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"Robocop: The Live Action TV series" on DVD (CTV, 1994) (1 Viewer)

The Drifter

Jan 29, 2019
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In my continuing tradition of watching older TV series that I've never seen before, I recently started viewing the short-lived 1994 Robocop live action TV series for the first time - on the DVD set. Decent series, and it did run for 22 episodes. However - I was completely unaware of this ATT due to not watching a lot of TV during this era & also having crummy reception (no cable). In fact, I don't even know if this was even available in my area.

Being a huge fan of the original 1987 movie (which I saw theatrically back in the day), I still wasn't sure a TV show would be that good. However, this is a well-done if albeit extremely "sanitized" version of the character in the movie. I.e., in this show you don't see Robocop eliminating/destroying criminals - he generally just slightly injures/incapacitates them. That being said, I completely understand that a mainstream TV series in the '90's couldn't come even close to being as vicious as the very aptly rated R film.

The show has definite dystopian/futuristic elements (similar to the film). However, it also has a very distinct cyberpunk/virtual reality vibe/tone, which I find interesting & dates this to the early/mid '90's era - though not in a bad way.

The show is well-done in that Robocop looks/moves/sounds very similar & in many cases almost identical to the character in the film - good continuity here. In addition, it was interesting to see a couple of other references to the original film:

-In the pilot, Murphy/Robocop has "flashbacks" to being "killed" - these flashback images are taken directly from the 1987 film.
-The character of William Ray "Pudface" Morgan, who is a villain that was disfigured by acid. He is obviously based on the villain Emil Antonowsky from the original film - though, in the movie Emil obviously died as a result of this 'injury'.

Here's the opening theme to the show:

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Senior HTF Member
Feb 6, 2005
New York, Planet Earth
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There was this odd fascination with turning RoboCop into a family friendly super hero. There was this series (which I remember vaguely) and a cartoon or three.

Not to mention the third film in the original series (without Peter Weller) which was just weirdly bland after the utter visciousness of the second (all of the gore of the original and none of the wit).

Nothing captured the lightning in a bottle of the orignal but I remember enjoying the first episode of the TV series and felt the actor was better than the guy who replaced Weller in the third.

But at least it was better than what they did to Rambo...


Josh Steinberg

Senior HTF Member
Jun 10, 2003
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Josh Steinberg
I remember watching that TV show when it aired - in the NY metro market it was on WOR Channel 9 if memory serves. It was by no means a great show but as a kid who couldn’t get enough of Robocop I loved tuning in for it.

The Drifter

Jan 29, 2019
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Thanks for the responses. I've only got several more episodes to watch & then I'll be finished with the series.

It's interesting that even though I strongly disliked Robocop 2 & 3 & felt they were extremely weak follow-ups when compared to the original film....I still like this show - despite the fact that it's much more sanitized & "kid friendly" than the original.

As with the original film, I like the brief news clips that are featured on this show (in almost every episode). Very funny & also twisted, and this also illustrates how much this future world is deteriorating, etc. And, some of this news is prescient/prophetic.

I do feel the casting is great, especially for Robocop/Murphy (Richard Eden) & his partner Lisa Madigan (Yvette Lewis). In fact, IMHO Lisa Madigan's role/casting is as good as the role she's based on (Nancy Allen as Anne Lewis) from the original film.

One of the interesting/compelling elements to the series is that Robocop/Murphy's wife Nancy & young son Jimmy play a large part in the series. Robocop has regular interactions with them & definitely goes out of his way to look out for them. However, much of the tragedy of the story-line is due to Robocop not being able to tell them that he's Murphy because he doesn't think either one of them will be able to handle this emotionally; also, it's probable that he feels this information will put them more at risk, etc. So, they still think he was killed in action - IIRC this was the case in the 1987 film as well.

IMHO one of the best - if not the best - episodes of the series is "The Human Factor". This involves Murphy/Robocop meeting his parents - who obviously don't know who he is. The scene when he first meets them @ his childhood home is especially poignant/interesting, given that he sees pictures of himself with them throughout the house, etc. His father is a retired officer, so it seems evident that Murphy/Robocop followed in his footsteps, etc.
It's also interesting that his father doesn't think much of him (being a robotic officer), but then warms up to him by the end. This is after they successfully work together - twice - to stop a deranged criminal from destroying several key buildings in the city & unleashing chaos.
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