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Svs PB2+, DIY, Tumult based alternatives or what else? (1 Viewer)

Tom Vodhanel

Senior HTF Member
Sep 4, 1998
Hi Dan,

Saw that already, they seem to have erased the measured frequency graph Nousaine suppllies with each test though...or are you saying Tom Nousaine didn't provide any measured FR of the unit? That would certainly be something out of the ordinary for him...

Tom V.


Second Unit
Aug 15, 1999

Contact Kevin at DIY Cable, he's the founder of Exodus Audio and he set up the test of the sub. Nothing was erased as far as I know, but then again it wasn't my test, nor did I organize it.

I do have the sub here at the warehouse for demo at an upcoming audio show, and I do know what they can do from our own measurements, but TN's numbers are pretty convincing, especially for a small 17.75" cube.

The WMD15 is one potent little sub as-is, with a ton of clean output. A new, higher power amp is in the works right now (on our bench - we do most of our own electronics development and production as well) so it should provide even more output, and deeper frequency extension than it currently has. I suspect if TN measured the newer version, it would push for the top of his list.


I try to respect HTF's rules that advertisement in threads be kept to a minimum, and even though I don't sell this sub, I do have an economic interest in it. But yeah, Tumult's a fun little driver ;). I don't think there's another driver out there that is the equal. It moves a tremendous amount of air with extreme linearity. And gets down nice and deep as well...

Dan Wiggins
Adire Audio


Sep 13, 2003
Another possibility from the same company that makes the Contrabass would be the B-DEAP32. I just went that route. Placement is critical with the B-BEAP and for a single B-DEAP in a reasonably sized room, I am inclined to think that you would need to have a corner available for it.

If you do have a corner, you need to be able to mount the 42" face of the sub facing either wall and about 6" off the wall. The sub uses two 12" drivers in a horn configuration so its all in the physics that makes this thing roar.

I have seen measured results posted at web sites and now have the results from my own system. They suggest that if you can place this thing right, you will truly be rewarded for the effort. Nothing I have seen is as precise in its execution from 25 Hz on up due to the horn loading and if you can place the sub correctly, you can take advantage of the fact that (believe it or not) it is literally just cruising along at insane volumes in the 25-30 Hz range. With proper set up again aided by placement you can coax serious performance down to the 12-14 Hz. range from the thing while still maintaining performance in the real sweet spot for home theater applications, between say 20 Hz and 30 Hz.

This sub does impress you in a different way than does a Contrabass for example. Where the Contrabass will impress you with the sheer volume it can achieve at really low frequencies (lets say in the 10-15 Hz range), the B-DEAP will excel at sheer impact, as it is very fast and very precise especially in the 20-30 range. As such, the "wham" of an explosion is truly a WHAM.

A good example is the scene in Finding Nemo where the little girl is tapping her finger on the side of the fish tank. The difference between the way a B-DEAP presents this and anything else I have heard is pretty amazing with each tap of her finger feeling more like she is punching a hole in your chest.

Jack Gilvey

Senior HTF Member
Mar 13, 1999

Absolutely. If one were to "level the field" a bit and stick the Tumult in a reflex design of larger dimensions, I think it might surprise some who aren't familiar with Dan's work.

Shane Martin

Senior HTF Member
Sep 26, 1999
Aren't these $3,500 + an amp?

Overall lots of information.

I might start up a DIY thread to see where I should go next as I'm still not sure.


Sep 13, 2003
Sorry it took me awhile. I usually do not like to quote prices over the Internet and more often leave that for a representative of whatever company is being mentioned. However, you are well in the ballpark with regard to cost for a B-DEAP. If you were going to buy a commercially available sub I do think that the Contrabass, the Everest and the B-DEAP represent great values as I think any of those three would scratch your itch even if you had been thinking that your's was a $10,000 or $20,000 itch.

If you do have the ability to place it correctly, the B-DEAP might represent the best value of the three (one man's view).

Nothing beats DIY for value if you can pull that off.

I think that the one component that I learned was critical to a successful subwoofer experience if you are either going to build or buy a real monster sub is integration into the room and into the rest of the system. Regardless of weather it is the B-DEAP, the Contrabass or the Everest depending on the room the rest of the speakers in your system (even potent mains) become analogous to roller-skates scurrying about in close proximity to a tractor trailer. It takes some time and talent to make the tractor trailer play nice around those roller-skates and to make everything work well together. I am not sure there is anything else in the price category of the three mentioned that demands as much attention to detail relative to integration by virtue of their potent output.

Michael R Price

Jul 22, 2001

93db at 20Hz seems low, but it is only low when compared to vented subwoofers. That is an absurd amount of output for a sealed, 3 cubic foot box in that size room. I am unsure of the output capability of a vented (PR) Tumult subwoofer, but it would probably be somewhat higher than the Stryke sub which tops Nousaine's list. I do know from personal experience that a vented Tempest is capable of 100db+ at 20Hz in a normal room, and the Tumult is at least twice as powerful.

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