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Help Save the Spiderman: WTC Teaser for the DVD! (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2001
Mike, I see your point, and I do think it's pretty stupid to leave it off, but it just wouldn't be the end of the world to me if they did. I like trailers as much as everybody else, but I buy DVD's for movies first and everything else is a distant second, so I think this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion, probably because it's such a sensitive subject. I don't see any four-page threads on the fact that the much-beloved internet teaser for FOTR isn't on the upcoming DVD. If you really want to see the trailer, I'm sure it's available all over the internet, though unfortunately not in DVD quality.
If you don't care, WHY ARE YOU IN THIS THREAD?
What can I say? I'm a glutton for controversy.:D


Senior HTF Member
Nov 1, 2001
I really don't care whether the trailer's there or not but I'm really tired of people making such a big deal out of it when there are a lot of people out there who still have open wounds from that day.
I didn't realize that one had to be directly affected by the events of 9/11 to have an open wound.
Here is a news flash for you -- ALL Americans still have open wounds from that horrible day! I did not lose any friends or familiy in the attacks; but I *still* can't look at a picture of the Twin Towers without pausing and thinking "We miss you" to both the people who were killed and the landmark that once was.
But to bury our heads in the sand and try to perform historical revisionism by attempting to deny that the Towers existed is a complete disservice to those who lost their lives there because it is discounting their lives as well.
The trailer was a brilliant trailer. No one would be forced to watch it even if it was placed on the main menu. That option would still have to be selected manually, and if viewing that trailer would be salt in the "open wound", then the viewer is under no obligation to view it. But don't deny the option for the rest of us to see it.


Senior HTF Member
Nov 1, 2001
Mike, I see your point, and I do think it's pretty stupid to leave it off, but it just wouldn't be the end of the world to me if they did.
It wouldn't for any of us either. Thankfully, I have the trailer on my hard drive and I'll make sure that it's backed up.

It's just the principle of the matter. That was an absolutely brilliant trailer. It should not be removed just because it might affect an "open wound" to some.


Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2001
I didn't realize that one had to be directly affected by the events of 9/11 to have an open wound.
That's not what I said. I just said that there are a lot of people out there with open wounds, not neccesarily people who were directly affected (although in a way, we all were.)


Jun 1, 2000
Real Name
Mike, I see your point, and I do think it's pretty stupid to leave it off, but it just wouldn't be the end of the world to me if they did.

Back in "the day" of laserdisc, we fought tooth and nail to get studios to put trailers or SOMETHING on LDs. We called, wrote letters, begged, pretty much struggled just to get SOMETHING extra on laserdiscs. Now that everyone's all desensitized over what we struggled to do for DVD, nobody cares.

Leaving 9/11 out of it:

Every trailer SHOULD be put on the corresponding movie. Trailers are what sold the movies. It's what got us pumped to watch the movie in the first place. There are some BRILLIANT trailers out there. I hate when things fall into obscurity. Not just trailers but TV shows, songs, books, anything.

Putting 9/11 back in the equation:

Make it an Easter Egg. Done. There should be no more discussion about it. Don't want to watch it? Don't look for it. It's as simple as that. As someone here said, don't make those of us that WANT to watch it suffer because of the people that are upset over it.

Which brings me to another point - are the people that don't want the teaser on the DVD because they get "upset" going to buy the movie at all? THE TOWERS ARE IN THE FILM!




Senior HTF Member
Nov 1, 2001
although in a way, we all were
If you read my entire statement, I said exactly that. I was on the top observation deck of the one tower a few years ago on a gorgeous fall morning. My "open wound" flares when I realize that no one will never be able to do it again and that thousands will never be able to go anywhere with their families again. I am fully cognizant of the fact that my "open wound" is but a scratch when compared to others. We all have open wounds regarding those events, and these wounds won't heal for many, many years - if at all.
For Sony to remove that trailer just because some people might voluntarily select that trailer and have their "open wounds" aggravated by it is ridiculous ... and you have to admit that the number of people who would be so seriously affected and "offended" by such a trailer would be negligible compared to those that would not. (No, Damin, I do not have documented proof of that, so don't start. :D ) The fact that the viewing of that trailer would be voluntary makes the removal of the trailer all the more ludicrous.
This is nothing more than political correctness and a type of historical revisionism which denies the vast majority of people the ability to enjoy a piece of history because of the POTENTIAL (is that better? ;) ) hyper-sensitivity of a few.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
"Or the one."
The WTC trailer is by no means a "need", but the concept is identical.
** sigh **
Okay, that's enough for tonight. I'm getting tired; therefore, I'm getting more touchy than I want to be. Besides, I have to get up early to get in line for the LOTR DVD tomorrow. :D


Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2001
For Sony to remove that trailer just because some people might voluntarily select that trailer and have their "open wounds" aggravated by it is ridiculous
You're absolutely right. I didn't really care a half hour ago whether it was there or not, but after arguing with you two I've come to realize that it really should be there. However, its absence won't make me not buy the DVD. Let's just hope this situation is resolved and it won't be an issue. Anyway, there are 13 minutes to August 6th, and LOTR cures all.:D


Senior HTF Member
Nov 1, 2001
its absence won't make me not buy the DVD.
Same here. If worse comes to worst, I'll get the highest quality version of that trailer and burn it off onto a DVD-R with other favorite trailers.
Just the idea of Sony not releasing it because maybe .01% (my guess) of the entire number of people who would buy the DVD might get offended by it (after voluntarily selecting it, of course) is enough to make one's head explode.
[NOMAD] Error! Error! Sterilize! [/NOMAD]

Dana Fillhart

Supporting Actor
Feb 8, 1999
I have quite a few pictures myself; December 2000 I was in the Windows on the World for our company's Christmas party (a fabulous night I'll always treasure); I went to work every day through the WTC PATH train and the mall under the towers from '98 through part of 2000.
Here are some of my pictures taken from the Jersey cliffline in Weehawken. I went October 7th, 2000 on a bright sunny day to take pictures, and went again exactly one year later. I did not have my previous year's pictures to compare against as I took them, but I managed to get two fairly close before-and-after that have an impact:
Wide view of Manhattan skyline, from Weehawken:
October 2000 - October 2001
Close-up of downtown, from Weehawken:
October 2000 - October 2001
I watched the towers burn and fall from those same cliffs in Jersey September 11th, and seeing pictures of the towers now painfully reminds me of the tragedies endured then.
It makes me wish all the more to preserve the history of what came before, on, and after 9/11. The Spider-Man teaser was a wonderful moment of such a history, and should not be censored into forgotten history.
Columbia/Sony, please reconsider, and decide in favor of placing the teaser on the DVD.


Senior HTF Member
Apr 15, 2002
anybody remember King Kong (1976 version or original) with the WTC being used for the final showdown.

Perhaps we will not see this as well then.


Jun 1, 2000
Real Name

Wow, wow, wow, wow, WOW! Nice pictures. I'm using the closeup one as my desktop image. THanks.


Dana Fillhart

Supporting Actor
Feb 8, 1999

You're welcome; feel free to use them however you want (anybody else, too). Your pics on the observation tower are very nice, too. I never was up there myself, sadly. Always wanted to do that, though. I remember when my parents came to visit me from Maryland in November of '99, and I took them on a tour through downtown Manhattan -- we came up out of the PATH, up those escalators, and my mom went gaga over all the stores, but we were on a bit of a tight schedule so I said, "Sorry I don't have time to go touring here," and she gave one of those fake pouts, so I quipped, "Don't worry, they'll be here the next time you come up." Unfortunately, the next time they were able to do that was this past May. *Sigh*. At least when they came up we got to go to the observation deck of the Empire State Building (our first and only time), where I got some fabulous pics.

The Spider-Man teaser is still available all about the internet, and at high quality, too (though none would be as good as a DVD version). I'm still hoping somebody high up at Sony has the conscience to do the right thing and put the teaser on the disc -- even as an easter egg with an up-front notice when selected, if that will alieve concerns about upset viewers.


Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2001
Should a petition be started, or is this thread evidence enough of the demand for the teaser to be included? (That is, assuming that CTHV is watching.)


Senior HTF Member
Aug 2, 1999
Real Name
good question.. I am thinking we could use some help from Ron epstein.. maybe he would have an anwer?



Jun 1, 2000
Real Name
I'd like to take this opportunity to have my final say in this matter.

I was told by the moderators of this forum that my .sig with the frame from the Spiderman teaser, showing the helicopter stuck in the web between the towers of the WTC are in "wildy bad taste".

Let's read that again.

"Wildy bad taste".

I don't understand this. We fight so hard on the HTF for unaltered versions of films, but I pop in a shot of the WTC from the Spiderman teaser and people run for cover. I said that if they don't like my .sig, to delete my account. I think it's hypocritical to censor a frame from a teaser on a forum dedicated to getting unaltered versions of films from the studios.

Maybe I'm gone, maybe not. It's been fun either way.



Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2001
I said that if they don't like my .sig, to delete my account.
Hmm...probably not a wise decision. While I am in stark opposition to the mods' position here, we are all guests here and have to respect their rules and whatnot. I really don't think it's worth losing your membership over a sig file that could easily be changed and still give the same message.


Jun 1, 2000
Real Name
I just thought we were in this together. What was I fighting for the last 12 years?

The terrorists have won.



Second Unit
Mar 2, 2001
When I read your post at first, I was furious. Why was it in bad taste? Why allow five pages of discussion about the teaser but not a .sig with the very same image?
Then I thought about it some more...
Mike, you're right in your sentimet about censorship, but if you think about it, the way you went about sending a message about "No teaser = NO SALE!" can easily offend, confuse and make people uneasy.
Now I have no idea what the moderators told you in full, but my guess is that their concern was not the image of the Towers, but the marriage of the Towers with a slogan about the purchase of a DVD.
Perhaps a compromise can be worked out between you and the moderators so that you will be able to articulate the same personal message.
I'd hate to lose your voice here at the HTF, Mike. And I respect your feelings about Sony's decisions regarding the teaser. I hope that instead of walking, you might try again.
If you need any assistance, my Photoshop is at your service. :)
The terrorists have won.
No they haven't. Never believe that. This is a simpler issue and can be easily mended.

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