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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Director's Cut (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder (1 Viewer)

David Norman

Senior HTF Member
Oct 12, 2001
Charlotte, NC
I was in a target this weekend but didn't look for the title. I had already received mine from Amazon.
Cool that you picked up a beyond voucher! I was hoping all copies would have this.

I don;t think Target even has this instore. At least I can't remember anyone that said they has seen it this week.

B&N has 2 listing for this title with different UPC. Tracing the UPC, the one in store is the std release without MovieMoney and the other is online
only and when googled it appears to included the sticker. My Walmart copy had a secondary UPC sticker (different than the BN also) over the shrinkwrap different than the UPC actually
on the coverart. I'm assuming the code indicates a store edition with the MM sticker. Unfortunately this kind of sticker is just ripe for abuse -- people buying it and returning it with no
slipcover or slipcover without the sticker or just plain ripping the the sticker off the cover while in store. If anyone buys it in Walmart that has the secondary sticker on it, I'd make sure that the
Movie Money sticker is intact and hasn't been removed (or look like it was removed/replaced)


Sep 9, 2011
Henderson, NV
Real Name
Kevin Parcher
I watched the new blu three times this past weekend, the Director's cut twice and the theatrical once. The level of detail is amazing! I did increase the color saturation a tad, just my personal taste, I guess. It seems like there was some soft focus here and there, particularly on Kirk; for example, his last speech on the bridge about feeling young. I thought the special effects shots were stunning and have held up beautifully.

There is one case where I do prefer the theatrical cut, and that is the scene where Carol tells her people to get their things together. I remember feeling a lot of suspense when I first saw the film in 1982 about what happened to her and David, and with her saying that it gives that away IMO.

Although it is not a deal-breaker for me personally, I do hope they offer a fix for the wrong edit. After seeing the film many, many times over the last 34 years, it is rather distracting to me.

This movie really succeeds at what Star Trek does so well: provide a great adventure with a very human story underneath. This is definitely one of my all-time favorites.

Nelson Au

Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 1999
Thanks, nice post Kevin. I've seen this movie more times then I can count, from the first VHS tape through all the formats. I have not opened the new blu ray yet. I am going through a few emotions about this release. In the recent past, I've limited viewings so the emotional punch at the end is not lost. But then the lack of Paramount support to remaster the directors cut of Star Trek TMP and the other TOS cast films soured my enthusiasm for this release. After reading your post, it made me think maybe I'm being unfair because I wanted to see TMP redone so badly. I was also disappointed by the Sulu edit error and was waiting for a fix. So I might open my copy have a peak. You're right, it has a lot of TOS flavor in it.

PS, I forgot to mention, based on some screen caps I've seen, I bet all the footage used from Star Trek The Motion Picture of the Enterprise leaving space dock looks terrific!
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Mar 4, 2004
On another tack, why all the rancor against the next film, STIII-TSFS? I absolutely loved that film back in the theater heyday (with a bit of bittersweet memory, the beautiful girl who was my date for that movie back in 1984 (Lori) passed away in Dec 2013 due to breast cancer).

Finally! Someone else who loves ST:III!! I know I'm in the super minority but ST:III is my favorite ST film with WOK a close second. ST:III was the first time the Enterprise crew actually became family. To voluntarily put all of their lives/careers in jeopardy to retrieve their fallen friend and at the same time hoping to cure McCoy's insanity with a mind meld. As a Star Trek fan, I waited so long for that bonding. I also thought Horner's score was even better than WOK.

Getting back to WOK's Blu-ray, I'm also disappointed in those 2 lines being removed. I really liked them and to me, if you're going to remove them you might as well remove the whole scene, there really is no need for it.

Brad, sorry to hear about your friend Lori. Taken away way too soon. :(


Sep 9, 2011
Henderson, NV
Real Name
Kevin Parcher
Thanks, nice post Kevin. I've seen this movie more times then I can count, from the first VHS tape through all the formats. I have not opened the new blu ray yet. I am going through a few emotions about this release. In the recent past, I've limited viewings so the emotional punch at the end is not lost. But then the lack of Paramount support to remaster the directors cut of Star Trek TMP and the other TOS cast films soured my enthusiasm for this release. After reading your post, it made me think maybe I'm being unfair because I wanted to see TMP redone so badly. I was also disappointed by the Sulu edit error and was waiting for a fix. So I might open my copy have a peak. You're right, it has a lot of TOS flavor in it.

PS, I forgot to mention, based on some screen caps I've seen, I bet all the footage used from Star Trek The Motion Picture of the Enterprise leaving space dock looks terrific!

I hear where you are coming from and share many of your feelings. I am very fond of TMP also. In addition, to my eye, the new Khan has a more film-like look than the blus of the other movies; I watched Search for Spock and the difference was very noticeable (they have a sort of plastic look - is that DNR?). So that gave me a bit of frustration with Paramount as well, because, obviously, they could achieve that film-like look with the whole set if they wanted to. To be honest, based on the reviews, I did not buy the ST movies on blu until they showed up on amazon as a deal of the day. That being said, watching the blus projected I do think they are better than the DVDs, even if Khan (the new one in particular) looks more film-like than the others.

I, too, limit my watching of certain things to preserve the emotional impact, like City of The Edge of Forever. I have actually watched a few things too often and my mind tends to start to wander when I watch them again. Not what I want to happen!

Anyway, I think you might like the color in the new blu better than the first release, but I totally get your reticence.

Nelson Au

Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 1999
Thanks Kevin, that's a great endorsement for the blu ray mastering, it's more film like appearance. :)

I do the same with City on the Edge of Forever! I forgot about that, you're right.


All Things Film Junkie
Senior HTF Member
Jul 30, 2003
North of the 49th
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Stephen J. Hill
Personally, I think Star Trek III is the strongest of the odd-numbered entries, which may be damning with faint praise, but hear me out. While I like the DC of TMP, it isn't as strong plot-wise as Star Trek III; Star Trek V is an unholy mess (though an oddly watchable one); Generations feels like a TV movie in Scope; and Insurrection is weak and uninteresting. AFAIC, the reboot starts everything over, so I don't count those in the same continuity.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock pros:
1. A healthy dose of humour;
2. Getting back to basics in terms of crew involvement;
3. Christopher Lloyd;
4. Christopher Lloyd; and
5. Christopher Lloyd--he's really great in this

1. Robin Curtis as Saavik--she was really miscast here;
2. Merritt Buttrick--so whiny I very nearly cheered when he
gets killed by the Klingons; and

3. Overreliance on footage from The Wrath of Khan


Supporting Actor
Jul 14, 2012
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"To your planet, welcome!" Kills me every time, and you gotta admit "your name is Jim" makes it hard to stifle a tear.

Lord Dalek

Senior HTF Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Joel Henderson
III really is a lot better than many fans give it credit for. The acting is pretty good, it has some decent one liners, and the emotional content doesn't ring hollow. And some people prefer The Motionless Picture over it for reasons I'll never know.


Sep 9, 2011
Henderson, NV
Real Name
Kevin Parcher
I came across this newspaper art and I thought it was pretty cool with the 70mm Six-Track logo and Khan being so prominent. I did not see it in 70mm in 1982, unfortunately, but I did later at a retrospective at The Cinerama Dome.


Lord Dalek

Senior HTF Member
Apr 4, 2005
Real Name
Joel Henderson
I'm surprised they were able to afford 70mm prints for this one considering the buck ninety-five budget WOK had.


Senior HTF Member
May 26, 2016
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I'm surprised they were able to afford 70mm prints for this one considering the buck ninety-five budget WOK had.

I saw it in 70MM in a theater in 1982. Only a certain number of prints were made in 70mm. ST-TMP had relatively large Opening weekend http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/franchise/Star-Trek#tab=summary and to make TWOK they paid Gene Roddenberry to go away and it was produced by the TV division. As the chart at the above site indicates TMP made MORE than TWOK (though TWOK had a budget a little over a third of TMP).

Paramount still would go all out with publicity etc. (unless it's a musical about a studio making porn movies with their good girl TV star ;) ;)) TWOK had a foldout poster.that they had available to patrons (I used to have two of them). Even "Airplane!" (the suits at the studio thought would flop had a glossy poster handout.

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Colin Jacobson

Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 2000
III really is a lot better than many fans give it credit for. The acting is pretty good, it has some decent one liners, and the emotional content doesn't ring hollow. And some people prefer The Motionless Picture over it for reasons I'll never know.

I'm with you. I think there are 2 factors at work:

1) People remember how excited they were for "TMP" and attach those emotions to the movie;
2) People remember how disappointed they were with "III" after "II" set a high bar.

To be sure, "III" is far from great, but it's entertaining - much more than "TMP"...


Feb 8, 2015
Real Name
III really is a lot better than many fans give it credit for. The acting is pretty good, it has some decent one liners, and the emotional content doesn't ring hollow. And some people prefer The Motionless Picture over it for reasons I'll never know.

Agreed, III has a lot going for it - not least of which was Kirk's utter shock when he learned the fate of his newly-discovered son. That totally convincing reaction and stumble-back somehow made the film for me.

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