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Video delay/lag/sync issue when watching 3D movies routed through reciever (1 Viewer)

Manny Martinez

Jan 3, 2013
Real Name
manny martinez
So after extensive research via Google I've come up empty handed. I purchased the Sony str-dh520 on amazon with an lg 55" led 3d 240 (don't have model # handy ATM). The picture looks beautiful as does the sound from my home theater setup. The only problem I'm experiencing is what the title says. I only experience this delay when I use the recieverAND 3D. If I use the received and watch a regular movie then everything syncs up fine. Here are some things I've came up with during my troubleshooting: The audio is ahead of the video I've used the a/v sync feature built into the reciefer to achieve the 60ms delay to no avail. I still experience about a 5-10ms delay and its clearly noticeable because if you turn up the TV volume as well as the surround sound volume you can tell the TV is well ahead of the surround sound. Also during this troubleshooting I stood directly in front of the speakers as well as across the room. I've played around with the TV 3D settings with no results. I went to best buy for the hell of it since I was in the area and spoke to the home theater manager and he said my problem is rare. He said that all receivers under $1000 have 60ms delays features. If I need more then I will have to dish out a grand... he also mentioned something about cable transfer speeds which sounded interesting... I'm using 10.2gbps cables and my TV is a passive 3d so it does all of the 3D processing before it spits out the image. Could this delay be caused due to my cables restricting data transfer speeds? Do I need some 15+ Gbps cables? Do I need a better receiver? Is what he said about receivers delay features at 60ms true? Its hard into believe I'm the only one experiencing this problem :( I'm out of ideas now. I returned the received and I'll wait for some feedback here before I proceed to the next step! Thanks in advance guys and happy new year!

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