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  1. Robert Ringwald

    Wonderfalls 1.03 - Wound-Up Penguin (03/26/04)

    I think if the ratings are higher than they were on Friday, they might at least let Wonderfalls stick around for the full 13 episode run.
  2. Robert Ringwald

    Wonderfalls 1.03 - Wound-Up Penguin (03/26/04)

    I'm going to wait for the soundtrack album. There's supposed to be one in the works. :)
  3. Robert Ringwald

    Wonderfalls 1.03 - Wound-Up Penguin (03/26/04)

    Nope, it's been in there since I listened to the music video a few weeks ago. Since the show started, it's still in there... At least it's a good song... :) "We're bobbin' along..."
  4. Robert Ringwald

    Wonderfalls 1.03 - Wound-Up Penguin (03/26/04)

    I think it's a good idea. With Tru Calling and Wonderfalls, it's kind of a better pair than Wonderfalls and Playing it Straight.
  5. Robert Ringwald

    Wonderfalls 1.03 - Wound-Up Penguin (03/26/04)

    Just to add quickly. Both Wonderfalls and Playing it Straight have dropped on Friday in the ratings, since their respective pilots. Wonderfalls apparently was getting less than PIS in the last few weeks, however, last night... playing it straight - 2.1/4 Wonderfalls - 2.3/4 That might...
  6. Robert Ringwald

    Wonderfalls 1.03 - Wound-Up Penguin (03/26/04)

    It was fun, but nothing close to the pilot. I enjoy that the actually kept the lion around with her. I saw it in her car and was like "She put it on the dashboard!" And then later she pulled it off and held it up. I thought that was really funny. The show's apparently just testing Thursday...
  7. Robert Ringwald

    Wonderfalls 1.03 - Wound-Up Penguin (03/26/04)

    Here we are, now with episode 3. I believe like episode 2, it was filmed later, but intended to air 3rd. Tonight's episode apparently deals with Jaye finding a woman hiding out in the barrel, who's apparently a nun. Looks to be more dramatic than the last two. The TV spot I saw didn't...