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  1. Joe6pack99

    Bravo D1 $199.99 Upscaling DVD Player

    Well been playing around for the last few hrs. First of all calibration-wise like many others here there was a huge difference as far as setting black level(brightness going down) and saturation going up. Once completed i started playing with it. My initial impression of the Bravo against the...
  2. Joe6pack99

    Bravo D1 $199.99 Upscaling DVD Player

    Mike I feel your pain i went to order but backordered....oh well i may as well wait now to the Samsung and compare both.
  3. Joe6pack99

    Bravo D1 $199.99 Upscaling DVD Player

    nope no cable supplied.
  4. Joe6pack99

    Bravo D1 $199.99 Upscaling DVD Player

    nice pics! Waiting in anticipation of more reviews! I wonder if this player will do a better job than my Hitachi 65swx20b internal scaler at 1080i? Also interested like many others i am sure whether its pq is better than a rp82,xp30/50.....and if so once scaled enough to notice on a RPTV...
  5. Joe6pack99

    Bravo D1 $199.99 Upscaling DVD Player

    nice...where did you order it from? I am going to check around to see if i can find a few places that sells it.
  6. Joe6pack99

    Bravo D1 $199.99 Upscaling DVD Player

    The Samsung DVD-HD931 ($300) outputs 480p, 720p, and 1080i thru DVI only, including copy protected material. The Bravo D1 ($200) is the same. The Samsung has DVD-A; the Bravo does not. Bravo is being released this Weds; Samsung Q2 2003. So anyone have any plans on purchasing this unit out and...