Recent content by Sal Vento

  1. S

    Best 1080p LCOS: D-ILA or SXRD?

    I've been doing research over the past few months and have yet to come to a definite conclusion. It seems throughout the net there are extreme views regarding Sony and JVC with little (if any) middle ground. In terms of (1) overall quality and (2) price value, what is the 'better' TV: JVC...
  2. S

    So, should I wait to buy my dream TV - and how long?

    You're in the same situation as me. I'm leaning towards the Sony SXRD (currently, there'a a 50, 60, and 70 inch models available). Not sure what the price is in American dollars. If you could hold out a bit, I believe Sony is releasing their 2nd generation models in July-August (unconfirmed...
  3. S

    Samsung/Toshiba DLP vs. Sony SXRD vs. JVC HD-ILA

    I'm getting married this July and looking to buy a new TV in the next few months. I originally was looking at just DLP's but have expanded my search. Here are my top 'contenders': Samsung DLP: HL- R5078W or HL-R5678W -6th generation DLP with 1080P resolution Toshiba DLP: 56HM195 or...