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  1. DaveF

    Is anyone else NOT watching the Oscars tonight?

    I think you mean, there’s a direct relationship, not inverse. :)
  2. DaveF

    Is anyone else NOT watching the Oscars tonight?

    I don’t need any time to know that The Shape of Water wasn’t the best film of 2017. Decent movie, worth seeing. But no way that was the best movie. Another reason I’m happy to no longer watch.
  3. DaveF

    Is anyone else NOT watching the Oscars tonight?

    WaPo has things to say about the Oscars :) “The Oscars always get it wrong. Here are the real best pictures of the past 42 years. - The Washington Post”...
  4. DaveF

    Is anyone else NOT watching the Oscars tonight?

    I lost interest a few years ago. I don’t see enough movies theatrically, let alone nominees, to connect to the awards. And, perhaps too cynically, I see the awards as just a big TV commercial to promote ticket sales. I like movies and TV, but that doesn’t interest me right now.