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Speaker Click/Pop - Whats wrong? (1 Viewer)

Jon Krangel

Stunt Coordinator
Dec 14, 2001
Just today I was listening to my system when I began to notice a very audible (and annoying) click coming from my center speaker (something leads me to believe the tweeter). It happens on multiple sources (HD sat and DVD). It's not obnoxiously loud, but is distracting enough to detract from watching a movie. It seems to be random, with no real pattern to the clicking. My center speaker is a Definitive Technology LCR2300 and my reciever is an Onkyo TX-DS797. What is wrong with my system, and more importantly, how can I fix it? The entire system is less than a year old, and has worked flawlessly until now.

If it matters, the Onkyo is also driving a pair of Def Tech BP2006TL's and a pair of Def Tech BP2X's.

Brian OK

Supporting Actor
Aug 29, 2000

What electrical appliances were on, a halogen light upstairs in a bedroom, a kitchen dining room dimmer, your neighbors arc welder in the garage (8~).... ? Doing laundry at the time ? A short in a section of the house by a bad junction (i.e a cob-job junction in a faraway pull switch light box)? I had one of those gems from a previous homeowner.

Sounds very strange. Check ALL your connections... an AC plug loose, not firm, arcing ? Local power anomoly ?

Just sounds so out of the blue based upon your reaction that perhaps it was the local power company providing less than optimal service.

Hope you can find this gremlin

Not knowing your speaker cables, or interconnects, that would be the first suspect(s). A bogus solder joint gone south for good, perhaps. Just go through all your connection in the AV first. Check all of them, even if you have to switch the bad suspect for a good one to verify.

Good Luck,


Jon Krangel

Stunt Coordinator
Dec 14, 2001
Thanks Brian

I'll check those things. Sounds like if its the power then it should go away in a day or so. The speaker wire I'm using is Monster XP, I think that should be fairly adequate, right?


John F. Palacio

Supporting Actor
Jan 6, 2002
. Sounds like if its the power then it should go away in a day or so. The speaker wire I'm using is Monster XP, I think that should be fairly adequate, right?
Hi, Jon.

Power problems do not necessarily go away in a day (or ever, for that matter). Speaker wire should not have any bearing on your problem and, yes, Monster XP is more than adequate.

The fact that it is the center channel only COULD indicate that your receiver might be acting up. However this could still be a power line problem or even induction noise from other sources nearby.

Start by making sure there are no automatic devices going on or off in your house while you are troubleshooting this (Anything on a timer, for instance) and that no one else in the household is turning on or off any appliances, lights, etc.

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