The Untitled Renée Ballard series follows Detective Renée Ballard, who is tasked with running the LAPD's new cold case division - a poorly funded, all-volunteer unit with the largest case load in the city. Ballard approaches these frozen-in-time cases with empathy and determination. When she...
Amazon Studios has announced that Jamie Hector, who starred opposite Titus Welliver on the original Bosch series, will reprise his role in an as-yet untitled spinoff following Harry Bosch’s former partner, Detective Jerry Edgar, when he is tapped for an undercover FBI mission in Little Haiti, Miami.
Season 1 thread
Season 2 thread
Season 3 thread
Season 4 thread
Season 5 thread
Season 6 thread
Spinoff thread
Bosch Season 7 will be available on Amazon Prime June 25.
Official Teaser:
While this will be the final season, a spinoff is in development with Titus Welliver, Mimi Rogers and...
Prime Video's hit cop drama "Bosch" is ending with the upcoming seventh season, but Deadline is reporting that Amazon Studios is producing a spinoff for its ad-supported IMDb TV free streaming service.
While Titus Welliver will continue to star as Harry Bosch, the new show is more of an...
Season 1 thread
Season 2 thread
Season 3 thread
Season 4 thread
Season 5 thread
Bosch Season 6 will be available on Amazon Prime April 17.
Official Trailer: