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DVD Review HTF Review: Brokeback Mountain (1 Viewer)


Jun 19, 2002
Yes, theater projection can be widely variable.

I have an older plasma which is particularly susceptible to banding at the very lowest gray levels, so I'm quite sensitive to overly dark processing.

I want to *see* what's going on in that tent!


P.S. I just turn the brightness level way up, to compensate.


Mar 10, 2004
I think the dvd looks fine. I do see some film grain. Otherwise, looks and sounds good to me. Extras are too short, no commentary, but we all know there is a special edition coming. That's of course the latest way of Hollywood getting us to double/triple dip. They certainly had time to do a 2 disc'er, but someone mentioned earlier that this was probably pressed already. I believe they STILL had time. Same thing happened with "Chicago."

I think it's too bad that many of the deleted scenes were left off of the disc. I was able to see 3 of them, they were presented at the preview in San Francisco. The initial sex scene was longer (perhaps they thought it would be too much for the public, though the some 600 gay men attending the preview loved it). It also had another scene IN the movie...that was gone from later theatrical cuts.

I am not sure what people see in "Crash" I thought it was a total bore and way too much like so many other films I have seen (unlike Brokeback).. But I do respect those who like it more than Brokeback, and I am trying hard to respect the Academy voters, which is difficult. We all have different opinions, that's what makes this forum so intriguing and fun.

Nick Martin

Senior HTF Member
Mar 18, 2003
I saw the film for the first time last night, long after all the Oscar fallout, the jokes, although this thread is proof that the debates will rage on...

I was intrigued by the uniqueness of the story - particularly in this day and age. After hearing so much about it, I believed this was an important film to see. I don't believe anyone should have to live in fear for being who they are. This film is ahead of its time in some ways because of the fact that gender wasn't the issue with Jack and Ennis, but instead everyone else around them. I doubt they could 'label' themselves as gay, bisexual, or any other term - society would, but in their minds, they are in love. Plain and simple. Perhaps some day, though unfortunately a long, long time from now, that's how society will see it as well. One can hope, at least.

I don't go into movies dissecting plot points, dialogue flaws, or any of those typical 'critic' issues. Such things take me out of the experience of watching a film for what it is. I enjoyed this film because I genuinely cared for the characters, was amazed by the beautiful images of sky and nature, and because it all felt real to me.

I hope a special edition surfaces eventually - especially if it features a longer cut of the film.

Chuck Mayer

Senior HTF Member
Aug 6, 2001
Northern Virginia
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Chuck Mayer
I honesty knew I wanted to see the film the minute I saw the tagline: Love is a force of nature.

Simple, poetic. I think Dee nailed one of the most beautiful things about the film...dignity. Though I've ranted and railed in here (as we have our monthly discussion on opinions, objective vs. subjective, and a late Oscar beatdown) about the sanctity of individual opinion, the film itself is a great film. It will stand the test of time. Its craftsmanship and heart assure its longevity.

But there is no way I am buying this version :D


Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998
I saw this tues and thought it was better than Crash.

I found myself rolling my eyes at Crash. All the "you dont know what its like to be be black" stuff felt forced and false to me (and thats not becuase I cant relate since Im 1/2 black).

I want to say that I dont think the homophobe argument holds water with all the gay themed entertainment out there today - tv shows and films. But there was definitely some sort of blacklash against BBM.

And someone who refuses to watch a film becuase they dont like its content or lets their kid vote for them shouldnt be voting for the Oscars.

"My copy of the Brokeback DVD has a cover which is very different than what is shown here, and online everywhere. My DVD has no border at all, or Oscar information at the top."

Me too and I got mine at Borders.

Herb Kane

May 7, 2001
Watched this for the first time a few nights ago with my wife and it has stayed with me as though I watched it 5 minutes ago. An incredibly powerful and thought provoking film with standout performances from Ledger and Gyllenhaal. A defining film where truly less is more, as a rather simple story of missed opportunity is laid out allowing excruciating torment and emotion to show through – so believably. What separates this film from the actual BP will be its ability to stand the test of time; a sign of a true classic.

And kudos to Sam for not only a great review but the manner in which he has carried himself throughout this barrage of interesting posts. Great job, Sam!!

Richard Kim

Senior HTF Member
Jan 29, 2001

Kinda like how I rolled my eyes at Crash's one dimensional stereotypical portrayal of the Asian characters compared to the other ethnicities.

As for Brokeback, "I wish I knew how to quit you" has become as tired a pop culture cliche as "Life is like a box of choc-o-lates" in Forrest Gump in the 90s. But now watching the scene last night it was a very powerful scene and I was extremely moved by it, knowing how things would eventually end up with the characters. I have to agree that the film gets better with multiple viewings.

I was disappointed of the lack of the trailer, since it is one of the better (and more parodied :) ) trailers in recent memory.


Senior HTF Member
Nov 4, 2000
BM did not succeed because it was the best gay themed movie, it did precisely because it was not, it's themes were universal. I am sure there are many movies that relate the male homosexual romantic experience more accurately but they belong to a niche most of us have little interest in exploring. I will take your word for it :).


Aaron Silverman

Senior HTF Member
Jan 22, 1999
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Aaron Silverman

Best. Gay-themed. Movie. EVER!

(And certainly one that you don't have to be into gay issues to enjoy -- it's a comedy classic any way you look at it.)


Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998
Does it really matter that its gay themed? I mean the love theme can be related to by anyone who has remorse or regret over a relationship they wished theyd had.
Black and white,gay,christian and protestant, it doesnt matter. Woulda coulda shoulda,realizing too late,remorse and regret over what could have been, longing for someone you wished youd spent more time with - these are not gay but human themes.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 6, 2004

Thank You!!!

You actually "get it"...the resistance to the fact that the lead characters are gay is sad...it's a great movie about "missed opportunities" or whatever phrase you prefer to use. It's a great drama about a love that is viewed as "forbidden" and the "gay" angle is just the plot-point that prevents the main characters from finding, and keeping, true love.

DaViD Boulet

Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 1999
Wow...just a few days away from the software forum and already a new review of a DVD with 6 pages and counting!



Great review and a great film! I am eagerly anticipating this DVD...one of the very few "Standard Definition" DVDs I still will allow myself to purchase prior to Blu-ray.

I know that in general DVD reviews in this forum tend to focus on AV quality primarily, but this is one film that I really think deserves to be discussed more broadly and I'm glad to see that folks have shared their perceptions.

In my mind, it isn't a "gay" film at all...it's just the particular vehicle to express the bind of self-rejection, self-denial, and regret...which is a univerally human theme for everyone in every culture in a host of situations unique to each individual.

Agreed. And the movie is actually much more dimensional than a simple "regret for lost love". For instance, later in life the cattle hearder now has two daughters that he loves and who love him. Those children wouldn't exist had he not been married,a and so his past decisions are not easy to rank as "correct" and "mistakes"...there are blessings and sacrifices to be made with each and every decision. Life is never so simple...and it's often the bitter-sweet interplay of complex relationships and consequences of many decisions coming together that bring us rewards and add color to our experiences.

Regarding image quality...

BTW, I saw this theatrically and it was pretty soft in the theater as well (and grainy at times)...so much that some scenes surprised me by how soft/grainy they were. So I'll cut the DVD a little slack when it finally arrives.

Sam, thanks again for your review and don't worry one bit about having to do a war-and-peace "Narnia" essay on every movie. I only pull out all the stops for a few titles that I *really* adore and probably review fewer titles than I should because I invest more energy into those "big" releases. I'm trying to "improve" by cutting back on the big reviews and getting more out there for folks to actually read!

dave :)

Patrick Sun

Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1999
I invite folks who have discovered this film on DVD to check out the Brokeback Mountain discussion thread in the Movies area which provides quite an interesting amount of social commentary to how the world relates to this film. Plus you can discuss points of the film without the need for spoilers.


Second Unit
Apr 6, 2005
Real Name
My partner and I watched the film last night. It looks great on a standard definition display! Ironically, while I noticed some film grain during the theater presentation, I didn't notice any on my TV. I did use the subtitles option for certain scenes - dialogue was mumbled or I'm going deaf. :)

A Special Edition should include an isolated score! I found myself letting the menus run over and over because the music was *that* enjoyable.


Senior HTF Member
Dec 28, 1998
". . . And the movie is actually much more dimensional than a simple "regret for lost love".

Ive been teased a bit this week by 2 female friends for watching this and having the DVD(they were suprised that Jon,the Al Bundy worshipping,pig,alpha male would actually watch it)

One thing I said was that I wasnt sure it was a "gay movie" becuase I dont think Ennis is gay. Hes not like Jack. When Jack doesnt get what he wants, he goes elsewhere to get it. With Ennis, thats not the case, for him its only Jack.Ennis isnt attracted to other men.Jack is and its made clear in a few different scenes. I cant think of another movie at the moment that shows this scenario with men, but we've seen it many times with women. Women who claim not to be lesbians or whatever but happen to fall in love with another woman. The fact that shes a woman is really kind of incidental, its the person they fall in love with,regardless of their sex.

Thats what I got from it anyway.

DaViD Boulet

Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 1999

interesting observation. I hadn't thought of it that way but now that you've expressed it I see what you're saying and that's a thought-provoking point of view.


Good for you for standing up for open-minded film appreciation. I agree with you that it's not a "gay" movie (and I'm gay), it's a movie about a universal condition of being human in the context of social and cultural boundries...and everyone can claim a stake in that story.

BTW, even if *those* two female friends are giving you a hard time...be patient. I'll bet that there are lots of worthwhile women out there actually looking for some straight guys who are evolved enough to appreciate a film like Brokeback. When I saw this at the theater you could see lots of straight couples there and you could tell that some of the guys had to play that "this makes me uncomfortable" card during many of the scenes by cracking jokes or leaving their seat to go to the restroom etc....and their female companions were obviously annoyed that their partners just couldn't enjoy the movie for what it was.


Taken For Ballast
Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 1999
Metro NYC
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Oh, I have taken a LOT of ribbing for "defending" this film. I try as hard as I can to explain that it is NOT a gay cowboy movie. Calling it that is not only incorrect, but I believe hurts the film.

As I have said before, it's a love story pure and simple. Sad, tragic and REAL. It just happens to feature two bi-sexual men as the lovers who have to deal with the universal problems that sometimes come with forbidden love...especially at that time.

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