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American Werewolf In London..........Which review do I believe (1 Viewer)

david cro

Mar 3, 2000
Check out the reviews below, and decide for yourself:-
DVD REVIEW..............
Universal Home Video brings us "An American Werewolf In London" in a beautiful widescreen transfer that is enhanced for 16x9 television sets. The transfer is very clean and devoid of any speckles or defects, although I noticed two broken splices, causing the image to jump for a split second. Grain is evident in a number of shots, but other than that, the presentation is absolutely clean and free of blemishes, giving this film an incredibly vivid look that is very film-like. The colors of the transfer are fantastic. From the subtle gradients of the layered fog in the moors, the atmospheric blue hues of the night, to the natural fleshtones, all the way to the stark red blood, this DVD brings out the best of the movie in vibrant tones and tinges like never before. The level of detail is also very good, allowing you to take in every bit of Baker’s staggering effects work and the film’s skillful cinematography. Blacks are absolutely solid and shadows never break up, loosing detail. The result is a bold image that is extremely dimensional and has a lot of depth, just the right mix for a horror film in which what you don’t see is just as important as what you do see. The compression is also without flaws, maintaining all definition of the transfer without introducing any compression artifacts.
DVD FILE............
Originally released on DVD in 1998 by Artisan Entertainment (then known as LIVE), that disc boasted a non-anamorphic transfer minted from the same master used for the then-recent laserdisc. However, it was still quite good, and a noticeable improvement over the previous, largely horrendous VHS releases. But the rights to American Werewolf have now reverted back to Universal, who are celebrating the film's 20th anniversary with a new DVD release starring a fresh anamorphic transfer struck from a new print. Unfortunately, as a big fan of the film, I'm a bit disappointed with the quality of the this transfer. The print actually looks a bit dirtier than the Artisan release, with heavier grain and weaker shadow detail. Some shots, especially some of the more gloomy exteriors, look noticeably more grainy and print wear and tear is evident. Blacks are still solid and colors fairly well saturated, but hues appear a bit oversaturated at times and thus rather fuzzy. Fleshtones appear accurate. The amount of edge enhancement is less severe than the Artisan release, as is compression pixel breakup, but sharpness is wanting and overall the film looks more murky. Contrast is also below par. While not a terrible transfer, I was just expecting better.


Feb 18, 1999
Well, I'm not sure what equipment they are using, but on my 65" Toshiba DTV, American Werewolf looks quite poor.
The first five minutes are virtually unwatchable, so dirty and grainy is the print. I love American Werewolf and wanted to give this a great review, but i even just slightly rewrote the video portion after watching ti again to make sure I wasn't just suffering from inflated expectations. It's still bad!
: (
Peter M. Bracke
[Edited last by PeterB on August 28, 2001 at 02:28 AM]

Rob Gillespie

Senior HTF Member
Aug 17, 1998
David, please provide the links to reviews from other sites rather than just copying-and-pasting. Thanks.

Brian Lawrence

Senior HTF Member
Feb 28, 1998
Real Name
I would tend to go with DVDFILE over DVD REVIEW, Maybe it's just me but it seems like DVDREVIEW think everything looks great.


Supporting Actor
Jan 22, 2000
I would tend to go with DVDFILE over DVD REVIEW, Maybe it's just me but it seems like DVDREVIEW think everything looks great.
I agree, Brian. The Sound Of Music comes to mind.....
"And vidi films I would."

david cro

Mar 3, 2000
Rob G, the reason I opted for copying-and-pasting, as opposed to providing the relevant links to the two reviews, was because it was only the picture quality I had issue with, perhaps I should have mentioned this when I posted the new topic. I copied and pasted the relevant segments of each review to save any interested member from having to plough through each review searching for the section on image quality. I only find it necessary to post this reply as you thought It necessary to submit your views. I hope that expressing my thoughts towards the relevance of an Administrators post, won't get me banished from the forum as it did for a mate of mine. We should be able to have an opinion towards an Administrators views as well as our Home theater thoughts, anyway it would be a hassle to have to sign up again using another name, as my friend had to do. Thanks.


Supporting Actor
Dec 3, 2000
No flames here, but I have yet to read an objective review at DVDreview.com. They praise anything they get (and their DVD's are given to them for FREE) and refuse to correct huge mistakes in their reviews, even when flooded with e-mail about it (like with A better Tomorrow screwup edition, which they praised).
Sometimes their reviews of Hong Kong imports are laughably positive. They must be watching those films on 25" TV's because on anything over 32", the imports are clearly inferior releases. Just try watching them on a 47" HDTV.


Dave H

Senior HTF Member
Aug 13, 2000
I have to say DVDFile has been very accurate in their reviews. I always look forward to them - same goes for Obi's reviews.
[Edited last by Dave H on August 28, 2001 at 03:51 PM]

Joseph Bolus

Senior HTF Member
Feb 4, 1999
I go over to DVD REVIEW only for their DVD News and DVD Easter Egg information.
Like Dwayne above, I couldn't believe the praise they heaped on the really dismal Sound of Music transfer and, as a result of that review, I've treated all their subsequent reviews in regard to the video quality of a disc with a grain of salt.

Michael Warner

Supporting Actor
Sep 24, 1999
Real Name
Well I have yet to come across a DVD site that offers universally flawless reviews. That's the beauty of the Internet, you get to quickly amass a number of differing opinions and out of that mess you can usually come up with a fairly accurate feel for a particular title's treatment on DVD.
I'll keep reading the advance word on An American Werewolf in London and then, when I buy my copy, I'll just have to decide for myself which of the myriad online reviews are most accurate.
In the interests of full disclosure, I'm a contributor to DVD Review and no, I don't get every disc for free (about 3/4 of the discs I review are paid for out of pocket) nor do I praise every disc I get (I only review titles I like...life's too short to watch bad movies -- especially if you're not getting paid to do it -- but I still won't hesitate to dog a disc that disappoints).

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