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  1. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    Back on the track of the Roundup... ...I got my TNG S5 today. And Dead Zone, Mickey's Very Merry Christmas, something called "TV Guide looks at Christmas" (a roundup of TV shows' Christmas specials...a cheapo thing which may or may not be any good; I'll letcha know). I got a 5th item, but...
  2. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    Oh, there was another Costco item I forgot to mention! A 10-pack of the "Baby Einstein" series (billed as "the complete collection", but I'm not sure that's true...not that I bothered to look) for $99.99. This is good for any parent with the dough to blow, but it's GREAT for daycares and...
  3. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    Backing up Jodee's post, but also disputing a portion of it: Costco Bonanza! $69.99 Babylon 5 $37.99 Chronicles of Narnia Boxset $39.99 Disney's Very Merry Xmas/Mickey's Magical Xmas/Mickey's Once Upon A Xmas 3-pack $39.99 Felicity S1 $39.99 Once & Again S1 $13.99 Spongebob...
  4. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    I mentioned this in a separate thread, but it bears repeating here: K-Mart continues to show Spiderman for $14.87 in their latest ad circular: And reports are that Widescreen is being stocked on this one, so go snag it. Or snag the ad and head off somewhere (Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy...
  5. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    Hey, this is probably better for the "personal odyssey" thread (in fact, I'll repeat it there), but I realized today that every time we get BB coupons, we also get (give or take a day) some coupons for Bed, Bath, & Beyond. Anyone else experience this?
  6. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    Hey Andrea...thanks for the Ya-Ya rebate! Adrian: the Paramount ad only mentioned Amazon as a "co-op" thing (in other words, Amazon helped pay for the ad in exchange for a mention). The rebate coupon will surely be "all over the place", at least for a while. Otherwise, advertising it in TV...
  7. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    Oh, I'd forgotten to mention this in the Roundup! Best Buy has a preferred customer weekend coming up next Friday-Monday. There are apparently 4 versions of the coupon sets showing up in people's mailboxes: Set 1: 1) "10% off regularly priced Music & Movie titles, any combination. Limit 5...
  8. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    Thank you VERY much, Doug. No PowerPuff fans in this house, so I wasn't keeping up with it. Though I should have thought about the AR's of the various Pokemon movies, and realized that Warner would play Buttercup and friends the same way. At least I should have checked. Glad to see that a WS...
  9. David Lambert

    Weekly Roundup 11/5 (TV Tune-In Time!)

    It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last, best hope for peace. Standard disclaimer: All prices are taken from the websites of each chain, the week of the release (so as to catch any week-of-release sale prices). All prices are subject to change by each chain. Prices and inventory...