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  1. hondaclf Save $100 on a bluray player

    I just ordered one last night as an Xmas gift for my dad(came out to about $210 for the player and four bluray movies). Amazon already has some good prices and this makes it even better. You have to get 4 BluRay titles(can be good to start the collection) from a selected few but I found 4 that...
  2. hondaclf

    Toshiba DLP bulb failure 42HM66

    From what I've been reading online today after the repair guy showed me the broken bulb, this is not at all uncommon. I have seen too many postings saying that the bulb lasts about a year! One even called it a "DLP tax"(laughing on the inside, pissed off on the outside). The new bulbs cost...