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  1. KimK

    Rambo Trilogy dts OOP?

    Is the Rambo Trilogy boxset from 2002 Out of Print? I can't seem to find it through the shops I reguarly use.
  2. KimK

    Signs gets dts on Region 2

    Check out this cover of the danish Region 2 release of Signs.
  3. KimK


    I don't know if this topic has ever been discussed but here goes ;) I tend to be extremly clumsy at times, I have a B&W subwoofer and I'm constantly banging my knee on the corner of it when I walk past it. Once I cut my finger with a knife when cutting a slice of bread and I managed to spill...
  4. KimK

    DVD covers done right!

    Check out this thread on a danish DVD forum: A cover with two sides, one with the usual reviewer comments and what not. The other side is totally clean and the back is keept simple too. Why can't all covers be like this :D
  5. KimK

    Rambo special editions not OAR?

    I checked and and both have the special editions (coming may 21st) listed as having a 1.85:1 aspect ratio. Are they misinformed or are we getting screwed on these otherwise nice discs. I know that the movies are in 2.35:1 and so are the current DVD's from Artisan.