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  1. Robert George

    Obi Lives!!!

    BTW, if anyone is having trouble accessing the site today (Tuesday), my domain expired. The renewal is in, but I suppose that will take at least until this evening for it to become active again.
  2. Robert George

    Obi Lives!!!

    Thanks, Claud. The Obi images were done by Dimitri LaBarge of Digital Eyes. He thought he was being cute :). I don't have any immediate plans for hardware reviews as I'm just getting back into the habit of writing DVD reviews. Probably later.
  3. Robert George

    Obi Lives!!!

    Bleddyn: I don't recall the specific article, but whatever questions you have I'd be happy to try to answer. Thanks for the good wishes, everyone. It's nice to be writing again. I do want to mention that the site is still being worked on. We are working on a somewhat different design on...
  4. Robert George

    Obi Lives!!!

    Glenn: Ocean's 11 is PG-13. The specs on the left side of the new review pages are inserted automatically from Digital Eyes' database, which they in turn get from a supplier. I should have edit capability on the database entries by tomorrow so that I can catch and correct this sort of thing...
  5. Robert George

    Obi Lives!!!

    Finally. New reviews. We have some tweaking to do, but we now have something to look at in the "under construction" Obi's Reviews. Obi's Reviews I'd like to thank Mark and Dimitri at Digital Eyes for their efforts in getting this revamped site going. It feels good to be posting reviews...