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Official STAR WARS Saga Discussion Thread: Part 5 (2 Viewers)

Sam Favate

Senior HTF Member
Feb 3, 2004
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Sam Favate
He’s not wrong. The sequel trilogy certainly doesn’t have the elements that the first six do. Andor gets it, but that’s not a show for 10 year olds. Star Wars’ base has aged, in some cases significantly, so maybe it’s not a bad thing that shows are made for different audiences.


His Own Fool
Senior HTF Member
Aug 18, 2001
The BK
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He’s not wrong. The sequel trilogy certainly doesn’t have the elements that the first six do. Andor gets it, but that’s not a show for 10 year olds. Star Wars’ base has aged, in some cases significantly, so maybe it’s not a bad thing that shows are made for different audiences.

The vast majority of audience (both old and new/young) are different from when the OT were made me thinks. Meanwhile, he wanted to change to Greedo shooting first (and make us sit thru plenty of Jar Jar, gag-inducing "romantic" dialog, etc, LOL), so... :lol:


Clinton McClure

Rocket Science Department
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Jun 28, 1999
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I might be the only (or at least exceptionally rare) SW fan who (still) never read any of the books (nor comics) nor checked any of the SW fan sites, etc before TPM, heh... and don't really recall knowing that Palpatine is/becomes the Emperor going into TPM... but yes, by the end of the movie, it seemed pretty clear though -- certainly, the final moment was totally telegraphing that anyway.

I just wasn't ever that interested in reading the books (nor comics)...

I also never read the novels, comics, SW fan sites, etc… and knew immediately when Senator Palpatine is introduced for the first time in TPM that he’ll become the Emperor. The voice was a dead giveaway.

Clinton McClure

Rocket Science Department
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Jun 28, 1999
Central Arkansas
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He’s not wrong. The sequel trilogy certainly doesn’t have the elements that the first six do. Andor gets it, but that’s not a show for 10 year olds. Star Wars’ base has aged, in some cases significantly, so maybe it’s not a bad thing that shows are made for different audiences.
To me, watching Andor is like watching paint dry. All I needed or cared to know about Andor was wrapped up nicely in Rouge One.

Josh Steinberg

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Jun 10, 2003
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Josh Steinberg
I stuck with the entire season of Andor and I was similarly disinterested in the early episodes and struggled to get through them. I found the middle section with the character in prison to be riveting - that sort of inside look at how the empire actually works was fascinating to me. Once the character left the prison, my interested waned again. But those three weeks or so he was in jail, it was like a totally different show.


Senior HTF Member
May 3, 2008
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Lucas answers the question of will we ever get the Unaltered versions of the OT trilogy re-released.

Lucas says:
“I think a film belongs to its creator. When Michelangelo made the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, he looked at it and said: I’m going to redo this part.”
Nope - Michelangelo never said that. He was a sculptor, *not* a painter. All of his painting commissions were under duress. He'd not have willingly gone back to any of them to fix or repaint.

For one thing, the ceiling was done in fresco style, a technique he had to learn before even starting the project. You don't just whitewash and paint over fresco and mistakes are difficult to fix. *Anything* redone has to be completely chiseled away with a new base of plaster applied and then the final layer which is painted on while it's still wet is put down. You don't apply that final layer until the day you're going to work and then only enough for what you'll be able to paint that day. The Sistine Chapel ceiling already had a fresco on it before Michelangelo started. He and his crew had to completely remove that before he could begin the new painting.

He *did* repaint part of the ceiling a year after starting as the original sections had moulded and had to be removed and redone - essentially starting over (it took him a bit over 4 years to paint the ceiling), all because his formula for the plaster base wasn't correct. Then ~25 years later pope Clement VII asked Michelangelo to return to the Sistine Chapel and paint The Last Judgement on the altar wall. To create a new painting he first had to remove two lunettes that showed the Ancestors of Christ.

Even Spielberg undid the modifications he'd done to E.T. saying
"That was a mistake," Spielberg admitted. "I never should have done that because E.T. is a product of its era."

"I should never have messed with the archive of my own work, and I don't recommend anybody really do that"


Senior HTF Member
Dec 6, 2021
Out there, past them trees.
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Alex Czaplicki


Senior HTF Member
Dec 6, 2021
Out there, past them trees.
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Alex Czaplicki

Sam Favate

Senior HTF Member
Feb 3, 2004
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Sam Favate
Kathleen Kennedy Says 'A Lot of Women' in 'Star Wars' Struggle With Fan Attacks 'Because of the Fan Base Being So Male Dominated'

Good article. IMO she’s not wrong.
May 12, 2024
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Kathleen Kennedy Says 'A Lot of Women' in 'Star Wars' Struggle With Fan Attacks 'Because of the Fan Base Being So Male Dominated'

Wait. So these men are the ones who say there's a male domination of the fan community?


Senior HTF Member
Feb 6, 2005
New York, Planet Earth
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Well, let's not male shame here. Being male doesn't make you resent females in Star Wars. Being a hate filled a-hole does.

Basement dwelling shut ins who never had an intimate experience beyond their own hand are the reason Rose was marginalized and Rise of Skywalker was a 2 and half hour exercise in backpedaling. Instead of facing their own inadequacies, they take it out on people trying to entertain them.

As a male who has enjoyed Star Wars since 1977, I never had an issue with Princess Leia, Padme, Rey or Rose. I only had problems with how poorly they were often written.

Hell, George Lucas didn't know what to do with Leia and Padme at the end of his trilogies.

The Drifter

Jan 29, 2019
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I've been a huge SW fan since '77. And, I'm a male who has 0 issues with strong women IRL or in film/media. Princess Leia was definitely iconic in that she was a strong, somewhat dominant woman in ANH. I don't have any issues with the way she was presented as more of a 'love interest' in ESB & ROTJ - though I see why some may have felt this "weakened" the character. However, I get that Lucas felt he had to resolve the "love triangle" between Leia/Han/Luke by making Leia Luke's sister.

I also like Padme & Rey in the OT & ST (respectively). Don't have any issues with the way either were represented in the films, though I understand why some may not like Padme dying due to a "broken heart" in ROTS.

Side-note: Also a HUGE fan of the Alien & Terminator films, which also feature strong female lead characters - i.e. Ellen Ripley in the Alien Franchise, and Sarah Connor in the Terminator films.

Re: toxic male fans who have an issues with these strong female characters in the SW films specifically - well, that's their problem. If you don't like the films/TV series - you have a simple choice: just don't watch them. The same goes for those people who spewed toxic hate at the actor who portrayed Jar Jar in TPM - and also for those who had an issue with the writer of the SW novel "Vector Prime" in which Chewbacca died (note this novel is no longer considered "canon).


His Own Fool
Senior HTF Member
Aug 18, 2001
The BK
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I've been a huge SW fan since '77. And, I'm a male who has 0 issues with strong women IRL or in film/media. Princess Leia was definitely iconic in that she was a strong, somewhat dominant woman in ANH. I don't have any issues with the way she was presented as more of a 'love interest' in ESB & ROTJ - though I see why some may have felt this "weakened" the character. However, I get that Lucas felt he had to resolve the "love triangle" between Leia/Han/Luke by making Leia Luke's sister.

I also like Padme & Rey in the OT & ST (respectively). Don't have any issues with the way either were represented in the films, though I understand why some may not like Padme dying due to a "broken heart" in ROTS.

Side-note: Also a HUGE fan of the Alien & Terminator films, which also feature strong female lead characters - i.e. Ellen Ripley in the Alien Franchise, and Sarah Connor in the Terminator films.

Re: toxic male fans who have an issues with these strong female characters in the SW films specifically - well, that's their problem. If you don't like the films/TV series - you have a simple choice: just don't watch them. The same goes for those people who spewed toxic hate at the actor who portrayed Jar Jar in TPM - and also for those who had an issue with the writer of the SW novel "Vector Prime" in which Chewbacca died (note this novel is no longer considered "canon).

Yeah, definitely don't understand why people would hate the actors in that way, especially for a character like Jar Jar, not just the characters or narratives (or whatever perceived hidden agendas), NVM whether they get particularly aggressive/hostile in doing so... but I guess at least some of that might be similar to how some people seem to completely confuse the actors for the characters in soap operas, etc in their brand/style of fandom... Well, I suppose they may simply be very literally true to the term "fanatics" w/ which I generally can't/don't/won't identify myself...



Senior HTF Member
Feb 6, 2005
New York, Planet Earth
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She isn’t wrong and yet they caved with Episode IX and Rose who should have been far more prominent the development of her relationship with Finn
Finn was screwed too. He had an incredibly interesting history and character set up. Instead of riding horses on top of star destroyers, he should have been turning storm troopers to the cause. TBH, they all got screwed. Rise of Skywalker was an apology to the toxic portion of the fanbase when it should have been a middle finger.

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