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Apple HomePod (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Oct 31, 1997
But I’ll wager that you don’t stay successful in the media, especially as a woman in tech media, for 16+ years, just by being kinda cute.
Haha I actually have the exact opposite observation. Looks will get you a long way on social media. Look at all of the most popular female influencers across social media, the majority of them are physically attractive.


Senior HTF Member
Mar 4, 2001
Catfisch Cinema
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Haha I actually have the exact opposite observation. Looks will get you a long way on social media. Look at all of the most popular female influencers across social media, the majority of them are physically attractive.
Necessary perhaps. But not sufficient. Not for a 16 year run.

Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
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Ronald Epstein
I deleted my rant on iJustine as I have already talked about her negatively ad nauseam.

I will say that her success doesn't fall under normal guidelines for how women become successful in journalism.

Simply put: she had a camera, was in the right place at the right time, is pretty to look at, and can over-act when opening a box of tech.

Ted Todorov

Senior HTF Member
Aug 17, 2000
It's gotta be good. After all it has an Apple symbol on it and a price to match. ;)
More often than not, the Apple/Price criticism doesn't hold water, for one simple reason -- there never is a competitor with a better quality for a lower price. Same absolutely applies to HomePods: As the ADT podcast has pointed out several times, no one comes even close in the quality/price ratio to Apple's HomePods -- yes, cheaper ones exist, but they are invariably vastly inferior in sound quality. Yes, better ones exist, for many times the price. Cheaper and better ones exist: if they are wired speakers...

TL;DR: there are lots of legit reasons to criticize Apple's HomePod: price isn't one of them.

Nelson Au

Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 1999
Ron, I did not see your other negative iJustine remarks before this thread. I did not know. I remember about six years ago or so, I posted about her and you were more enthusiastic about her videos. I’m not trying to put you on the spot. At that time, I had recently discovered her videos and I found them interesting. But over a short time, I lost interest in her videos too. I only look at them now if a new product comes out for potential insights. She did a good job at finding her way into Apple’s good graces and Tim Cook likes her!


Senior HTF Member
Oct 31, 1997
Let's give ourselves a little grace. I know it sounds weird to say, but the internet and social media were pretty different six years ago. Influencers and their tactics weren't as well known as they are today. And we as individuals change over time as well. I don't even want to contemplate all of the things I "liked" on the internet and social media 6-10 years ago, which would outright make me cringe today.

Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
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Ronald Epstein
Ron, I did not see your other negative iJustine remarks before this thread. I did not know. I remember about six years ago or so, I posted about her and you were more enthusiastic about her videos. I’m not trying to put you on the spot. At that time, I had recently discovered her videos and I found them interesting. But over a short time, I lost interest in her videos too. I only look at them now if a new product comes out for potential insights. She did a good job at finding her way into Apple’s good graces and Tim Cook likes her!

She is Tim Cook's darling. He loves her.

I don't remember exactly what I said about her 6 years ago. However, Carlo puts it into perspective quite nicely. Better vloggers have come along who actually do in-depth reviews instead of just opening boxes.

Nelson Au

Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 1999
She is Tim Cook's darling. He loves her.

I don't remember exactly what I said about her 6 years ago. However, Carlo puts it into perspective quite nicely. Better vloggers have come along who actually do in-depth reviews instead of just opening boxes.
Agreed to Carlo’s post.

Robert Harris

Senior HTF Member
Feb 8, 1999
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Robert Harris
She is Tim Cook's darling. He loves her.

I don't remember exactly what I said about her 6 years ago. However, Carlo puts it into perspective quite nicely. Better vloggers have come along who actually do in-depth reviews instead of just opening boxes.
Could be wrong, but is she the only blogger who sniffs the product?

I’m going to start using that in disc reviews. ”The new 4k has notes of tobacco, tar, honeysuckle and lemon cucumber.”

Nelson Au

Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 1999
Guys, I just discovered one of my OG HomePod‘s has failed. I won’t say die, as I found a YouTube video that pretty much describes what happened to mine. It’s repairable.

i have two set up in my home office as a stereo pair. The one farthest from my right ear went out and I didn’t notice immediately. It will not respond when I touch the display on top. The YouTube video says the most common problem he’s found in the dozen or so HomePods he’s repaired was due to a diode that went bad on the amplifier board.

I’ve watched half of the video and that first half was just the disassembly to get to the amplifier board and it’s not for the faint of heart. I’m pondering if i should try to fix it or use the one i have in a mono set-up. I’ll finish watching the repair video and see if i can tackle it.

Worse comes to worse, i use one of the ones i haven’t opened yet when i picked up a few during the sales when the HomePods were initially discontinued or I buy a pair of the new HomePod 2’s.


Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 2000
Sonora Norte
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I've got four OG HomePods. Three of them are still performing flawlessly, but the fourth has started making the infamous "fart of death" sound at random intervals. I may end up replacing it next year.

Nelson Au

Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 1999
I watched the whole video on repairing the HomePod. It was impressive the guy managed to re-assemble it so well after replacing the diode. The part i was curious about is he used a hot air soldering iron to remove and replace the diode, not a tool I’m familiar with as I’ve used the traditional soldering irons.

I think I’ll do more research into that soldering iron and how to fix the HomePod before tackling it. For now I’ll just use it as a mono set up. And as I said, i have two other HomePods i got at super discounted prices that are still in the box.



Stunt Coordinator
Aug 25, 2019
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I watched the whole video on repairing the HomePod. It was impressive the guy managed to re-assemble it so well after replacing the diode. The part i was curious about is he used a hot air soldering iron to remove and replace the diode, not a tool I’m familiar with as I’ve used the traditional soldering irons.

I think I’ll do more research into that soldering iron and how to fix the HomePod before tackling it. For now I’ll just use it as a mono set up. And as I said, i have two other HomePods i got at super discounted prices that are still in the box.

Since Apple still supports the HomePod, maybe they could repair it for you?

It's good that you have backup HomePods, but don't forget Apple now has 2nd-generation HomePods, since Feb '23.


Nelson Au

Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 1999
Rick, Yes, I am aware of the HomePod 2. They are not compatible with the first gen, that is if I want to pair one with a first gen for stereo. But yes, I could get the new ones.

I had not considered if Apple would repair it. Maybe I can look into that!

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