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The White Van Speakers (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
Hi there, im pretty knew to this site. I noticed as i was reading through some of the threads some people were talking about "the white van speakers". A friend of mine actually encountered a white van speaker retailer and bought some speakers. My friend kevin was approached in the food court of the local mall by some shady characters who said they had tower speakers for sale. Curious he went out to see what they had, turns out they had a van load of speakers called "paragons". The asking price was $300, kevin wasn't really interested in them so he offered up a modest bid of $40. To his surprise the deal was finalized.

Does anyone know if these are the same white van speakers as were mentioned before?

And has anyone every heard of a speaker brand called Paragon.


Oct 25, 2000
Real Name
Hey Rob, I'm in Edmonton too :)

I have a friend that was suckered into buying these Paragon's as well some years ago. When he told me of the deal and I went to see the speakers at his place I noticed some cheap astroturf like carpet on the outside of these and had to laugh. But I kept it to myself - I didn't want to burst his bubble since he figured he just got the best deal of the year. He figured out sometime later that these were not at all very good and has since moved on but left the speakers at mom's.

I have been approached at Southgate mall by these white van sellers and listened to their spiel. Its pretty sophisticated but very cheap tactics using false information to make people think there getting a deal.

But for $40.00 as what your friend acquired his speakers for, actually thats a pretty good price for any tower speaker regardless of quality, at least he didn't pay hundreds.

Watch out for the Nuance scam too. If the white van guys don't try get you in the parking lot, the Nuance "reps" will try to get you in the mall.

And check out AudioArk for some good equipment. They have some nice affordable mid fi stuff. :)
Feb 8, 2005
Actually the buy went down in regina saskatchewan, which is where i used to live. Your right about the crude carpeting on those paragones too, man they look terrible. Actually yes i recently bought an entire HT system from Audio Ark, the sales staff there are extremely knowledgeable but i think i payed way to much for my receiver.

Speaking of nuance, i was lured into the demo room scam by a "Nuance Rep" the first week i Lived here in Edmonton. They got me with that Q sound cd trick. At the time i didnt know what q sound was, but i still assumed the demo was rigged. After i told the saleman i wasnt interested he got really aggressive. That is until i told him to go F himself. i havent been back to international stereo since


Supporting Actor
Jan 14, 2004
I don't want to sound stupid but what is the "Q sound CD trick" and what does it have to do with selling speakers?


Second Unit
Dec 11, 2004
my brother fell for that scam.. comes home telling me he bought 800watt speakers and how they are actually recording studio speakers... We hooked them up to an older HK receiver.. honestly they dont sound HORRIBLE but for floor speakers they are far from my Athena as-b2 bookshelfs. They are about the same type of quality as say Quest which future shop sells.

I have heard of ppl ending up opening the box and having a speaker enclosure with a brick or bag of sand inside.

Paul Simmons

Stunt Coordinator
Nov 10, 2003
My friend works at the docks in Vancouver and he was telling me during his lunch break, these guys pulled up in a white van(why's it always white!?) with a bunch of Theater Research speakers. They said something about being overstocked and had to get rid of them to make room for other models and they were going to give them away for a good price @ $600 a set. My friend backed off but his co-workers jumped all over them. Most of them got suckered for $200-$300. Apparently, the story is really convincing because they have professional-looking order sheets and reciepts. They even had a magazine that had the speakers advertised for $1000!

Guy Usher

Supporting Actor
Oct 20, 2002
There are times when real speaker companys have truck load sales. . . Typically in the parking lot of a reputable audio dealer. I have bought Infinity/ JBL and others this way over the years. One model comes to mind was Infinity's SM-150 which in my mind was close to white van speakers anyway. That buy was a disaster that I wont get into now.

Just wanted to say that there are exceptions to the rule. Best advice is only buy what you know from who you know if at all possible.

Mike DBS

Nov 13, 2004
Real Name
We have these White White Van speaker Scammers in Limeyland as well, Though I've not seen them around my area though. Most likey to be seen in London or other larger towns & cities.

Been warned about them in the various hi-fi/AV mags published over here.


Apr 11, 2010
Real Name

I met this scammer twice. I filed a report but I dun think the cops are gonan do anything abt it. Some1 please do sth abt them!

I met them in Vancouver BC Canada.


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