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2002 Film List (1 Viewer)

Seth Paxton

Senior HTF Member
Nov 5, 1998
We'll just disagree. I thought the roles were demanding and Giovanni had the deer in the headlights expression often.
At least his character didn't just involve ninja stars and melting stuff. :laugh:
Personal Velocity and 8 Women were 2 I had big interest in at the time but didn't catch. They are both in the rental queue behind a bunch of S&S films.
I did note that 8 Women got the Oscar snub which surprised me based on critical WoM for the film.

Brook K

Senior HTF Member
Feb 22, 2000
I'm going to have to see if there's an r2 DVD for 8 Women with some extras. There's a German DVD with a commentary, but of course it isn't English subbed. I think many of the reviews really sold the movie short, calling it "sentimental, bubble-gum" or worse "a stagey Agatha Christie musical".
The actress who plays the youngest of the women is one of the lead's in Ozon's new film Swimmingpool which opens here on Friday. She only looks about 15 or 16 in 8 Women, but from early reviews, she's nude through most of Swimmingpool.

Seth Paxton

Senior HTF Member
Nov 5, 1998
She only looks about 15 or 16 in 8 Women, but from early reviews, she's nude through most of Swimmingpool.
Does Larry Clark know that someone's horning in on his turf? :laugh:
BTW, for those less TV-centric people, my Giovanni reference was for his Friends TV show character, a stark contrast to his character in Heaven.

Scott Weinberg

Senior HTF Member
Oct 3, 2000
Added Sunshine State which I missed last year because two friends said it was VERY dull.
Those idiots were wrong. I thought it was just fantastic.
4.5 out of 5

Brook K

Senior HTF Member
Feb 22, 2000
Glad you thought so Scott, it's one of my top 10's.

Drumline, Happy Times, and Skins on the way.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 17, 2001
Las Vegas
Real Name
John Steffens
I added Pipe Dream **
with Rebecca Gayheart and Mary Louise Parker.
Kind of a cross between The Big Picture and Audition(but w/o all the murder and David Lynch/Cronenberg stuff)
Not very funny, but worthy enough to see a movie about filmmaking(even though it's not the best) and to see Mary Louise Parker again

Brook K

Senior HTF Member
Feb 22, 2000
Skins is a movie with the noblest of intentions, to illustrate the terrible plight of Native American's in this country; I just wish it was wrapped in a better film. Skins does not achieve the emotional connections of Eyre's debut, Smoke Signals and its social awareness is too tightly wrapped in an awkward, clunky story about two brothers, one a drunk and one a cop struggling to do the right thing. At times I think it should have brought out the slege hammer and been much more scathing, while at others, like the ending, it goes over-the-top in its search for a closing symbol. I did like it's use of spirituality and how it showed the modern funeral ritual. B-
Copy of Drumline I received was cracked and wouldn't play, so Yimou's Happy Times is up next.

Brook K

Senior HTF Member
Feb 22, 2000
Happy Times - A tender and humorous comedy about an older man trying to find a wife who ends up caring for a blind girl. While I wish that Yimou's films were not getting lighter and less poltico/social over time, he still retains the ability to engage my emotions and touch me. B

Brook K

Senior HTF Member
Feb 22, 2000
Drumline is an entertaining movie about the competitions and dynamics within a black college marching band. It is a pleasantly wholesome film celebrating success and manages to deliver its cliches in a warm enough manner that they lead to smiles rather than groans. The movie does stumble somewhat by being overlong and including 2-3 too many subplots for minor characters that we have little or no emotional investment in. But when it sticks to music and the bands, the movie works well. B

Brook K

Senior HTF Member
Feb 22, 2000
Real Women Have Curves had me eye-rolling early since you know exactly what will happen after the first 10m but it does succeed in connecting emotionally despite this with its positive message of female empowerment and being comfortable with who you are. B-
Trying to wrap this up ASAP with Evelyn, Rules of Attraction, Big Fat Greek Wedding, Red Dragon, Antwone Fisher, and a couple of other things left to go.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 17, 2001
Las Vegas
Real Name
John Steffens
I'm updating with Tully ****
a real treasure!
It's one of those 'real movies'
Situations are real, people are real.
all wrapped up during a summer in Nebraska, that is told remarkably
pacing is great with a sneaky subtle heartbreaking moment

Jason Seaver

Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1997
Updated with Versus, whose title accurately describes the movie - zombies vs. yakuza vs. escaped prisoners vs. cops vs. more yakuza vs. ancient sorcerers... If you like over-the-top action, it doesn't get much better than this in quality or quantity. The story has a distinct feel of being made up as it goes along (and there's a totally unnecessary coda), but... zombies versus yakuza!!!


Senior HTF Member
Jan 17, 2001
Las Vegas
Real Name
John Steffens
I added
About Schmidt ***1/2
Great movie. loved Jacks performance and character.
Love Liza ***1/2 Great Phillip Seymour Hoffman performance, but was a little let down with the ending.
World Traveler * the only thing that is worth mentioning is Julianne Moore's weird character
and that Karen Allen DIDN'T have enough time on the screen.

Brook K

Senior HTF Member
Feb 22, 2000
Antwone Fisher simply an affecting, heartwarming story with direction that stays out of the way. A few screeplay hiccups, but a solid film. B
Next up: The Crime Of Padre Amaro


Second Unit
Dec 3, 2001
Updated my list with a bunch of stuff seen over the last month or so.
Antwone Fisher (***1/2 / ****)
The Hours (***1/2 / ****)
Auto Focus (*** / ****)
Bloody Sunday (*** / ****)
Standing in the Shadows of Motown (*** / ****)
A bunch of real good films all around. :emoji_thumbsup:

Seth Paxton

Senior HTF Member
Nov 5, 1998
She only looks about 15 or 16 in 8 Women, but from early reviews, she's nude through most of Swimmingpool.
I can now verify both of these things to be true, well sort of, since she still looks about 16 in Swimming Pool although she has a hot body on display in the film as the reviews led you to believe.
Anyway, time for a little party as 2 films leave my Top 10 list...my Top 10 WORST list that is. Yay for Pluto Nash and Mr. Deeds, they were kicked off when I saw Master of Disguise (1.5) and Ecks vs. Sever (.5) which were both dreadful.
Ecks vs Sever is one of the MOST HORRIBLY DIRECTED FILMS I HAVE EVER SEEN. It's not the story and its not the acting, neither might be great but neither are they up (or down) to the level of this film. In fact you can see that there are many big action moments, but the method of direction, the choices in editing, are some of the most boring efforts I have ever seen put to an action film.
I saw a guy (Antonio) riding on a bus which was sliding on its side, blows in half, while he shoots a hand cannon basically at a hot super spy chick (Lucy L) on a motorcycle...and I was bored. They actually ran this stunt, so there was real stuff to be captured here, yet somehow I can see that it happened but all of the excitement of such a moment, just the stunt aspect itself that you would see in the "making of" even was totally sucked out of it.
Worse yet is while watching such a scene you can picture similar moments from Another 48 Hrs, Fugitive, or even Matrix Reloaded and see just how much better it could have been done.
I had to give up on the film just past the 55 minute mark when it became clear that the film was never going to become even remotely interesting.
Do not let this guy direct another film, he has zero talent. It was like listening to Milton from Office Space tell a "funny" anecdote.
Master of Disguise - a point or two simply for the turtle scene, the first half of a Scarface imitation, and perhaps pieces of a Bush imitation. The rest was completely unfunny and I couldn't believe Carvey could have been involved in the writing of the film. Why would he put himself into such unfunny moments is beyond me, I thought he had a far better sense of comedy.
So BvE is now my worst of 2002, MoD comes in at 8th worst in between Bad Company (even less funny) and Imposter (another dull action film with terrible direction).
After seeing BvE I'm honestly not sure I can work up the strength to deal with Pinocchio after Scott's warning. I wonder if I might give it an honorary "worst of" ranking without actually suffering. ;)

Brook K

Senior HTF Member
Feb 22, 2000
The Crime of Padre Amaro was largely underwhelming. It starts out well with intriguing revelations about Catholic Church complicity with drug lords but ends up pulling most of its punches and shifting to a soap opera
love story without much chemistry or heat between the two leads. As for the "controversial" nature of the film, there's nothing in the movie that compares to what is happening in Boston. C
Up next, Femme Fatale, Evelyn, Big Fat Greek Wedding, Comedian as I try to get 2002 wrapped up in the next 2 weeks.

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