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  1. T

    DIY Sub Questions (Atlas 15)

    I'm going to start my Atlas 15 project in the next few weeks. I have a few questions that I can't seem to find the answers to... I was going to use a 6" PVC port. When subtracting the port volume from the internal volume do you figure the port as a solid cylinder or just like it is (with a...
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    Setting and Hookup Help for infocus 4805

    I'm helping a friend finish a home theater in his basement. He just bought an Infocus 4805. Projectors and TV's are the least I know about home theater. So I have a few questions. Hookup: We have component video cables from the DVD player to the receiver (Onkyo TX-SR702), then to the...
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    Concerns about amp/electronics and old home wiring

    My wife and I are buying our first home. The house is 80 years old and most of the wiring is still knob and tube style. Should I be concerned about plugging my electronics into these outlets since there is no ground present? Should I use a surge protector, cheater plug, something else? Or not...
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    DIY SVS Sonosub Complete

    I finally finished my DIY SVS sub. I bought the driver back in November and never had any extra cash or time to do anything with it until recently. The sub sounds pretty good. I haven't had much time with her, but she is a step up from the predecessor (Polk PSW450). The two problems I am...
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    Sonosub question

    I am thinking of building a sonotube sub with an old SVS driver. Is it ok to use threaded rod inside the sub to sandwich/hold the end caps/plugs together? Meaning they would run the length of the sub. or would they resonate? Has anyone done this? What were the results? Thoughts? Thanks! Troy
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    Pics of PE Cherry Vinyl

    Does anyone out there have some pics of the cherry vinyl from Parts Express? I'm going to make a flexy rack and was thinking of using the PE vinyl but I've never seen it before. The pic on the PE web site isn't real clear so I was hoping to see it before I spend the money. The more pics, the...
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    Question about PE 250W Plate Amp

    Does the Parts Express 250W plate amp have an adjustable high pass filter or is it fixed at a certain frequency? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Troy
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    Old SVS PC Driver?

    Since I've seen a few used SVS drivers come up on the market I was wondering how does the old SVS PC driver compare to say the Shiva? Does SVS provide the TS parameters to build a DIY sub with the old driver? Anyone with info that could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated...
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    Pre amp connection?

    I'm in the process of getting a new (used) pre amp (2 channel) and I am wondering if I can connect it to my receiver (using the receivers power amps) until I can afford the amp in a few weeks/months. My manual says that the receiver can be hooked to an external decoder... Does that mean an...
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    Two AV12's or One AV15?

    I've been messing around with WIN ISD and WIN ISD Pro, and have been throwing around the idea of making my own sub. I want a sub that can do both HT and music with music being the MOST important. I want the extension of a vented sub so I am probably going vented. I want the least amount of...
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    WTB: Metallica DCC Gold CD's

    There are two DCC "remastered" Metallica CD's out there. I am most interested in the Master of Puppets CD but I also wouldn't mind the Ride the Lightning CD. I have been looking in every store in my area for these CD's and they don't seem to exist any more! Does anyone have either of...
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    Home Theater Pass Through

    Could someone explain to me what exactly this means? I've read a few people suggest that getting a preamp or integrated amp with HT pass through would help with having a GREAT 2 channel set up that could be integrated into an HT (which I am trying to accomplish). does it just bypass the...
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    Receiver Questions

    Earlier this year I bought a used pair of Dynaudio Contour 1.3mkII’s (I sold my HT to get them). I am currently driving them with my first receiver (Yamaha HTR 5240). I am much more critical of my music than I am of HT, but I REALLY miss having my HT when I watch movies. So since I don’t have...
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    Sealed AV12 sub questions

    I am thinking of building a low Q sealed sub with down-firing Stryke AV12 driver. I have a few questions about the design, and would appreciate some help! First I am going to try to get a Q of 0.55. Is this too low for a music only system? In WinISD this calls for a 70 liter cabinet. So I...
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    Matching Amp to Preamp?

    What do I need to know to make sure a pre amp is compatible with an amp? I'm looking to buy my first set of seperates and I would like to know if all pre's will work with all amps? What kind of specs do I need to know so that they will work properly together (electronically speaking)? This will...
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    First DIY sub help

    I'm thinking of building my first DIY sub. I have been looking at the Stryke AV12 and AV15, along with the Adire subs. I would like to keep it under $500 (all materials included). The sub will be mostly used for music. I listen to bands like Dave Matthews, Metallica, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, The...