Search results

  1. Michael Riesenbeck

    George Harrison's Brainwashed

    I'd love to hear other's opinions of Brainwashed... Listening to this album (and listening to it again and again) has been one of the most enjoyable musical experiences I've ever had. George certainly still "had it." It's a shame he was taken from us before he could share more of this...
  2. Michael Riesenbeck

    The Who -- Leeds... video?

    Anyone know if video footage of The Who at Leeds exists?
  3. Michael Riesenbeck

    Godfather III -- Director's Cut?

    Is The Godfather III in the DVD set the director's cut (which has been the standard on previous home video editions)? I know all of the other cut footage can be found on the extra disc in the set, but how is GF III presented? More specifically, what is the running time of GF III? Thanks in advance.
  4. Michael Riesenbeck

    A Better Place... thoughts/opinions?

    A Better Place (written & directed by View Askew's Vincent Pereira) was finally released on DVD a couple weeks ago... To those who own the disc already: How is the quality (both the audio video & the extras)? Also, where did you purchase it? Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash is always an option...