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S&V tests the Marantz SR7200 (1 Viewer)

Tom Westrop

Oct 15, 2001
Advice needed.
My (2nd) Marantz SR7200 receiver arrived today. The first one would not stay turned on for more than 10 seconds. I decided on the Marantz 7200 due to its price and capabilities along with the brands reputation for being a quality product. After reading these posts about the potential lack of power and the S-video problems I am apprehensive about keeping the receiver especially after my bad-luck with the first one.
Any advice on keeping it or choosing a different receiver? I plan to spend $700-$900.


Stunt Coordinator
Jun 23, 2001
In the $700 to $900 range, I highly recommend the new Onkyo TX-DS797 recevier. You should be able to get it for $900 or a little less (list is $1000) like I did. It's a great receiver and I haven't had any problems with it during the first 3 weeks.
Plus, I believe it has the following advantages over the Marantz 7200...
1. 3 lbs more weight (has to be a good thing, can't be a bad thing)
2. Dimension, panorama, and center width adjustments for Dolby Pro Logic II Music Mode.
3. Higher bandwidth component video switching.
4. This is a guess, but I think I'm correct in saying the Onkyo's functionality is better. I was able to setup the receiver without having to use the OSD. Everything I need to see is shown on the receiver's display.
5. THX Select certification.
6. DTS-ES Discrete.
[Edited last by Paul_Psutka on October 16, 2001 at 10:47 PM]

Mickey Brown

Stunt Coordinator
Feb 4, 2001
Hey Charles,
I just wanted to say thanks for being honest and giving us all the heads up. I have been going back and forth over the purchase of either the Arcam AV100 and the Marantz 7200. Your honest testimonial has made me decide to wait a few months, and see if we can get an honest answer from Marantz. Please keep us posted!
This is very odd of Marantz to put out a product of this quality. Something must be fishy.
BTW, I am a firm believer in Marantz, which is why I will wait a while and give them the benefit of the doubt.


Supporting Actor
Aug 26, 2001
Chris PC,
I have played CDs through both my Toshiba DVD via coax and my analog CD player, and have not noticed dropouts.
The only dropouts I have encountered is during the studio intro of some DVDs when the 6200 is sensing the input signal, which does not happen during the movie itself.
As for what might unfold with this unfortunate quality issue, I too am going to wait before exchanging my 6200. Hopefully they will have everything sorted out soon. I'd rather keep the Marantz because I love the sound, but then again, my patience is not infinite.
I imagine this is going to be VERY damaging to Marantz's reputation, so it's in their best interest to rectify the situation, and quickly.
Perhaps we should point them to this thread...

Phil M

Stunt Coordinator
Sep 2, 1999
Not to get too far off subject, but I'm wondering how many other receivers have this "hissing" present at MAX volume?
Just out of curiosity, I did these tests on my Denon AVR 3300 and discovered the following:
In various DSP modes (pro logic, matrix, etc.) at max volume +12, hissing could be heard from about 6-8 inches from the speaker. It was probably more pronounced in the surrounds as anything. It was non-existant in the center channel. With the volume set to 00 (ref level), you could only hear a faint hiss if you put your ear right up to the tweeter.
In stereo mode (the volume goes to +18 in stereo??) the results were the same. It also didn't matter if I used an analog or digital connection.
Anyone else care to check their receivers and post?

Chris PC

Senior HTF Member
May 12, 2001
Good to "hear"
from different owners of Marantz SR x200 receivers and other receiver owners. Thanks Phil for the tip about the Denon AVR 3300. Unfortunately, for some of us with the SR 6200 or 7200 who have audio noise we can tell you, its not just a loud hiss, sometimes on some inputs its a fluctuating sound. It is possible that both the video and audio problem is ground related.
So you played a CD using a digital coax cable and the receiver does not nod off between tracks? What about during DVD layer changes? You wouldn't happen to have a Laserdisc player with auto flip? Does it drop-out during the side change?
Using my Panasonic CV51, in between CD tracks, the receiver digital audio "drops out" or loses the signal and the L and R lights disappear and do not re-appear until the digital kicks in again, but by then, its too late and I've missed at least 1/2 second of audio. Lots of songs start right from 0 seconds, so thats annoying. I also hear the receiver "click" on and off the audio output.
Its good to know about your experience. My Panasonic CV51 has optical digital output only. I'm not having good luck here. I think the CV51 isn't a saint either and is possibley partly responsible for that drop out. Of course I'm also having problems with my Laserdisc DTS output, but that's another story
If I designed a receiver, it would NEVER "let go" of the signal until a NEW format of digital signal came through the input. This is the way it should work, and if it doesn't, then thats totally unacceptable. I am glad to hear someone else is able to play back CD's without drop-outs. There is hope that I too will be able to also, once my receiver is fixed or replaced.
At this point, I feel like dropping off my SR 6200 at the distributor and telling them not to call me until they have an SR6200 without any audio or video noise and no drop outs on the digital audio. Even if it takes a month.
[Edited last by Chris PC on October 16, 2001 at 11:01 PM]
[Edited last by Chris PC on October 16, 2001 at 11:07 PM]

Bryan Acevedo

Second Unit
Aug 7, 2001
Phil M,
My 3802 does the same thing. At full volume, in something like 5 channel stereo, there is hiss with nothing playing. I can't remember if my 3801 had the same problem or not.
I have never played my volume past 0 (hiss is there at like +15), so in real world conditions, I would never hear hiss even with my ear next to the speaker.
But for some reason I am thinking that my 3801 did not do this. I remember putting my ear up to the center channel speaker and cranking the volume and hearing no hiss. But I am thinking that I was in stereo mode, so of course there would be no hiss. I, too, would like to hear from other brands owners to see if they hear a hiss. Maybe it isn't only Marantz that has this problem. I do remember the 3801 review in S&V - and the 3801 got superb ratings in the noise category - I hope the 3802 isn't more noisy!

Charles J P

Senior HTF Member
Aug 19, 2000
Omaha, NE
Real Name
CJ Paul
Thanks for the tip Phil M. I am sure other receivers have noise at some level, but you said that at MAX level you can hear hissing at 6-8 inches from the speaker, and you said you never listen that loud (+15). I can hear hissing 6-8 inches from the speaker at -12, and I listen louder than that on many older movies. At max, I can hear hissing at 6-8 FEET and this is with other noise in the room. I'm not sure of other 6200/7200 owners are having as many problems as I am, but for me it is like a medium volume test tone playing. And like others have said, there is this hard-to-describe "gritty" or "warbly" distortion in the hissing. Follow the thread in the software section about TPM being recorded relatively soft for some reason. I listened to most of that at -10, I think I only turned it down for the final battle scene. That is above the level of noise I have with my unit.
I hope Marantz makes good on all this. The retailer where I bought mine is being really cool, and it sounds like if push comes to shove they'll let me exchange it for a different brand. The problem is, they dont carry anything else in my price range that I'm interested in at all.
I called Marantz customer service. I think its kind of funny that their number is not printed on their website or in the manual. I of course tracked it down though. (630) 307-3100
I called yesterday, and they listened to my schpeil and took down my name and number. They said they would get back to me, but havent yet. I will try to keep you'all posted.
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Chris Ball

Dec 15, 1999
I can honestly say the my 6200 does not exhibit the noise problems others are describing. When i bought mine in late September it was from the latest shippment that arrived at the Marantz Distributor in Canada. Which is only 20 mins away from me. So i would have to guess i got one of the latest version.
Although i do here some noise, it doesn't become apparent until about +5 and even then it is quiet enough you have to be quite close to the speaker.
So maybe it just was and early defect with the first couple of runs.
[Edited last by Chris Ball on October 17, 2001 at 09:47 AM]


Supporting Actor
Aug 26, 2001
Chris PC,
No, I don't have the dropout problem at all - CDs play flawlessly. DVD layer changes are noticable as a split-second pause, but I would imagine that is an unavoidable DVD issue. I don't have a laserdisc player. Perhaps it is the fault of your player, or the Panasonic/Marantz combination doesn't work properly.
The hiss I experience is mostly apparent through Analogue inputs, and I wonder if this is partly the fault of the device (CD player that only has analogue out). There is more hiss than I would like, but I think at least some of it may be normal analogue noise. It seems to be constant, without the "warbling" you describe.
Denon and other brand owners -
When checking for hiss, can you check your analog inputs with the source paused?

Chris PC

Senior HTF Member
May 12, 2001
Chris AG,
OK. So playing CD's on your Toshiba DVD player with a COAX cable, you DO NOT have any drop outs? You never miss the beginning of songs at all?
With DVD's you experience a "PAUSE" but you DO NOT experience DROP-OUTS?
thanks again :)
I am on lunch at work writing a nice covering letter to Lenbrook describing my problem and asking for a replacement receiver. PSB speakers are headquartered at Lenbrook industries. I have also bought a full set of PSB speakers when I bought the Marantz receiver, so I hope they consider me a customer worthy of their effort in dealing with Marantz to resolve a defect by replacing with a brand new unit. I'll be dropping my receiver off there after work. Lenbrook have been excellent so far and insist they will work on my receiver as soon as I bring it in.
[Edited last by Chris PC on October 17, 2001 at 05:37 PM]

Charles J P

Senior HTF Member
Aug 19, 2000
Omaha, NE
Real Name
CJ Paul
I don’t think my noise issues have to do with the source being analog. For me, it is more related to whether its stereo or surround modes. To me this makes sense with the S&V 7200 article and the drop in power in surround modes but not in stereo mode. I am at work now so I cant check the article, but if my memory serves, the 7200 actually put out more than rated power in stereo mode, but far less in surround mode. I also thought that the 7200 had the same rated power as the 6200. Is this correct? And if so, does it make sense that they would just use the same amplifier parts. Of course, I haven’t heard of any problems with the 7200 and s-video switching, and I would presume they would use the same parts there too. Maybe it has more to do with the production line they were off of.
I am also beginning to think that there are just some overall quality control or maybe even some design flaw issues. There is the s-video problem, the power problem, and this noise problem seems to have more to do with digital processors (less noise in source direct). I wonder how the prototypes worked. Were these considered acceptable flaws in the price class by Marantz, or are these manufacturing issues?
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Chris PC

Senior HTF Member
May 12, 2001
Chris AG,
Thanks for the feedback. So you DO NOT have drop outs between tracks and you're using a coax cable for the digital connection on your DVD player. I am using the optical cable for my Panasonic CV51 to SR 6200 and its dropping out between tracks, I even hear it click in and out or on and off or whatever.
So the DVD issue is a "PAUSE" and not a "DROPOUT" right? There is hesitation, but you don't miss any sound, right? Just a delay, but when it comes in, its in synch and no sound was missed?
Hmmm. Thats interesting. Hopefully, whatever the case may be, you get yourself back up and running without any video or audio noise.
Do you have any problems with digital audio from CD's played in your DVD player or CD player with digital out? Like I have described, using my CV51 and an optical cable, the receiver "drops out" the audio between tracks and I always miss the first few 1/2 second of the track.
Chris Ball,
Any dropouts of audio from CD's played using a CD player or DVD player using a digital cable?
I just dropped off my receiver at Lenbrook and left a sort of covering letter to describe my problems. I forgot to mention my Laserdisc DTS problems, but that might be my Laserdisc players fault. I really hope that I get a replacement receiver that has no problems.
[Edited last by Chris PC on October 17, 2001 at 05:39 PM]


Supporting Actor
Aug 26, 2001
Chris PC -
Yes, that is exactly right - no dropouts with CD, and only a slight pause with DVD layer change, no loss of dialogue etc., which was identical to my Yamaha receiver's behaviour.
Did Lenbrook give you any feedback as to how many complaints they've had, or Marantz's official position?

Chris PC

Senior HTF Member
May 12, 2001
Opps. After I post I often have been getting "Server not found" lately. Then out of habit, I repost without checking to see if my post actually went through. I'll remember to do that from now on and avoid double posts, since I can't delete them myself.
My real post is the next one below.....
[Edited last by Chris PC on October 17, 2001 at 05:57 PM]

Chris PC

Senior HTF Member
May 12, 2001
I was only there to drop it off. I barely made it through the door at 5:00 pm and the woman working in service had to start up the computer again to process my stuff. I also missed Greg too, as he had left by then too. I'll email him and keep checking for info and feedback. Its really nice to know you don't have those dropouts. I wish my DVD player had a coax cable so I could try that out of curiosity. Does your Toshiba DVD player have an optical output? Perhaps if you ever get a chance, you could try that too, but don't worry about it if its a hassle. I'm sure Lenbrook will sort things out. My only problem is, whether I inquire with Panasonic DVD CV51 owners to see if my "drop out" problem is the fault of the DVD player. if I get a receiver back with no audio/s-video noise and no drop-outs of digital audio between CD tracks from my DVD player I'll be very happy. In the future I might up the power with a couple monoblocks up front, but this receiver has more than enough power to deafen me in my room with my speakers.
[Edited last by Chris PC on October 17, 2001 at 05:54 PM]


Dec 27, 2000
I have a Toshiba SD-2700 and I'm using the coax to connect to my SR5200 and I'm not getting any "drop outs." I'm connecting the SPDIF out on my souncard to the other coax input and it is working flawlessly also.

Chris PC

Senior HTF Member
May 12, 2001
Yeah, Lenbrook is pretty solid. They are the parent company of PSB and NAD and they also distrib Marantz of course. Lenbrook also deals in Solar and Wind so they are an interesting industrial group.
Thanks for the additional info on the drop outs folks. I'm going post about my DVD player and see if that is the problem.
[Edited last by Chris PC on October 17, 2001 at 06:55 PM]

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