Search results

  1. Mark Larson

    Where to live in the United States of America?

    Iowa sounds about right for you, my man. Here, if you have a moderate budget, you can get a house where you can put twin EBS alignment Tempests in every room, and the only people complaining will be the corn! Corn has ears remember? ;) :D
  2. Mark Larson

    Where to live in the United States of America?

    I must say, there ARE a lot of responses for Madison and other "towns" ;p) in the Midwest... I think i'll have to look more closely at that. :emoji_thumbsup: The Bay area is i think beyond me - too expensive, too many M5 owners! :D Scooter, why do you want to move out of NJ? True it has...
  3. Mark Larson

    Where to live in the United States of America?

    Johny, i didn't get your drift - was it meant to be insulting? If so, it failed - you should try harder. :D
  4. Mark Larson

    Where to live in the United States of America?

    Heheh, Jack's responses are good... I must say, i've never heard of Madison - that's Midwest isn't it... ;) Don't want that :) Keep the responses coming, guys!! Where's your patriotism! :D
  5. Mark Larson

    Where to live in the United States of America?

    I'm a student, a junior in college right now. I have the freedom to transfer anywhere i can afford to live - find a job to pay for part of my education, and a job after i graduate. What would you recommend? Go ahead, recommend your own state, but please don't recommend small towns - i'm in one...