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LOTR - directors cut on dvd ? (1 Viewer)

Jason Quillen

Supporting Actor
Nov 1, 2000
I've heard 30 to 40 additional min being tossed around the most. IGN had an interesting article about FotR on their site today, with a little to say about the DVD, heres the link
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Senior HTF Member
Feb 6, 2001
I seem to remember something about an additional +/- 30 minutes.

I have to say that while I want a directors cut I only want one after I get the theatrical release. I want the movie that I just saw in its unaltered form. After that show me all of the additional stuff that was cut out.

Maybe a directors cut will resolve some of the problems that some people have with the film. That would be great. However, what if detracts from the original? Not a chance that I want to take with only one release. I'm really hoping for two releases but from that quote it doesn't seem like I'm going to get my wish.

Neil Joseph

Senior HTF Member
Jan 16, 1998
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Neil Joseph
I like the movie as is. A 3hr45min version is just too long and would change the pace of the movie. Plus, it would have to be spread across 2 disks.


Mar 31, 2000
Pittsburgh, PA
Real Name
At first I thought that it would be unlikely that a three hour movie would get a director's cut but heck, if Titanic is going to get a director's cut, why not LOTR?

Was there a lot of footage cut from the film? I've never read the books, so I don't know how much from the book was left out.


Senior HTF Member
Feb 6, 2001

A big chunk was cut out in the early section of the movie. On the way to Bree they run into Tom Bombadil and spend some time with him. IIRC, he is a Maia like Gandalf that still lives in Middle Earth and is able to handle the ring without any effect on him. Anyway, after they leave his house the Hobbits get trapped in the Barrows Down and are saved by Tom. He then gives them their swords. Aragorn giving them the swords at Weathertop is a Jackson invention.

There's an interesting story that goes with one of the swords that PJ seems to have cut out. Basically one of the swords has a history that plays a part in the third book. It's something that probably can be skipped in the film version but it is very intriguing in the overall Middle Earth world

I suspect that if they filmed these scenes that they could be at least part of the missing footage. PJ could do all of the aforementioned stuff sans the swords

Jeff Kleist

Senior HTF Member
Dec 4, 1999
The only scene I know of that was definately cut is the gift-giving session in Lothlorien, as well as Ghimli's attraction toward Galadriel. In the book, this visit to Lorien is a turning point in his attitude toward Elves, notice how much more friendly he acts toward Legolas afterwards. I can only assume they'll flash back at the other point where the gift giving session is critical in Return of the King

Sam is given a box with Earth and seeds from Lorien to help restore the Shire to its former glory after the destruction it undergoes during their absence, check out the footage Frodo saw in the mirror


Second Unit
May 22, 2001
Just a quick not for Jim C, Bombadil was not a Maia. Who or what Bombadil is is never fully explained. It's one of the reasons he's such a poular character amongst Tolkien fans. Everyone wants to figure out what he is, but Tolkien never says. Still, as much as I like Tom, I'm glad he was cut from the film, and glad nothing of him was ever filmed to be re-inserted. Hope the directors cut will be a seemless branching deal, a la The Abyss.

Dave Morton

Supporting Actor
Oct 19, 2000
Real Name
I would like to see something like T2 where you can watch the different versions. Although I don't want to have to go through the easter egg junk to see the extended directors cut. Just my opinion though :)

Paul W

Second Unit
Dec 17, 1999
Tom Bombadill is what folks in Banks' Culture would call an Outside Context Problem.
He seems to be outside of the fabric of Middle Earth and defies explaination. It is important to note that he appears in other non-related works by Tolkien.
I agree that he and the horny old willow would have been much for the general public to accept.

Paul W

Second Unit
Dec 17, 1999
Also, here is a thread at Imladris concerning all of the stunt shots that were cut from the movie (director's dream cut of 4:45?????)
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Jefferson Morris

Supporting Actor
Jun 20, 2000
Like many around here, I consider the theatrical cut of this film to be a masterpiece. Although I'm certainly interested in seeing the longer cut, as well as any deleted scenes that may exist, the theatrical version must be made available on DVD. I have faith that it will be, but if it isn't, I'll be the first name on every petition.

I suppose seamless branching between versions would be acceptable (provided the branching really is seamless), although if this necessitates that the film be spread over two sides, I say make them separate releases. Being a completist, I'll buy both.

--Jefferson Morris (glad to be making his first post-12/19 LOTR post in this nice, modestly sized thread. Although I understand the need for them, does anyone else find those monstrously large "OFFICIAL" threads intimidating?)

Dan Hitchman

Senior HTF Member
Jun 11, 1999
From all I've heard the beginning and scenes in Lothlorien are indeed rushed. I would love a full director's cut special edition with DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 (New Line has used it twice before). Who cares if it's spread to two discs (are people truly this lazy??). If they put in a well placed intermission it would be fine.



Stunt Coordinator
Sep 3, 2000
The scenes with Tom Bombadil were not filmed at all so do not expect anything with the Old Forest or Tom in a director's cut. Peter Jackson did film scenes longer than they appear in the theatrical version and did film battle sequences more brutal than a PG-13 cut would allow that will be put into a DVD release. I read this information while the films were finishing production on The One Ring.net. I really hope the DC includes some more of Lorien.


Chuck Mayer

Senior HTF Member
Aug 6, 2001
Northern Virginia
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Chuck Mayer
I am with Jefferson on this. I don't think anything was rushed. I would have enjoyed more scenes in Lorien, I would have enjoyed more scenes between the Fellowship. I do want to see all that PJ has done, but I also want the version I saw on 12/19 available. I'll buy both. I would like there to be a DC, cut to PJ's taste, available eventually. New Line will make my money now, and again in 2004. But I definitely want the theatrical version. I have faith we'll get it.

Take care,


Jon Mercer

Second Unit
Jan 24, 2001
Hopefully they take a cue from T2 and have the seamless branching because I would love to see the FULL version/vision of this movie.


Jan 2, 2001
This was posted in the other thread regarding the director's cut:
I've just spoken to a good friend of mine who worked on FOTR as a stunt man, and he had a lot to do with stunt co- ordination. Heres what he had to say on the film's 3 hour cut.
-He told me he was extremely disappointed because 75% of all the stunts they did were cut(due to graphic content). Apparently, at least 3 mins of the Amon Hen battle was cut, including numerous decapitations, high falls and stabbings
- Most of the violent shots cut out at Amon Hen involved Gimli and Legolas.
- We only saw the opening and closing of Aragorn's battle against the 40 Uruks. The really violent stuff in the middle was cut.
- A sequence of Gimili chopping heads in Moira was cut.
- The most violent shots of Legolas' archery were cut, including a shot at Amon Hen where he pins two Uruks heads together with one arrow.
- Wizards duel, slightly cut. But apparently the angles that were selected de-emphasised the graphic nature of the battle.
Notice how Gandalf was bleeding more than was warranted? Apparently there are a lot more wide shots of the impacts. as well as more shots involving an actual staff fight,and not just spells.
p.s that's Ian Mckellen spinning on the ground, not a stuntman.
- In terms of drama, a lot of Gimili and Legolas' scenes were cut involving their developing friendship. As well as scenes between Gandalf and Aragorn. Also more bits of Boromir slowly cracking.
- At least 30 mins total was cut from Rivendell and Lothlorien. Including the giving of the gifts.
- 1-2mins of the prologue were cut. Most of the shots were of Gil Galad and Elendil annihilating orcs. But also cut were their 'alternate' death scenes. This is after a one on one battle with Sauron. My friend knows this because he was in this scene and had a single line of dialogue, responding to an order from Gil Galad. This indicates that there was dialogue and character interaction in the prologue. Also cut was a sequence of elf bowmen firing thousands of arrows at the charging orcs.
- Finally, PJ's original 'final cut' was 4hrs.45mins - described as his Dream Cut. This was in turn cut under orders from New Line to a little under 4 hours. The rest of the stuff cut from this version, thus making the present 3 hour cut, was the above mentioned blood guts as well as more battle stuff and drama. The good money, I am told, is on PJ's 'dream version being released as an alternate dvd in the future. But more than likely not on the official dvd.
FINALLY: please do not take all this as gospel. This is simply the shots that he was involved with, or what he was advised of by other people. In the end, the final decision of what comes out will be PJ's and his editors. Some of it could also be out of date, embellished or simply not true.
Original link:
Here's hoping that we get to see that dream cut some day. :emoji_thumbsup:

Dan Brecher

Senior HTF Member
Jan 8, 1999
Real Name
I do think an extended cut has the possibility to be one of the best things ever. :) I think the term "directors cut" should be used lightly since Jackson does seem pleased enough with the theatrical cut, and was under little preassure from New Line (for the most part) to make a mass of alterations and deletions.
Any extended version to come I see as just that, an extended version that is even more pleasing for the fans. Indeed, I see Jackson approaching any alleged longer version with a whole "for the fans" attitude instead of a "I was screwed, and this is how I really wanted it!" vibe.
I'd welcome this "dream cut" spread over two discs with a proper intermission sequence to bridge the gap some day. Can't see it coming this year, maybe in this future epic box set of the trilogy. This year I'd welcome any addition frankly, even if we just end up with the theatrical cut for now I'd be happy. As long as image and sound are up to spec, I'm there!
1-2mins of the prologue were cut.
I expect the description given of what's missing here was in the version Howard Shore scored, since the Prologue cue on the CD release is a good deal different to the one in the theatrical cut of the movie. Interesting...
Dan (UK)

Ryan Jameson

Stunt Coordinator
Jul 13, 1999
I'd heard that PJ was originally contracted to bring the first film in under 2 hours. I'm extremely happy that we got all that we did, imagine what would be missing in a 2 hour film! Regarding the 4:45 hour cut. I think that any film of this magnitude starts out with a very long rough cut, and is then trimmed down more from that. Wasn't Apocalypse Now's rough cut something like 6 hours? Even Coppala wouldn't force a movie that long on anyone. I think that the rumored 3 1/2 to 4 hour cut is much more likely. (though probably not until 2004)

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