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  1. Eric Waldman

    Blurry Image

    I resized this image from 640x480 (NTSC resolution) to 1440x1080, while a lot of the quality is lost, I can honestly say that the quality is much better then my friend's TV did.
  2. Eric Waldman

    Blurry Image

    I still don't see why it should be this bad, I resize images in photoshop all the time and it is fine. IMAX resized images as well and there is no apparent loss in quality, is it just that it is too expensive to do this for personal use or something?
  3. Eric Waldman

    Blurry Image

    My friend just bought a 56" Sony TV and I was disgusted at how bad non Hi Definition programming looks. It's all blurry, full of artifacts and im dissapointed with it. I'm planning on buying a Hitachi 46W500 and I don't want that happening to me, is their any way to increase the resolution of...