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Weekly Roundup 11/12 (May The Force Be With You!) (1 Viewer)


Supporting Actor
Jul 26, 2001
West Coast signing in. Went to BB and had no problems getting AOTC for 9.99 as well as the calendar for free. Just went directly to the service counter with the two items, the cashier called someone, ok'ed the transaction, filled out the PM form and off I went happy.

Good hunting!


Stunt Coordinator
Jun 6, 2002
went bb...felt the risks of going into walmart too great (ewww dirty as my wife says). I had the $5 giftcard from the bb promo on pulp fiction still, so it evens out on the price for aotc, and I also grabbed the lotr 4 discer, changing my mind at the last minute about the bookends. Nice looking, but not worth the extra cost..plus what will two towers and return of the king have hmmm?

I cant wait to get home!
Sep 6, 2001
I picked up my copy of SWII - AOTC at CC...they price matched, plus took and additional 5% off the difference. There was a TRU right next door...but I diddn't want to take a chance at them not having any WIDESCREEN copies left...plus I saved about 50 cents!


Jeremy Stockwell

Supporting Actor
Aug 9, 2001
Same story as Bob-N for me. Went to TRU, they were sold out of Widescreen, so I took their flyer and went to Best Buy. Took my Widescreen AOTC and the free calandar to the register. I asked if they were price matching the TRU price and she said yes. Didn't have to show the flyer at all. Filled out a form at the register and paid my $10.49.

That's it! The BB flyer says that the Calandar is a $10.99 value, so I guess I bought the Calandar, got the DVD for free, and four bits back in my pocket!


Todd Terwilliger

Feb 18, 2001
A friend of mine and I went to 3 different Toys R Us's this morning. None of them had a single copy of widescreen Episode 2. We ended up going to Walmart and getting them to price match it.

David King

Stunt Coordinator
Mar 2, 2002
I had no problems at all getting the local Wall Mart to match with the scan.
But that wasn't the shocker, about 75% of the episode 2 dvds were widescreen.


Aug 19, 2002
Ok, I just got the LOTR gift set at BB, I was under the impression that all extended versions come with the movie cash... however I am unable to find anything about it in the set.. any hints where it is located or did I get the wrong box ??
There was no indication of free movie cash on any of the boxes I saw.


P.S. Walmart here had SW for $9.99 equal amounts of both versions. WS seemed to be ahead as the preferred choice.


Aug 29, 2000
Ran to Best Buy in Cerritos, CA. They had a table at the front along with a floor stand of AOTC product. The guy saw that I had ads in my hand and told me that they will not be honoring the TRU ad. I asked why and he told me that most of their inventory was pre-ordered and they probably already sold out. I'm a little bummed I didn't check here first cuz I could have gone to Wal-Mart on the way home. I was going to have them price-match K-Mart, but then they wouldn't give me the calendar. I decided to just eat it at 15.99, not a bad price by any means.

I went looking for the FOTR EE and saw a nice empty spot in the new release rack. A guy was looking at the last copy, trying to decide whether to get it or not. He put it back, I waited a second to make sure he wasn't going to change his mind, then grabbed it up. I figure they probably had more somewhere but I was trying to get back to work in a reasonable amount of time.

While in line, I noticed almost everyone had Clones but I didn't see much of the EE; maybe it really had sold out. One guy did have the gift set.


Stunt Coordinator
Mar 7, 1999
I went to do the BEST PRICE MATCH of 2002 or that I have ever heard of at Wal-Mart at about 5 min before 12AM this morning. I picked up more than one widescreen copy of SW:AOTC (a christmas gift for my neices, a friend, and of course...myself :D ). They did it, although the manager had to give the approval. They gave me no problems what-so-ever. The lady who worked at Wal-Mart was so excited about the Toys-r-Us add that she was showing all the employees and customers present. She wanted a copy for herself, so she could pricematch too. David Lambert, I know it must feel great to know you have made several people feel great this week knowing that they saved an average of $5.
We love you and Toy-r-us. There, I said it.

John Knowles

Stunt Coordinator
May 17, 1999
Twin Cities, MN
Real Name
Just got FOTR EE at BB over the lunch hour--as I grabbed it off the front table, I overheard a customer ask if there was a p&s version....i was so tempted to yell out "HA HA!"...man, I can't wait to watch this DVD.

Robert Cobb

Apr 6, 2002
Does anyone know what TRU or any other store presenting a loss leader like AOTR is looking for to indicate that selling the DVD at a loss actually benefitted the chain? Are they analyzing receipts containing AOTR to see what else people pick up in the same visit or will they tie my phone number (which they asked for) to future visits? I'm just curious if the $10 of batteries I bought will encourage future sales.

I tried to talk to other customers about supporting what TRU was doing (even though they hid the WS copies). I was thrilled that almost everyone was demanding WS, but I was kinda dissapointed that very few bought additional items. Maybe I shouldn't be?

David Lambert

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2001
David Lambert, I know it must feel great to know you have made several people feel great this week knowing that they saved an average of $5.
We love you and Toy-r-us. There, I said it.
Oh, Erwin...thank you! You just made my week!!!
Oh look...now you've started me a-blubberin'!!

Enrique B Chamorro

Supporting Actor
Sep 2, 1999
I just got back from CC with a price match on LOTR & AOTC.
My four disc set of LOTR did have the movie ticket,
but did NOT have the mail in rebate??
Is there a number I can call newline to get the
rebate form mailed to me?


Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 2000
Sonora Norte
Real Name
Enrique - The rebate coupon is only for people who purchased the theatrical version of FOTR when it was initially released on DVD back in August. The coupon was included with that disc. It is *not* included in either the Extended Edition or the Gift Set released today.


Stunt Coordinator
Dec 5, 2000
No problems for me this morning at Toys R Us, although a line quickly started forming behind me at the checkout...glad I got there when I did! Of course their display had all the full screen & VHS copies facing the main entrance, with the widescreen copies on the back side. :thumbsdown: For $9.99 though, I think I can overlook it just this once. ;) I may go back this evening with the wife to pick up a copy as a Christmas gift for some of the family.


Senior HTF Member
Feb 1, 2001

Went to TRU at lunch, no more WS only MAR.

Went to Best Buy, they had the table right inside the entrance. As I was standing at the table an employee was explaining the diff. btwn WS/MAR to a female customer who had a MAR copy in her hand, with the aid of what looked to be examples printed out from the Star Wars web site. She left the table with a WS copy. I gave him a thumbs up.

Asked about the price match/calander and he said it's either/or, couldn't have both. He sent me to another employee who filled out a form,


and @ the bottom he wrote;

"Price match
Toys R Us
No Calander"

They seemed pretty set on this so I didn't try to argue.

Andrew Grall

Supporting Actor
May 17, 1999
Went to Circuit City...

Cashier was not very attentive to what she was doing... More interested in talking to a coworker than actually doing her job... But she pricematched Toys-R-Us for SWII and Best Buy for LotR no problem. No 110% though...


Second Unit
Sep 9, 2001
No luck at WalMart-
Actually, they always price-match with a DATED Ad, but I could not find the TRU flyer in the local papers.
So, I tried printing the SCAN from HTF and brought it in. I told them it was a scan... but they did NOT believe it was real. They actually said they already checked TRU, and the price was $14.27.
I told them I called and verified it was $9.99, but they would not call. Then they told me: Even if it was 9.99, its probobly sold out... so they don't have to match it??
Oh well.. I know that I was unlucky and had a bad cashier.. I know if I had them call management, I would get anything I want, but I was in a hurry-
SO, I paid the $14.27, and saved my receit. I'll at the library tomorrow, and find a Newspaper with the TRU ad, and bring it to WalMart tomorrow to get my $5 back.
I don't care about the money... its the principle!!!! :)
Maybe I'll make better copies of the TRU flyer, and leave a stack at the WalMart.... :)

Qui-Gon John

Senior HTF Member
Oct 2, 2000
Real Name
John Co
Here's my story:

I'm so frickin tired of FULL SCREEN.

I stopped at K-Mart on my way home to price match AoTC. (All the other stores are much closer to home and I had a hassle-free PM there back with Harry Potter). Anyway, all they wad was mother frickin FOOL SCREEN.

So off I went to the bunch of stores near my house. Wal-Mart first. They had WS and they did the price match, no real problems. The guy looked at the ad a couple of times, (guess he hadn't seen it yet and couldn't believe it). Then he went to cut the ad out to keep, without asking me, using a frickin box cutter, and proceeded to rip the thing to shreds. If he loses his job at Wal-Mart he has good potential in the terrorist hijacker industry. Anyway I knew I was set then. If he did call a manager and they made any fuss I would have raised holy hell being their employee totally trashed my competing flyer.

Anyway, if all copies were WS, I'd of had it on my first stop. Makes me want to get every copy of P&S I can get my hands on, in every store I go, and grind my heels into the pieces of shit.

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