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24 5/14/02 (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Mar 6, 2001
An interview with the actress who played Nina said that they did not make her a bad guy until at least 6 episodes had gone by. If I can find the link I'll bring it. But she said that initially believing she was a good guy certainly ensured that she acted like one.

Joel Mack

Senior HTF Member
Jun 29, 1999
I'm not taking the word of a puff piece in USA Today over my gut. In 48hrs I may be proven wrong, but until then...


Senior HTF Member
Jan 30, 1999
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When Jack's friend died to give him the card with whom the traitor was, it was Nina that came up. She was able to deflect it by having Jamie there as backup and state she was with Jack at the time of the computer access logs. Jamie was the backup for her and it worked perfect.
Yes, I remember that. As far as I’m concerned, it was just a suspense-building plot device to make us wrongly suspect Nina from the start, only to have our suspicions proven incorrect later down the road in one of those plot twists we all love. In fact, the whole key card sub-plot ended up going nowhere at all, since its only purpose to the story was to build suspense and deflect suspicion for a few episodes. You might as well say that for the first few episodes, Tony was an insubordinate jerk who had it in for Jack, so that should have made him the mole. Of course, Tony being the mole is just as contradictory as Nina being the mole, given his willingness to thwart the Drazens’ agenda during most of the episodes. The same is true for Nina. I still believe the writers had no idea that Nina would turn out bad during the first half of the season. They didn’t even think they’d be writing a fourteenth episode until they got a surprise phone call from Fox. Although the show was compelling and cohesive for the first thirteen hours, everything since then has obviously been pulled out of their collective you-know-whats. This dramatic drop in quality alone should indicate that the writers struggled against great odds, given the show’s format, and under tremendous pressure to come up with an ending to this saga. Under the circumstances, I applaud their efforts, but that doesn’t mean the contradictions don’t stand out.

And there’s no reason to believe Nina couldn’t have finished Jamie off without the appearance of suicide. If Nina had wanted Jamie dead, then Nina should have been the last to see her alive.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 30, 1999
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Okay, I finally read the USA Today article linked above.
An interview with the actress who played Nina said that they did not make her a bad guy until at least 6 episodes had gone by.
Actually, the article says that Sara Clarke (Nina) said that her status as the mole wasn’t revealed to her until six episodes from the end of the season. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the producers didn’t decide this much earlier. However, the article also states that the producers didn’t even decide to make Nina the mole until Christmas. I don’t know the exact production schedule, but I believe at least six episodes had aired by Christmas, completely eliminating them from the batch of episodes in which Nina was known by the writers to be the mole. Given the extensive lead time required to go from drafting scripts to shooting and airing an episode, it’s likely that there were anywhere from four to ten more episodes already in the production cycle by Christmas time, which would make those “Good Nina” episodes as well.

In short, the producers freely admit that making Nina a baddie was an afterthought well into the production of the series.
Jun 20, 1999
My vote also goes with Teri. This show is so wacky that I wouldn't put it past the producers to get Sarah Clarke to agree to lie to the press so as to perpetuate the impression last week's episode left us.(especially if she was going to be a regular character next season) That would also explain one of the previews we saw of Nina having a gun on Teri since she has apparently just discovered Teri to be the enemy. Tomorrow will tell.


Stunt Coordinator
Jan 1, 2001
I don't know about this whole Teri Face/Off thing - not only would she have to fool Jack (possible with him being distracted by work and not seeing her for awhile) but she would also need to fool Kim. Kim was staying with her the entire time Jack and Teri were separated right? Wouldn't Kim notice the difference? I can't believe they could do such a seamless transition.

Then again, Kim hasn't shown herself to be the brightest lightbulb...


Brett Jason

Stunt Coordinator
Jun 16, 1999
I think you guys are fishing for something that's not there. Nina's the mole, that was the big "reveal", Terri's just annoying (and that was revealed a long time ago :)), not a mole. Nina will be uncovered and will pull the gun on Terri to save herself. Tony will probably gun her down.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 13, 2000
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Yes, a lot of it is just wishful thinking. Who does the audience want to return next season, Nina or Terri? My guess is it's Nina. Unless they do a (shock!) prequel, I'm now hoping (but not expecting) that the writers changed their minds at Easter, and the whole Nina-is-the-mole thing is a very clever double bluff. :)

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