Recent content by Gregory Vaughan

  1. Gregory Vaughan

    Lost: Season Six

    So you're saying that all of that was just filler? The point isn't that they need to explain every little detail, but that larger stuff like this should have been driving towards the central mystery. If it doesn't tie in, then it was just a waste and does make me think they were making it all...
  2. Gregory Vaughan

    Lost: Season Six

    Quote: Which I think is farfetched. We've had nothing to give us doubt of Hurley's ability to talk to the dead, including Jacob. Isabella on the ship was probably MiB, but at the end he was hearing from the real Isabella (imho).
  3. Gregory Vaughan

    2009 at the Box Office

    Looks like you got your wish.
  4. Gregory Vaughan

    Great article on all the post format war doomsaying...

    I addressed that last time you brought it up. This is starting to go round and round. Buying an HD player doesn't affect portability in any way. Buying HD movies does. DVD had exactly the same barrier to adoption.
  5. Gregory Vaughan

    Great article on all the post format war doomsaying...

    I just don't think there needs to be dissatisfaction with standard dvd for HDM to be successful. If you're buying an HDTV, you might as well have an HD player, there's nothing to lose. All that has to happen for it to be successful is for prices to drop. Since I assume they want it to be...
  6. Gregory Vaughan

    Great article on all the post format war doomsaying...

    Your blind optimism is another's reasonable supposition. At this point the evidence just isn't in to know whether the end of the format war will make a difference in people buying decisions or not. I know I never considered an HD player before the war ended, but bought one last month at least...
  7. Gregory Vaughan

    Great article on all the post format war doomsaying...

    True, and that may persuade you to still buy at least some movies as SD-DVDs (especially kid's films). However, most people still rent most the of the movies they watch, so you might as well have a high-def player attached to the high-def TV for your friday night video watching. Eventually there...
  8. Gregory Vaughan

    Great article on all the post format war doomsaying...

    I tried to say this in my last post, but I still think the "incremental improvement" is exactly why HDM will succeed, not fail. The fact is, unlike LaserDisc, which required a completely different mindset, a blu-ray player is just another DVD player. The only barrier to adoption is price. OK...
  9. Gregory Vaughan

    Great article on all the post format war doomsaying...

    The form factor issue cuts both ways. When I had a Laserdisc player and then later when I first bought a DVD player, most people I know kept saying they wouldn't buy any such thing until it could record television shows. The concept of a separate player for just viewing movies was a totally...
  10. Gregory Vaughan

    What Paramount Universal and DreamWorks titles are you waiting for to go Blu?

    I've definitely been wondering what the first previously released HD-DVD exclusive to be announced on Blu-ray will be and when. Any guesses?
  11. Gregory Vaughan

    HD Rentals: The Art of the Impossible

    Interesting. It's definitely whether you are throttled or not. Looking at the above list, it shows Michael Clayton BD as "very long wait", whereas it shows on my queue as "short wait". I have 9 other BD movies on my queue and all show as available now except Blade Runner, which is also "short...
  12. Gregory Vaughan

    Match Point question (MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I admit I was surprised by the complete lack of comedic elements. I didn't think that Allen would make a straightforward drama, and the tone of the film was a refreshing change. I still think it was odd the pregnancy wasn't mentioned. It was the catalyst that set the events in motion and I...
  13. Gregory Vaughan

    Match Point question (MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I was surprised that there wasn't a discussion thread on this. I realize that it's in limited release, but still. I saw it last night and quite liked it, but was wondering: . . . . . . . . . . Why did the detectives never mention Nola was pregnant? Was she lying about that, or...
  14. Gregory Vaughan

    2006 at the Box Office

    I'm more cautious about The Da Vinci code. I don't think it can just ride on the book's coat tails. The book was mostly about ideas, so I'm not sure people who read the book are itching to see a film version, and the whole phenomenon got discussed to death. Given the people involved it seems...
  15. Gregory Vaughan

    2005 at the Box Office

    The only thing I'll say about a three hour film is that for a lot of those successful long films, the word of mouth was that the time flew by (I find it telling that Jason didn't remember Titanic being 3 hours long). (For the book adaptations like LOTR or Harry Potter it seems like people mostly...