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New info on latest projects from THE WHO (1 Viewer)


Who do we think I am?
Senior HTF Member
Dec 1, 1999
Gulf Coast
Real Name
Tony D.
I just received an email from eelpie.com and thought i'd share.

The band has agreed upon a work plan for the coming year and beyond. At present Pete is involved in setting up a team to do a 5.1 remix of Quadrophenia, which will be released along similar lines to the upcoming Tommy release. An extended version is also planned for the same release, opening the story up for future theatrical and DVD versions.

His main creative work will be songs for a new Who album. These will be based on his story, now complete, The Boy Who Heard Music. He and Roger plan to demo the new material before the end of the year prior to going into record the album in March 04. This of course will be the band’s first studio album since 1982’s ‘It’s Hard.’ The proposed release date for the album is the early Summer and the idea is to follow it up with a US and UK tour, taking in other regions in 2005.

Both Pete and Roger wanted to share this information with you at an early stage. It is hoped that the recording sessions will be filmed for webcasting and that some live, interactive sessions, via the website, will also take place.

To tie in with this period of activity the www.petetownshend.com chatboard will reopen on Oct 2nd.


Chris Lockwood

Senior HTF Member
Apr 21, 1999
New album? Interesting. I wondered why they hadn't done any in 20 years, considering how much touring they did. Will there be the usual farewell tour?


Who do we think I am?
Senior HTF Member
Dec 1, 1999
Gulf Coast
Real Name
Tony D.
well doug i .....never mind, inappropriate.

chris right in my post above it says they do plan to tour.

"The proposed release date for the album is the early Summer and the idea is to follow it up with a US and UK tour, taking in other regions in 2005."


Feb 11, 2001
Sorry, but I have some leftover bitterness about their decision to do the tour after John's passing.


Kevin C Brown

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2000
Doug- I have a sense of humor. I thought it was funny. :)

A maybe better way of putting it would be:

They'll be doing "farewell" tours as long as Pete needs the money.

And he's been honest about that in the past too.

And yes, the Who is one of my top 5 fave bands.

Nobody has asked, but I wonder who the bass player will be?

Jan H

Senior HTF Member
Nov 6, 2001
Without the Ox, they ain't the Who. I hope Pete has the good taste to label the project Townsend/Daltrey.

Philip Hamm

Senior HTF Member
Jan 23, 1999
They'll be doing "farewell" tours as long as Pete needs the money.
I thought that John was the one strapped for cash in the past? Peter makes a lot of royalty money on songwriting that the other members never see, plus his solo efforts, including leading the "Tommy" theater version, have been extremely successful.

Anyway, I'll be interested in hearing the new stuff, whatever they decide to call themselves. I would guess that Pino Palladino, who played in John's place on the last tour, would continue to work with the band. He is an incredibly accomplished bass player both as a studio man and as a touring sideman. He's worked with Townshend extensively. Also, Pino's mostly known for his spectacular fretless bass (listen to Townshend's "Give Blood" for an example) abilities, so much so that people forget how great he is on a regular fretted bass. I've read interviews with him where he decries this niche he's been sucked into. He really wants to stretch out more on the fretted bass, and this would give him the opportunity to do so in an environment where stretching out would be enthusiastically encouraged.


Who do we think I am?
Senior HTF Member
Dec 1, 1999
Gulf Coast
Real Name
Tony D.
if you guys want to make jokes about members of the who being dead please open another thread and do it there.
this was opened for discussion about new who material whether it be from daltrey or townshend.

if you want to make lite about who members money troubles at least get the right guy with the money trouble. it was john entwhistle who had the cash flow trouble.

sheeash is it possable anymore to start a thread without someone coming in and puking in it?

i was confused about the band continuing the tour last year too. but so what. other bands hvae toured with new members in place.

if they come by here next year i'll go. it may be the last time to see them live on stage ever. whether it be solo or as a band.

Kevin C Brown

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2000
Sorry, I have read interviews in the past with Pete, and while John may have had cash flow problems, Pete also mentioned it too. Just because a person makes a lot of money, doesn't mean they manage it well...

And in fact, I remember a concert review in the local paper mention that during a show a while ago, Pete said something to the effect that he's been asked why he keeps getting the Who back together to do tours. He explained that his piggy bank was empty (or something). And I even remember thinking at the time, gee, why would he say something like that. But then I thought, at least he's being honest. Pete's never been known to be politically correct. :)

As for Quad in hi rez, I'm looking forward to that. :D


Second Unit
Aug 9, 2000
Not music related, but I did see on the history channel where Daltrey is going to be hosting a show called Extreme History that starts soon, just and FYI.

Grant B

Senior HTF Member
Mar 29, 2000
I am a huge Who fan; when they did Quadrophenia in Hyde Park I dropped everything and flew to London for that alone.....but even I agree with the "farewell tour" joke. I believe the 1st farewell was Toronto. I am sure many went to that show from all over only to find out they fudged the term.
At least change the name of the band to "Who's Left" or something.
Without Moonie it was questionable.....without John & Keith it's the Townsend Solo Tour featuring Roger Daltry.

Hey Kevin ....thought I would find you here.

Kevin C Brown

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2000
Grant- Hee, hee. I actually have been listening to *three* different versions of the "final concert" in 1982 in Toronto. An excellent show IMO.

Grant B

Senior HTF Member
Mar 29, 2000
I seem to remember the double album that came out after the show was not the greatest. Listened to a friends copy and it is one of the few that I never bought. I did buy the Baba Box and the Lifehouse Box from Pete's website. If you ever want to take a listen, let me know.

Found a TAP9000 on ebay and some jerk got it for $405 at the last second......I had the $400 bid. I am still PO'd.
I went down to the Metreon to see if they had any left at the Sony store. They are back ordered for 6 months; not promising.

Kevin C Brown

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2000
I think actually that the live album was from the entire tour, not necessarily just that one show.

I actually found a guy who had a vinyl source copy of exactly what was played on the radio, so I got a clean copy of that (Westwood One or something). And then I picked up 2 boots on ebay. Both of them, actually had 3 more tracks than what was on the vinyl and played over the air! :)

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