Search results

  1. Richard Gray

    What are the 'other' good surround matches for Mirage OM's

    Matt, I wait in baited anticipation for the OMNISAT's:b Have you heard a price range yet? Han, You must be my long lost twin on this one. The OMNISAT might be the answer, but it looks to be a wall mount only speaker.
  2. Richard Gray

    What are the 'other' good surround matches for Mirage OM's

    All righty ten, Nobody has a suggestion? Then, here goes...What I would like to get is a few suggestions regarding bookshelf sized speakers I should devote audition time to. Speakers that might image, sound stage and timber match well with the Mirage OM lineup. Price range is a minor...
  3. Richard Gray

    What are the 'other' good surround matches for Mirage OM's

    Hello All, I pose this question not just to the Mirage Faithful but, others as well. What are my options for matching surround speakers for the Mirage OM series? I haven't been all that impressed with their R2's and was wondering if anyone has had success using another Brand of speaker? I...