Recent content by Raider81

  1. Raider81


    I recently purchased a Samsung HcS5687W 56' The TV is awesome! I have it in my basement theater room. I knew going in that if you are not eye level with the middle of the screen the picture could be a tad bit different in color. My...
  2. Raider81

    HD TV and Surround System

    Thanks! I agree with going to the manual, I tend to be a rebel at stuff like that, lol. I put the optical from my HD box to the receiver instead of running it from the TV. It works much better!! Thanks for the advise
  3. Raider81

    HD TV and Surround System

    Darn, I figured as much I did put the sub on a piece of wood(it was on the carpet, like you said) It did seem to help. I bought the Sub last year and now realize I need a better one with more power and front fireing Thanks for the reply
  4. Raider81

    HD TV and Surround System

    Corona13, Thank you very much!! Heres what I did. Please let me know if this is ok.(or you would do differently It seems to work really good. 1. Hooked the HDMI from my HD box to the TV's HDMI # 1 slot 2.I then hooked the Component cable from the TV to my DVD player(should I use...
  5. Raider81

    HD TV and Surround System

    Newbie here!! I recently purchased a Samsung 56inch DLP 1080i My question is on how to hook up and what cables to buy for my equiptment? 1. What cables do I get to hook up the TV to the HD box(direct tv) 2. What cables do I use(purchase) to hook up the TV to my Receiver(Sony STR DA...