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Post Your Movie Ideas Here (1 Viewer)

Bill Griffith

Supporting Actor
Jan 8, 2002
Keep the descriptions brief and in posting in this area you are realizing that your idea is becoming public domain and can be used for any gain by anybody and if it becomes something, you are entitly to nothing.

not sure if thats an actual legal statement or if its even allowed but I'm just curiose what people have for ideas for movies.

1st Idea
A action based WWII movie set in the Pacific. This would mostly follow the Pacific Naval Battles throughout WWII. I see a 2 part movie, the first part being the begining of the war start with some pre-Pearl Harbor incidents and build up, then with a great deal focusing on Pearl Harbor, followed by the US Navy answer to the Japanese fleet and strengthening Naval presence in the Pacific. The idea would be to focuse on major battles up into what the turning point of the Pacific war is deemed to be.
Part II would be the Major Naval battles following the turning point of the war up until The dropping of the 2 bombs and the surrender of Japan.

Obviously pretty vague but I really like Pacific naval war movies and I have yet to hear of one that covers the entire war, pinpointing each of the battles and the US strategy as a whole as well as the Japanese strategy and how it changed throughout the war. I'm seeing this as each over 2 hrs 30 minutes and mostly as an action movie.

Jeremy Anderson

Nov 23, 1999
Yeah... Art Buchwald proved that you CAN win a copyright case based on an idea without a script... so I wouldn't expect to see too many budding young writers sharing their secret projects. I know I won't be!

Dan Rudolph

Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2002
Postign here doesn't make an idea an idea public domain. If nothign else, it provides a record that we had an idea.


Supporting Actor
May 29, 2003
Which is why you'll get very few, if any responses in here
You're kidding, right? Exactly how many of us do you think have a real shot at producing our own movies, much less sell said movies for good money?

I know I won't be turning into Spielberg any time soon, so here's a movie I'd love to see:

A movie about John Brown!


Senior HTF Member
Dec 31, 2001
In the "You Never Know Who Might Be Reading" Dept., I'll revive an idea I had for a Draft Tourney that George Kaplan (rather, george kaplan) put on in the Polls section several months ago.

My movie idea isn't big and flashy, but it's an interesting human interest story with great music. It'd be perfect for Will Smith, but he doesn't know it yet.

Anyone who's seen the documentary Say Amen, Somebody likely has vivid recollections of Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey in their heads.

First I'll repost the main background that I posted in the Draft tourney, then my final production "Wish List."


Thomas A. Dorsey is a legend in the Gospel community (not that I'm a part of it, I'm an atheist) and is known as the "father of Gospel music." That's interesting, but before he found Jesus, he was a blues guy who worked with people like Ma Rainey's Wild Cat Jazz Band, Kansas City Kitty and Tampa Red (if these names are unfamiliar, you've missed out on some great music). He played piano and wrote songs that focused on double-entendres.

From his obituary:

In 1932, he was on the road starting a choir in St. Louis when he received news that his wife had died while giving birth to their son. The baby himself died two days later. Wracked with guilt for not being home with them and overtaken with despair, Dorsey locked himself inside his music room for three straight days. He finally poured his grief into writing these words.
The result was the song "Take My Hand, Precious Lord" and his gospel career was born. He incorporated aspects of blues and jazz into his gospel songs and they were quite controversial. His genius in his new genre was soon recognized and his songs launched the careers of several name gospel singers, including Mahalia Jackson and Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Thomas Andrew Dorsey died on January 23, 1993 at the age of 93.

Dorsey was featured in the wonderful documentary about gospel music, Say Amen Somebody, which is how I first heard of him. Say Amen, as great as it is, doesn't focus specifically on Dorsey. His part in it is important, for sure, but he's just one part. I've always wanted a movie that was just about Dorsey and that would hopefully focus on his early years. That's the "movie" I was going to make.


(Production Wish List)

It's Tight Like That

Directed by: The Coen Brothers
Screenwriter: John Ridley
Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
Composer/Music Supervisior: Carter Burwell
Lead Actor to play Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey: Will Smith
Supporting Actor to play "Tampa Red" Whitaker: Taye Diggs
Lead Actress to play Gertrude "Ma" Rainey: Queen Latifah
Supporting Actress to play Nettie Dorsey: Joy Bryant
Character Actress to play Mahalia Jackson: Viola Davis

Genre: Drama (with much music and humor)

Synopsis: The life of influential bluesman and "father of gospel music" Thomas A. Dorsey, focusing on the years between his heading Ma Rainey's Wild Cats Jazz Band in about 1925, and the year after the death of his wife Nettie in 1932, when he turned away from secular blues and wholeheartedly embraced gospel music, going on to redefine that genre by adding blues and jazz musical elements.


Would somebody PLEASE make this movie! I wanna go see it!


Supporting Actor
May 29, 2003
There are already several movies about John Brown. Do a character search on the IMDB.
Yeah, I did. The search returned a movie made in 1910, another in 1911, and a made-for-TV movie in 1960.

As far as I'm concerned, none of those really count. :p) My suggestion stands.

My only stipulation is that whoever makes the movie shouldn't make an idealized presentation of people and events (as Hollywood is wont to do). The story is more impressive if you leave everyone's warts intact and on the surface. John Brown himself for example was a violent, messianic lunatic who just happened to be right.

Dan Rudolph

Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2002

Bill Griffith

Supporting Actor
Jan 8, 2002
Well if you don't want to post an idea or talk about one that has been posted than don't. But I like to believe I'm not the only person out there that has occasional ideas for a basic story line that would be cool to see on the big screen (At least IMO), and who really doesn't care if someone takes an idea and makes it into something or not.

Here's another idea. Completely unrealistic but entertaining none the less.

This one has to do with Monkeys/Apes (I don't remember which is the intellegent one, maybe both) Its set in the deep untouched realms of an African Jungle. There lives a society of these Apes (I'll just call them apes from now on). These are normal apes until one day when a small rich persons plane crashes in there area. Being curiose creatures they chekc out the plane and find all sorts of things, a few knives included. They learn that there is a dangerouse end to the knives. As the story progresses the society seems to be changing because of the items that some have and some don't. Some violence insues, more than normal and the apes begin to get a taste for meat.
They begin hunting other animals in there area using an amount of reasoning that they typically wouldn't have used before given there earlier appatite for plants. As the movie progresses you see there minds being used more and more to capture larger more tasty game.
The society begins to migrate expanding there territory. Each battle with a creature there getting more and more cunning and killing for the pure joy of killing now.
One of the final scenes in the movie is a scene with Tourists. One of the APes lures a tourist in close for a picture by looking "cute" the other jump the person killing it and runnnign away with there stuff.

Now this is where you could continue with the same movie or break it into 2 parts.

The inspection of the body that was mauled by the apes reveals knife stab which people think is very curiose, especially because of the nature of the attack. Now the story goes into a Ape versus man scenario.

The basic premise of this story is where something is introduced into a society and it begins to change. Where ultimately after working there way up the food chain there becomes a confrontation with the top of the food chain, us, and them.


Feb 14, 2003

I want to see a sequel to the brilliant 1978 movie The Boys from Brazil. The original movie had Gregory Peck's Dr. Josef Mengele conducting covert experiments around the world that centered on the numerous clones of Adolf Hitler he had helped create. By the end of the movie Mengele was dead and yet there were still all these young boys, Hitler's clones, living in various parts of the world. If a sequel were made it could focus on the clones and their dark secret. They could all possibly realize exactly who they are and come together to form a new order.

I think a sequel has great potential.


Supporting Actor
May 29, 2003
I came up with 39 matches on the imdb, though granted some of them were for other characters who coincidentally had the same name and some were for Civil War movies that had John Brown in them, but weren't about him. Here's a movie about him you missed, though. Also a 1992 DTV production that no one seems to have seen.
Blah. I'm still not satisfied.

Your first link is a 1955 film. The second link seems to have no mention of John Brown anywhere. I'd still like to see a modern treatment, although I'm not so certain about a musical. Sheesh. :)

Ray H

Senior HTF Member
Jun 13, 2002
Real Name
I'll share an idea since it's not very original so I can afford going into depth.

The Wizard of Oz is dumbed down for children! I want more depth to these characters! You want to just tell me a Cowardly Lion pops out of nowhere? I want to know who he is, where he comes from, what makes him tick....that is why I propose a remake of the Wizard of Oz!!!!! ;)

Okay so generally, Oz is in turmoil. The Wicked Witch is manipulating the people of Oz into fighting a war. She's just plain evil and in making them fight, she wishes to see the people of Oz destroy themselves and then she can take over. So pretty much, the war is fought between the machines and a race of lions who value honor more than anything else. The machines were built by the munchkins to do manual labor ages ago. However, throughout the years, similar to slaves, they became free etc.

Well, Dorothy will be from the early 1930s in Kansas. Innocence and whatever. Tornado, blah blah. She's in Oz. She comes to the muchkin village, etc and the story basically follows the original movie for a while. The munchkins believe in peace and are the only ones that are rational enough to not take place in the war. Dorothy asks for their help to take her back home, and they direct her to the great Wizard of Oz.

And so her journey begins. Along the way, she meets the Scarecrow. He hangs in a long forgotten farm. Despite his belief that he's dim, he is actually quite wise. Not in the sense that he knows about math or whatever, but he is the wise tour guide of our film. He's seen a lot through the years and even though he may not have the smarts, these experiences make him smarter than many of these other characters.

Then they meet the Tin Man. He's a middle-aged robot. He's inferior to the younger bots and desires to become a real being, not just of metal and bolts. Then they meet the Cowardly Lion. We learn that he's not the cowardly lion in the sense of being afraid of his own shadow, but a deserter of war and therefore an outcast of his kind.

The four + ToTo go in search of the great Wizard, meet the good Witch of the North, blah blah. Pretty much, the Wizard tells her the only way is to kill the Wicked Witch. And so, an epic battle is staged. They fall into the company of the leaders of the Lions (Our coward's harsh father) and the machines. They convice them to direct their efforts toward the Wicked Witch and her minons of Flying Monkeys. There is an epic battle. All the meanwhile, Dorothy is made a General and leads a group into the Witch's palace as the war wages on. I guess you can figure out the rest. :D

It all came after watching the Wizard of oz last winter and thinking of how it could be jazzed up. I'm not all too serious, but I think simply put, it'd kick ass. ;)


Stunt Coordinator
Aug 31, 2003
I have an idea for the next big blockbuster epic but I'm never gonna post it for fear of someone stealing it. :p)

Neil J

Stunt Coordinator
Sep 25, 2000
I think the John Brown story would be a very interesting movie especially if he wasn't turned into a saint. I believe he carried an axe around for his enemies.

Dan Rudolph

Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2002
No, it was a sabre. Killed a few people with it, too. Wasn't just for show.

Read the plot summary of Civil War correspondant for the John Brown stuff, though it appears it isn't so much abotu him as the people who financed him.

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