was really going on.


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
Many people with schizophrenia have a highly elevated pain threshold, so the fact that he barely reacted to getting his shoulder popped back into alignment should have been a clue to what was really going on.

I was wondering about the shoulder thing. I've heard it's normally extremely painful, but now makes more sense. Series may not survive, but stranger things have happened. I'm staying with it until the end.

I am getting tired of these late teen/early '20s guys going through their "angst" period. Think Nick or Chris from FTWD, even Carl from TWD. It gets a little over-used.

Westworld episode two makes me want to stick with it. Plus it has the best opening credits I've seen since "Dexter".


Who do we think I am?
Senior HTF Member
Dec 1, 1999
Gulf Coast
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Tony D.
I watched the 1st ep, recorded the 2nd. Still deciding if I'll keep going.

Malcolm R

Senior HTF Member
Feb 8, 2002
Real Name
I watched the 1st ep, recorded the 2nd. Still deciding if I'll keep going.
Toward the end of the second episode, I thought I was going to give up on this show. Then the dragon showed up. So I'm in for at least one more.

Seems like they really glossed over Matt's murder of the schizophrenic kid. I know the world's going to hell, but you'd think someone in the group might care.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
The father's quadruple homicide in the third episode is even more brutal, but I like that we aren't spending a season with the characters making stupid mistakes before they acclimate to how the world works.

The thing with the dragon demon and the separated daughter on the fundamentalist cut compound was fascinating, like maybe she has a bigger role to play in what's going on that it first appeared. The young girl who played the disapproved cult member was good, too. Somehow, you could see the fanaticism in her eyes.

The whole thing the Maori sea goblin was a little left field, but I'm kind of enjoying how each episode brings a new kind of crazy into the mix. This is becoming a true guilty pleasure.


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
Just finishing up episode three. It's been enjoyable so far. Looking forward to the quadruple homicide. :cool:

The girl just got the rabies shot. I always thought it was an urban myth kind of thing where you get a huge needle into your stomach, but maybe not.

I was diabetic for a few years, a gazillion injections later that I did myself and it somehow got better, I'm fine now. But those injections were like pin pricks compared to what was basically a giant nail into your abs. Ouch.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
I continue to enjoy this bonkers show, though the parasitic bugs had a nearly intolerable ick factor.

A little disappointed that Brianna was reunited with the rest of the family so quickly. I was kind of hoping that that wouldn't happen until the season finale.


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
How original. They find a prison, safety, food, water, the tall double cyclone fence and naturally they travel in a huge RV. Wonder where they got those ideas? :P Soon they be making "runs" to restock supplies, etc.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
How original. They find a prison, safety, food, water, the tall double cyclone fence and naturally they travel in a huge RV. Wonder where they got those ideas? :P Soon they be making "runs" to restock supplies, etc.
This week's episode was definitely very "Walking Dead"-esque, but what it lacks in originality, it makes up for with carnivorous plants and dragon-like flying demons and Wayne Brady.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
The family sure learned how to be really brutal really quickly.

The show didn't waste any time knocking off the two daughters' boyfriends.

Interesting that there appear to be forces of good working in the end times as well as all of the forces of evil.


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
It's an odd show, but fun to watch. It breaks the mold and is definitely not a clone of so many other things out there now.

Looks like they're rerunning the first seven episodes starting Nov. 15th at 3:00 a.m. if people want to give it a try and see everything shown so far. New episode at 7.00 p.m. later that day.

SyFy isn't the greatest channel, but I think they're doing okay with this show.

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