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24 5/14/02 (1 Viewer)

Craig S

Senior HTF Member
Mar 4, 2000
League City, Texas
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Craig Seanor
Good episode last night, despite some issues...
I think we could have found problems with any of the major suspects being the mole. Unlike Jami, who was bought off, you would think Nina must have been a sleeper agent, in place for several years which allowed her to rise to the position she has now in CTU. Was she in place before Jack's Drazen hit, and then activated?? Or is she indeed a Drazen relative who was somehow inserted into CTU after the hit? The latter strains credibility even more.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the big continuity glitch from last night: Drazen told Jack he would call Palmer at 10:45, and Jack repeated that time in his call to Palmer from the car. Yet the call came just after 10:30, and neither Jack nor the Senator remarked on it being early. BTW, Jack should have picked up on the phone/bomb ruse much earlier - if Drazen was really interested in the money why would they have tried the earlier hit without trying to get the Senator to turn it loose??
Good move by Kim, although that bad guy seemed dumb enough to be in CTU. ;) He kept moving closer & closer - looked like an actor trying to hit his mark!
The Palmers' marriage appears to have fallen completely apart in the space of just a few hours. Like many of you, I feel Lady McPalmer will not survive until midnight.
Despite the various believeability issues raised here, "24" has been a great ride, and I'm looking forward to next week's conclusion. If they throw a cliffhanger at us, however, I may have to break something! :laugh:

Patrick Sun

Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1999
I would not be surprised if Palmer's would-be mistress committed suicide among the chaos of the last hour next week.

Ken Chan

Senior HTF Member
Apr 11, 1999
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Jack should have picked up on the phone/bomb ruse much earlier
I'd say Jack is tired and desperate :)
As far as the 10:30/10:45 glitch, they've de-emphasized the real-time aspect of the show, so it's not a big thing. I didn't pay attention to the bleeping clock thingy they do going into and out of commercial to see if they were in sync.

Patrick Sun

Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1999
I knew the phone was a bomb as soon as they gave it to Jack. The writing has not been clever at all for the past 8 episodes.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 13, 2000
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There's a really interesting counter-theory over at the Fox 24 forum. Here's the entirety of the message:

First of all if someone has already posted this theory...my apologies.

Now, fortunately I taped the episode from last night and have had the opportunity to thouroughly review the last half hour and have come up with the following observations and theories:

1. I believe those of you who think Nina is actually over hearing Teri talk to Andre are correct and here's why: As some have noticed, you definitely do NOT see Nina moving her lips and after hearing the voice again, although it does sound like Nina speaking serbian, who's to say it's not Teri speaking in her real voice.

2. A number of you have mentioned the cryptic info in next weeks TV guide regarding a "phone conversation that gives Jack information that helps ID the second CTU traitor, enabling him to warn NINA." The info just refers to a phone conversation, not necessarily one in the final episode. It could very well refer to the conversation between Jack and Terri where she reveals she is pregnant. I think Jack knows that the "real" Teri is/was unable to get pregnant and his instant emotional, shocking reaction is the realization that the womann he's talking to is not his wife, but he does a masterful job of covering up his surprise per his experience as an agent trained to handle such a revelation(remember, Jack utters- "that's the last thing I expected you to say"). Further, toward the end when they show Jack driving to the peir the camera sort of zooms in to his left hand on the steering wheel and Jack sort of stares at it in disbelief.

3. In watching next week's scenes, a quick glance at the confrontation between teri and nina shows a cold, almost evil glance by Teri as if she is the traitor and is trying to get by Nina, whereas Nina tells Teri she "can't let her go" in her normal Nina CTU voice. If Nina really is the mole, why would she still continue to talk in her phony American accent, plus why would she so concerned with stopping Teri if Teri is not the mole...an evil Nina would have bigger fish to fry. The confrontation also will probably result from Jack confirming to Nina that Teri is not his wife. In retrospect, this phony Teri probably entered the scene during the Jack/ Teri seperation.

Of course, there still are questions: Does Teri have access to a phone and if Teri is dirty how did she know that Palmer was alive? Plus, who was it that authorized that CTU should be aware of Palmer being alive, Jack doesn't give this authorization at hotel, who does?

OK, if anyone out there wants to expound on these theories please do so. I can't wait til Tuesday. It should be awesome!

I'm Out!

Mr. Aztec


John Thomas

Senior HTF Member
Mar 23, 2000
Plus, who was it that authorized that CTU should be aware of Palmer being alive, Jack doesn't give this authorization at hotel, who does?
It's run over pretty quickly; Mason states that their intel is updated by Secret Service; who on the Secret Service could be leaking info? It's eally just rampant speculation - this could be the wrong road to go down right now.
I did an inside-cheer when I saw that Sen.Palmer was leaving his wife. What a bitch, geez-louise. The hypocritical wench doesn't want to "play games with the public" by keeping it quiet about Palmer's 'death' but she's okay with some groupie/co-worker sleeping with her husband. I'd kick that ho' to the curb too.:emoji_thumbsup:


Senior HTF Member
Jan 13, 2000
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Suggesting some sort of "Face/Off" angle?
It's quite possible. The original Palmer assassin was also made to look like a photographer. If the mole really is Nina, then the question is: how long has Jack known "Nina"?

By the way, what's stopping there being a third mole? Someone higher up with the sort of clearance Nina doesn't have access to, say, Chappelle? I can't believe, if the mole really is Nina, that she's working alone. That TV Guide spoiler may be referring to Jack uncovering the higher-ranking mole, not the mole in his office.


Senior HTF Member
Mar 6, 2001
Wow, that would be incredible and I'd like it. But Terri would have had to have been replaced by a look alike some time after she had her amnesia, since she did not revert to speaking Russian when she was all fuzzy minded and traumatized from (what she was) the loss of her daughter.


Supporting Actor
Feb 14, 2000
Teri can't be the mole because Drazen's hitman was about to kill her when he got plugged in the back by Tony at the Bauer house.
This USAToday article pretty much confirms that Nina is the mole. http://www.usatoday.com/life/enter/t...15-mole-24.htm
Looks like the spoiler tag doesn't work very well for URLs. Don't click on the link if you don't want to know! :)


Stunt Coordinator
May 1, 2002
It's NOT Teri at all, but Nina as we saw in the final scenes. Unlike some, I think this fits in very well with the story. It goes back to the 2nd show like I had mentioned about whom the traitor was when Jack's friend was killed giving the information to him. Jack confronted Nina about it in his office, but she was able to persude him otherwise due to Jamie. Her cover was she was with Jack so it couldn't be her that was the mole, thereby exposing Jamie later. Jamie took the fall and most likely knew it was Teri that recruited her. She kept her story and didn't snitch on Nina when confronted. Also, this sets up Nina as a possible killer of Jamie since the cameras were off when the apparent "suicide" happened. Then, the fact she left at the PERFECT time before the hit on the safe house.

So far, unless the last show does something to change my mind, 24 is my favorite new show this season. I have really enjoyed the ride so far.



Senior HTF Member
Jan 1, 2001
somebody posted that if Nina was the mole, she should have tipped off the Drazen's of Alexi's trap. or even after the fact that he'd been stabbed, the Drazen's didn't know til Jack told them himself...

Ralph Summa

Supporting Actor
Nov 6, 2001
This whole face-off thing intrigues me. Remember the first assassin had surgery to look like the photographer? What if the Teri was actually the woman who blew up the plane? The voice difference could blast that theory...

God I'm an idiot! I keep forgetting that this all takes place in one day. If the woman who blew up the plane had cosmetic surgery she'd still be in bandages.

I'll go back to sleep now....

Butch C

Second Unit
Dec 13, 2001
FOX announced that next seasons 24 will not change format but instead have another 'day in the life' of Kiefer Sutherland...good news...now if they could only work on making next year more plausable


Senior HTF Member
Mar 6, 2001
I saw this quote: Ms. Berman said the network considered tinkering with the format so that each show would take place in one 24-hour period, with the stories changing each week. "We ultimately concluded that this was what the show was — and the producers laid out a story arc for next season that blew us away," Ms. Berman said. (end of quote)

Hopefully they have a lock on a full season so they don't have to write two possible ways to end the show (ending midseason or staying full-on through the whole season).

Next season, they kidnap his fetus. Nah, I agree, hopefully his family won't be involved, so he can kick some ash for a change.


Supporting Actor
May 24, 1999
I read in todays St. Louis Post-Dispatch that the main reason that Fox allowed the producers of "24" to keep the format is that they laid out a detailed story arc for next season that "blew the executives away".

My guess/hope is that next season will have David Palmer as President and Jack working for him. That way they could keep Lady McPalmer around.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 30, 1999
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Things I believe that are important to note:
1. Nina spoke to the Drazens in their native tongue (Serbian?). She is a family member, or at least a patriot of Victor’s regime and personal agenda. This also indicates that she was put in place years ago in order to accomplish this mission. Jack “killed” Victor Drazen two years ago. Could Nina have been put in place and risen through the ranks of CTU that quickly? If Nina is a long-standing double agent recently activated by the Drazens to further their own agenda, then I’ll buy it. But if she’s a family member (long lost sister?), then there’s no way she could have been groomed for this role as a mole in such a short period of time.
2. We know that Fox originally ordered only thirteen episodes of 24 and that the writers didn’t bother to dream up anything, much less an ending, beyond the thirteenth hour of this series. I find it entirely plausible that the thought of making Nina the mole never even occurred to the writers during the first thirteen hours, and then they made her the mole at the end only for the shock value. This would explain why Nina seemed to be thwarting the Drazens’ agenda during “Plan A” and helping their agenda during the latter half of “Plan B.” However, I don’t think the writers considered making Nina the mole until well into production of the “Plan B” episodes because, as others have noted, she could have informed the Drazens about Alexis both before and after he was injured. In all the episodes before the most recent time Kim was kidnapped, Nina could have kept the Drazens much better informed about what was going on. I find it preposterous, for instance, for the Drazens to be utterly surprised that the power at the DOD prison facility was not shut off as expected, given that Nina was on the inside and had easy access to this information.
3. If Nina killed Jamie, she did a sloppy job. Jamie was left to bleed to death and did so slowly in the presence of CTU personnel and hospital staff. She was even given a small chance of surviving. She could have regained consciousness at any time before she died (or even not died at all) and ratted out Nina. If you’re going to be a murderous stinker perpetrating an evil agenda, rule number one is that if you intend to kill someone in order to hide information, then you make sure that nobody ever sees that person alive again. Of course, it is important to note that Jamie’s death occurred during the first thirteen hours of the series, when it never occurred to the writers that Jamie could have been murdered.
Personally, my money was on Walsh, Jack’s original boss and the one who handed Jack the key card. I thought he might have elaborately staged his own death in Jack’s presence so that he could act as the Drazens’ mole with more impunity. After all, who’d be looking for a dead guy as the betrayer? I think this would have been much cooler and not nearly as fraught with contradiction as the choice they actually made.
In any case, I consider it good news (if true) that the writers have a detailed story arc for next season. Hopefully, Fox's commitment to an entire season will drastically diminish the presence of sharks next time around.


Stunt Coordinator
May 1, 2002
I find it entirely plausible that the thought of making Nina the mole never even occurred to the writers during the first thirteen hours, and then they made her the mole at the end only for the shock value.
I've got to disagree here on this. They have set up Nina to be the mole from the 2nd episode on. When Jack's friend died to give him the card with whom the traitor was, it was Nina that came up. She was able to deflect it by having Jamie there as backup and state she was with Jack at the time of the computer access logs. Jamie was the backup for her and it worked perfect.
Also, I think if they did write it that Nina killed Jamie while the video cams were off, it was done in a way that made sense. It had to look like a suicide or else suspecian of another mole would be apparent. Also, Nina had to work fast since she was in the middle of things and the video was off for only so long. All told, I think Nina was the perfect choice here and I guessed it from the 2nd show. :)

Joel Mack

Senior HTF Member
Jun 29, 1999
I, for one, am not buying Nina as the mole.
When was the last time anything on this show was what it seemed? :)
My vote is Teri. I don't know how, but that's my gut feeling. Maybe I'll look stupid on Tuesday night.
Heck, I look stupid now. ;)

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